Chapter 21

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Rebecca's pov

I was surprised at the moment, has Freen recovered her memories? My whole self was skeptical of what to do and of what to act. I just thought that she would remember the fact that I've hurt her feelings deeply the day before the break up with my ex-girlfriend. I was sweating uncontrollably, I stood there in front of Freen, without words coming our from my mouth.

I was unsure of whether I'd be happy for her that her memories are back, or whether I'd be sad nor nervous. I looked at her deeply into her eyes, and she did the same. For a while of looking at each other's eyes, Freen's expression change all of a sudden.

"Why are you here?" She said in a stern voice. My nervousness was killing me right now. Should I reply to her? Should I lie about everything? Should I tell her all the things had happened, tell her about our dads, and the things that had happened in our house. "I...Freen, I care-" She cut my sentence "You never cared for me." She says with seriousness. I was shocked.

Since when did I never really cared for her?

"I do Freen... I-" and there she is, cutting my sentences. "You never did Rebecca!" She shouts "This is quite new to you. I don't know why you've changed your personality towards me, after what you've done and what you've said towards me wasn't a distant memory for me. I remember it all now. Though I never really remembered that you actually cared, well, because you never did." She stated. Oh I guess her memories are back. And I know she remembers it. I don't have any excuses now. "Can you let me explain things, Freen? Please?" I pleaded. And her being the most soft-hearted girl in this planet. She agreed with a nod.

"You know.. A lot happened before you got your memories back.." I started. She moved a little bit in her bed and let me sit there beside her, awww I thought she was angry at me... she's back to the softest woman that I had fallen inlove with..

"Do you perhaps have some.. kind of like... a disorder or something?..." I asked shyly while rubbing the back of my neck. I saw her did a big gulp through her throat and I can sense she was nervous. "N..No... of course not.. why.. why would you thing I have a common disorder?.. haha.." she stuttered.

Ok. That's weird, and the most weirdest part is that she was sweating even though the air conditioning was on. Maybe there is something, but I won't let my thoughts up.

"Oh.. Alright.." I said and I started talking again. "You and your dad had a fight this morning, he was bragging to you about having a grandchild with me, And-" I said and she looked at me in shock. "WHAT THE FORK N' SPOON?" She exclaimed. "Calm down.. that's why I asked you if you have a certain disorder like you know.. " I said As she still looked at me with disagreement eyes.

Somehow, our conversation was being interrupted by my phone, it was ringing non stop. I just answered it cause it might be important but as I looked at the caller, it was Freen's dad and I was hesitating to answer it. "H..Hello dad..?" I said and mouthed Freen that take this call and she nodded. I excused myself to her and headed outside of the hospital room."Are you with Sarocha right now Becca?" He asked with seriousness in his tone.
I'm still angry at him and my dad for scolding Freen like that. "Yes, why though?" I replied.

"Her personal doctor had informed me that she had recovered her memories back. So I thought she had somehow forgot about what had happen between us a while back.. tell her i'm sorry for that."

He explained.

"Dad.. I can't tell her that you're sorry... and no she hasn't remembered it (yet)" I said emphasizing 'yet' "but you should be the one who apologize to her in person. You made a mistake directly to her.." I added and he sighed at the other side of the line.

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