Chapter 19 : talking stage

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Rebecca's pov

As Freen put me down slowly at the entrance of our house, I could sense that she was exhausted by this. Gosh I'm sorry my hubbyy~~

We got inside and we helped each other prepare dinner. "Hey Bec.." Freen said while cutting some vegetables to add in our Campbell soup. "Yeah, what is it?" I replied, and she looked up and met my eyes. "We're married, right? In my past life?" She asked and I was surprised by that question but still I answered it. "Let's talk about it later, Freen. Focus on cooking right now." I said coldy and headed towards the dining table and sat. Oh, and she didn't let me help her cause she said she can do it by herself. So I just watched her cook.

Fast forward

We were eating in a completely comfortable silence, until someone broke it. "Are we forced to marry each other?" She suddenly asked, I flinched, but sudden shoved it off. "Kind of.." I replied. I bet she's as surprised as I am right now.. "H..How?" She said, do I have to answer it? "I.. It's hard to explain, Freen." I sighed and look down. "Please just answer this question Rebecca, It's killing me to know it, I don't know why" she begged. "It's complicated Freen. What you know right now between us is enough" I responded with frustration.

After that, silence once again filled the house. No one of us even dared to talk, I knew Freen was eager of getting to know what happened between us nor how did we got married. I'm just not ready to say it yet, she knew that we're married but curiosity was filling all over her head, and that's making her much more anxious.

Later.. I did the dishes and cleaning up the table and I let Freen rest for a while because I knew this had been a hectic day for her. So I let her rest first.

Now, I am finally done with every chores in the house, i heard footsteps coming from the stairs, "Rebecca.." She lightly said. "Hmm?" I replied. "Where will you sleep?" She asked, and I turned around to look at her, she was hearing her beige pj with cute little bear designs that I bought before those shit happened. I looked at her in awe, she's so cutee!!
I smiled at the thought that she was wearing it, not knowing I bought it. "What? You don't like my cute pj? I found it in the cabinet.." she said. "Nah, It's just that, you look cute wearing that," i said and headed towards her while she was standing beside the stair case.

I hugged her tightly and she responded.
We hugged like that for 5 minutes straight, "I miss you Freen.." I muttered, maybe she didn't hear me. Though I heard her chuckle, "I've been here with you all day Rebecca..I miss you too" she replied,

I wanted to tell her how I deeply felt, how I fell for her, how I love her from the very start. How I missed her cooking, her presence, her scent, her Everything. I miss the old Freen who knew me right after seeing me. That Freen who knew me like we've known each other for 20 years, but have met only for 20 minutes.

I knew that I couldn't tell her yet, she doesn't remember me yet. That's what's bothering me the most. I'm at fault for this. If I hadn't agreed to marry her, she would've lived a peaceful life, without even knowing me, but I'm glad I met her. I'm glad that I loved someone like her. Even though she couldn't reciprocate how I felt for her. I'll gladly accept her feelings. Even though it'll hurt me the most.

A tear slip out of my eye, but she was quick to wipe it off. She looked at me with a worried face. "What's wrong? Did I say something bad?" She said shuttering. "No, you didn't, I'm just happy that you're here with me now" I smiled and hugged her tightly and let go. "Come, let's sleep now, I'll sleep beside you." I said and she smiled widely with that gummy smile that I fell for.

We went upstairs to her room and those hospital things weren't needed anymore. We went up to the bed and snuggled together. She kissed my forehead and we slept.

I woke up suddenly by a light thud I heard, it was dark, so I thought it was still midnight. I looked up to check my phone and it was 2:03 a.m. I noticed that I am alone in the bed. Where's freen?
For a sudden I heard the door opening, and I thought maybe it was Freen. So I pretended to be asleep. As soon as the door closed, someone came up to bed and snuggled beside me and kissed my forehead. I let out a whimper, "Freen?..." I whispered. "Hmm?" She responded. "Where did you go?" I stated, "nowhere, I suddenly got thirsty.... Sorry for leaving you here alone.." she said and I nodded. "Good night Freen.." i said and snuggled close to her. "Good night to you too Rebecca".. she replied and kissed my forehead and hugged me.

I wish this would last forever..

the next day—

       I was awaken by the soft light beam of sun ray . I was about to sit up and stretch my arms but something heavy covering my whole body under the cover. I checked under the sheets to see what could be the reason of this heavy thing. Freen. She was hugging my stomach..

    AWEE SO CUTEE!! I just wish all morning will be the same like this until the end.. I'll miss this moment.

I didn't dare to move, I just stayed still trying not to wake Freen up. I don't want to disturb her beauty sleep. I gently stroked her long blonde hair, and patting her head. Her hair was as soft as a cottony cloud. This was one of the moments I've never had expected to happen.

Sooner Freen gently opens those hazelnut colored eyes. It slowly trailed over and met my eyes. She was surprised at the moment but instead rolling beside me, she got up and we got into a weird position. She was on top of me, and I was under her.

     I looked deep into her eyes, she was doing the same. Her eyes trailed down towards my lips and all I wanted right now is to kiss her deeply, warmly and passionately. But I can't. There was something that's stopping us or me on doing such a thing. I mean, we're wife and wife, we made the pledge of loyalty, we agreed to it, but by forced. We were forced to love each other.
      That was the only reason that's stopping us or me from doing things like normal married couples do. I can't even take the courage to just tell her the truth about this fucked up contract that's ending in 2 months from now.

     I noticed that Freen was also noticing my uncomfortableness, so she went beside me and apologized. "S..Sorry, I didn't mean to, good morning Rebecca.."  she shuttered.

Awww.. my freenky is shy!! So cutee!!

"Good morning to you too, my Freen, and it's fine, I just got a little bit uncomfortable, that's all.. no need to apologize..." I said and smiled at her. Reassuring that It was literally alright. She smiled back at me and I kissed her cheeks.

I was surprised to see her that red. Did she just blushed?. She quickly turned around and covered herself with the bed sheets. I giggled and hugged her from behind. "You know Freen.." I started. "Since we're married, how do you want to call me?" I asked. And she turned around to me and I can sense she was exited. "Can I call you BB? wait no, Babe! No that's kinda common. Honey? Love? Lovie? Sweetheart? Teerak?" She shuttered.

She's too cutee!! Help! T^T

I just smiled at her. "Anything you want my hubby.." i said and I hugged her.

Little did I know that this couldn't last forever..

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