Chapter 22

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Rebecca's Pov:

A while ago, while me and p'sky was talking, came Nam and Tee. They are all Freen's group of friends and they're all our Phi's meaning, they are more older than us.

Nam was 5-months pregnant and she was like a mother to Freen when she was young, I wonder what Freen looked like when she was young..

And Tee was helping out their group by encouraging them somehow, but she always know how to make their group enthusiastic as always.

We were now happily eating our lunch, brought by Nam and Tee. We all chatted for a while, and after that. We, Nam, Tee, Heng and Freen were to hang out because they hadn't been able to for a while now. And Freen wanted to drag me too. So I agreed not  wanting to make Freen upset.

     I had to admit though, I wanted to ask Freen for forgiveness about that time when I called her some bad words that'd slipped out of my mouth. I couldn't believe after what had happened between us 'that day' and she still forgave me.


    Nam, Tee and Heng planned for a shopping spree at a mall nearby and it has many fashionable items and accessories, some fast food chains and a small milk tea shop called 'Coffee Empire'. It says that they serves well known hot and cold coffees and also Milk teas with Tapioca Pearls in it.
   We walked pass that shop and I was drooling for Milk Tea. Of course they wouldn't notice it, I hope. Because my obsession to milk tea is crazy. Once I crave for milk tea, I would do everything to get it, even if I don't have any money with me.

    "Guys, you all can proceed walking, I'll just go to the bathroom." Freen said and we agree.

"Freenie, let becky go with you" P'Heng suggested that made me glare right at him and which made the teasing git worsen.

"Bec? Want to come with me?" We heard Freen said and extended her hand to me. Our friends continued to tease us and Freen just looked at me calmly waiting for me to reach for her hand.

  I sigh at the thought that there was no other way to do this but go with her. So I extended my hands and reached for hers. "YIEEEEE!!" they all said and started to tease us.

    "Alrigh, we'll be right back! You can continue to find somewhere around this huge mall to start our shopping journey and you'll just text me where and we'll catch up."   Freen instructed them like a boss and they nodded.     "Oh! And don't forget that P'Nam is pregnant!" She said and we bid good bye to each other and Freen and I headed to the rest rooms.

    While we were walking, Freen hadn't took her hand off of mine. We walked side by side, intertwined our hands and we proceeded to a... THAT MILK TEA SHOP?! Why in the world are we here? I thought we were going to the restroom!?

   I looked at Freen as we were heading at the entrance of 'Coffee Empire', she was brightly smiling looking down at me. She held my hand as she spoke.

  "What would you like, Becky?"  She said and I looked closely at the menu.

  "Are you sure? It's kind of pricey.. you know?"
  I asked, and she nodded

"it's all my treat right now, just pick whatever you like. Or atleast I could by you the whole sto-"

I covered her mouth just before she would say that she could "Buy me the whole store" thing. Cause she always does that. Ever since we got married in contract, she spoiled me as much as she can, it was like I had my own sugar mommy.

(More like sugar daddy) 🤭

"Anyways, Let's go to the counter and order, the gang might think we did something at the restroom cause we were taking too long." She said and I agreed.
    When we got to the counter, I insisted that I'll just pay my own bill but she always won. So I just let her.

    "Are you sure that's all, bec? You can buy some foods you know? Not just milk tea.." she asked worriedly.  "Calm down Freen! Let me handle this one. Stay back and relax!" I assured her and she listened like a puppy.

  "Two Large Milk Teas with 1/4 Tapioca pearls each, 100% sugar every cup and 4 munchkins with coconut toppings, thank you" I ordered and smiled politely at the sales lady who were quite shocked.

Hehe, guess I'm just excited.

I moved from the counter and search for that shithead. And I caught her talking with that girl again. From the previous coffee shop we entered a week ago.
  I don't know why, I felt like that girl was following us everywhere!

    I walked towards them angrily, and forcefully pulled away Freen from that bitch.

"Bec, what's wrong? Why did you suddenly pulled me? I was talking with-" I cut her words.
"Then fine! Be with her!" I said and stormed to the counter and get our orders leaving Freen behind.
The last thing I heard her say my name a couple of times and I can feel that she's following me.

     "Bec! Becky! Becca! Let me explain first! Please bec?" She said while following me from behind and I was carrying our orders. "Bec! Let me help you with that!" She stopped me and took the bags of orders from my hand and she carried it.

   "Bec! She was my childhood friend! Of course I'll definitely talk to her! We have much to catch up with each other! Bec..?" She started to explain.

  I don't fvcking care about that girl! And I don't even know why I feel this way! Did I just got jealous? Like what the hell happened to me?

  I suddenly stopped from walking and she also did the same and stood beside me, and I looked at her with deadly eyes. "Wh..what? Is... there something wrong?" She shuttered. "Go away from me" I said and started to walk a little bit faster.

   "Hey bec! Wait up!" I heard her shout behind me. But suddenly the mall got crowded and I am nowhere to be found. I started to feel uneasy with the physical touches from different and unknown people. I looked everywhere hoping to see Freen, but I couldn't. I bumped into some random tall guy and before I could recognize him, I simply bowed down to apologize.

  "Becky?" Said the guy I bumped into. Wait, I think I recognized that voice. I looked up at him and to my surprise, it was him!

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