Chapter 26

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R's pov:

      I broke down as tears streaming down my cheeks. As all went blurry since the amount of tears had been streamed down..I had lost her trust to me and now her not being by my side was more hurtful. Now that I had understood what had felt when I said those hurtful words to her, it was like karma was bouncing back on to me.

  I called her many time as she didn't answer a single one, just as I thought that she had blocked me or she had changed her number. But I was so dumb, I can't call her because I'm in thailand and maybe she was now in Philippines.

    I called her on her social media accounts but still no answer from her. I was about to give up until I heard my phone vibrated and I had thought that it was Freen because it was an unknown number, maybe Freen had changed her nuber. I wiped off my tears as I answered the call.

  📞 ~~

  Non: Hi bec! Good morning, this is Non..

B: Morning..

Non: Hey.. are you ok?

B: I'm fine, don't worry

Non: would you like me to fetch you on your house, or do you have a driver?

B; I can go there by myself...
   Non: alright then! See you later bec..

B: yeah see u

    (Call ended)

  I sighed. I had my hopes up, I thought it was Freen who called and it was just Non, that stupid-..

    I was giving up on calling her, the only thing I could do now was to wait for her, I can't go for her to the Philippines because I have responsibilities here too in thailand, by means the continued collaboration between her company and Dads company where I am going to handle.. I needed to be patient and wait for her.

A sudden phone call was heard by my phone and it rang a couple of time by an unknown number, it was different by Thai Numbers, it was (+63***********)
So I thought it was some sort of an alien that was calling me so I blocked it.

     It was 9 in the morning and my office hour
starts at 10:00 and I have a meeting with Non. So having an hour before my office hour starts, I went to the gym driving Khun DuanPen which was the name of P'Freen's yellow sports car and busy myself with some workout for 30 minutes and I'll still got time to prepare myself for the meeting.

   While I was changing into my gym clothes, I suddenly felt like I was being watched but when I turned side to side, there wasn't any single person but me in the changing room. I was starting to get uncomfortable by that but I shrugged it off.

  I was doing my own business with the treadmill, I felt that strange feeling when I was changing clothes, I felt like someone was spying on me and was following me, so when I was to turn around, I saw only a shadow of a guy or a girl that was headed fast upstairs.

   I started to get really uncomfortable and I was close on calling 911 but I am still not sure if it was just my delusional thoughts or am I being followed by someone.

    I got my normal clothes on and headed towards outside of the gym, hopped on Khun DuanPen and sped off to my office. Sooner as I was getting close to my office which was a 10 minutes drive from the gym, I spotted a black SUV speeding up and overtake cars that was behind me. And it wasn't just One SUV but Two!

   I started to panic, I was getting confused on what was going on, why would they chase after me?! Did I do something wrong?! As far as I could remember, I did something bad at Freen but Freen wasn't even here at thailand to manipulate me.

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