Chapter 43

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Becky's pov:

It was a normal morning for both Freen and I, we made our daily routine, which was to eat breakfast while feeding each other. But when Freen left for work, my stomach suddenly ache, that made me run to the bathroom and puke.

I called Irin if she's free and if she can go here. She said she'll be here in a jiffy so I calmed myself down a little bit. "Gummy Bear! What's wrong!?" I heard her shout at the living room, while I was at the kitchen, drinking water.

"I'm at the kitchen!" I shout and then she came and hugged me. "What happened?! Are you hurt anywhere?" She asked worriedly. I just shook my head 'no'. And then I explained to her about the event this morning. She let out a sigh.

"If you aren't going to listen to me, then this will just continue.. bec.. please just test the pregnancy test the doctor gave you the other day.." she said while still hugging me. I felt like I could give this a try..

"Uhm... al- alright then!" I said that made her broke our hug and smiled at me. "That's the Rebecca Patricia Chankimha I know!" She said and I blushed when she called me Chankimha.

"Uhm... I can't seem to recall where did I put it" I said that made her shook her head. "Maybe on your bathroom?" She suggests. I ran upstairs to our bedroom's bathroom and checked each drawer. Luckily I found it and Freen didn't see it.

"Found it!" I shouted. "Good! Now Imma get going! You know how to use it right?" She said making sure. "Yes yes.. thank you for encouraging me Irin" I thanked her and hugged her. "It's nothing Bec.. if you need me, just call me ok?" She said while letting go of the hug and she finally left.


Freen's POV: (same time)

I went to the gym with Kirk and Heng. They showed me easy tutorials and each and every steps I quickly followed. It was easy. I learned how to fight now, but I'm still a rookie.

I can see my muscles starting to develop slowly, I felt proud. Now I can protect my sunshine, with strength and confidence, I can easily protect my sunshine.

As the day went on, it was already lunch and I quickly got back at the office because becky might come to have lunch. She has her own car now, and I am sure she can manage. I also trued to tell her that I can go home at lunch and come back to work when I'm done. But she said that it's her duty as a wife to deliver lunch to her husband. So.. I guess she's right?..

As I was waiting for her at the office, I saw her texted me.

Lovely Wifey❤️:
Babe kha, I can't drop your lunch today.. sorry nakhab! I need to go somewhere beb.. don't worry I already ate lunch. How about I treat to lunch tomorrow at the prawn's place I know near by~

Sorry baby.. only this time I promise!

When I saw her texted, I got curious, why didn't she say anything this morning...

Where are you going honey? I can accompany you if you want.

I sent her a text and surprisingly, she responded quickly. Something's off about Becky nowadays, she's been on a rush every morning to make me go work early. I hope she's feeling ok.

Lovely Wifey❤️:
No!, don't worry beb! I got Irin with me to accompany me..

"Is she really ok?" I said to myself.

Alright then, be careful baby!

Lovely Wifey❤️:
I will beb.. I love you!

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