Chapter 33

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Author's pov:

After that night, Becky was getting bolder with Freen, she became clingy towards the older girl but unfortunately Freen was getting a bit used to it since they're living together, sleep together, go to work together and almost do everything together. They were inseparable but little by little they secretly developed feelings for each other, they often look out for each other but sometimes they question themselves on what the real feelings of the other towards the other.

Fast forward~~ (6 months later)

There was a time during the month of November, Freen came back from their weekend hang out with her friends at a bar downtown, she came home not exactly late at night (10:03 pm) but it made the younger girl worry about her because Freen didn't reply to her texts saying that she has some important things to discuss to the older one. But Freen got convinced by her friends includes Heng and Tee. Nam did not go with them for she was in the hospital for a daily check up with her baby.

When Freen came back totally wasted, Becky was upset. She didn't know why but maybe because on something important to discuss immediately and Freen got drunk. Later that night, Becky took care of Freen to sober up, after that becky left Freen feeling upset and rather sulking.


Oh,.. I almost forgot.. Freen and becky are now girlfriends.. after that night they shared.. Freen confessed her feelings towards the younger girl and POOF 💨. They became loverss!!


Freen wake up the next day feeling a bit dizzy by her hangover and she was shocked that she was in their room, and she got even more shock when she tried finding Becky around the house but still no sign of her. She called her friends if something happened last night during her hangover but neither one of them remembered a thing cause of the alcohol.

Freen was devastated, she got her phone and ready to text becky but she was surprised when she saw that the younger was texting her since last night and she never replied. Now that Freen had a clue on why her lover was upset, she continuously dialed Becky asking on where was she but the younger didn't answer nor reply to her text either.

Freen had thought of a place where they normally go when they were upset or feeling down, Freen's private beach house that no one else knew about except Freen , becky and their relatives and friends.

The older woman took the time to plan something that she was planning to do for a long time. And that was asking Becky to he her fiancé . She called their parents to meet them up at their private beach house later this afternoon and told them the reason. Freen got the help from her friends to plan a whole scenery for she will get her girl back. Freen instructed her friends to put a simple design because this will be a special night for them.


It was already afternoon that Becky on the other side was feeling hopeless and upset about her current lover, she wondered if they were really meant for each other and that they will be dependent once they break up.

She wore her favorite beach dress and walked around the sandy area to find a sit next to the shore where it was shady for the sun was too hot. She never really go to the beach house alone, she usually goes and stay here with Freen if they wanted to rewind and relax a bit.

While becky moved to sit on the wooden chair, she noticed a familiar figure standing by the sea side trees, facing her back towards her. She thought it was Freen but why would she be here when she has work? She thoughts and shook her head to stop dreaming about the older girl.

But she still kept glancing at the familiar figure that was far from her, she thought that the clothes were the same as Freen's, her curved body was a copy and there the figure turned her head towards her and she was correct. It really was Freen.

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