Chapter 35 : (‼️/half)

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Blinking many times as sun rays flashing through my eyes, flicking through the curtains as I slowly opened my eyes to see a beautiful angel beside me, snuggling close to my neck.. Rebecca Patricia Armstrong.. my soon to be Chankimha, the love of my life.. has finally accepted my hand. Last night.

  I, Sarocha (Freen) Chankimha will be gladly and willingly to take her hand wherever she goes, I am willing to face anything as long as I'm with my love.. together we'll be stuck forever..

Looking at the wall clock, not far from where I am right now, currently numb because of an angel that has been hugging me... 5:51 am

Not only minutes left, I'll be experiencing the waking up of my future wife, this time is different.. I mean, the stage of Girlfriends and Fiancé's is totally different right?

(Please agree) : Freen's thoughts.

I smiled, looking at my Fiancé... rubbing her chubby cheeks using my free thumb.. she groaned in annoyance as I chuckled. "Becky baby..? Can I please go out and let me cook breakfast?" I asked but she tightened her grip on my waist.


As soon as the clock strikes 6:00 am. I slipped through Becky's Hug and head downstairs to cook breakfast.

R's pov

    Argh, my arms landed on a rough surface... I thought I was hugging my-

Where's Freen?!

  I jolted up, not caring if I just woke up, worse thoughts have come up in my head.. maybe Freen left me already? Without me knowing she went to some kind of bar?!

I quickly head downstairs as I realized, I am just wearing a panty and Freen's oversized shirt. What the heck? No Idc, where is my baby?

  I was taken aback when I heard singing of a beautiful woman, syncing with the music "Give me your Forever" by Zack Tubudlo.

*I think you're the one I've never seen before
*I want you to know.. I love you the most
*I'll always be there right by your side~

I took a peek on the kitchen entrance to see My cute wifey swaying her hips to the beat of the music.. I watched her dance gracefully and singing like an angels voice.. the way she licked her lips while singing was mesmerizing..

  I hadn't realized that I have been staring at her until the music reached its peak... I sang with her that made her shocked while I chuckled.

She sang so gracefully, we danced together with the music.. she held my waist as she's singing the last part

F: *Do you remember? I was on the aisle waiting for you babe? Saw you in your gown, I was crying all my tears.. I told myself that you are the one..

I kissed her, deeply and passionately. I was craving for her pink lips, I moan in between our kisses as Freen lift me up in to the counter top. Trying not to break our kisses.

  Pumping of our lips was heard from the silent penthouse of ours.. in the kitchen we were making out until we smelled smoke. We pulled away and looked at what Freen was cooking.

" An Egg?? Really?" I asked trying to hold my laughter while she was glaring at me while blushing and she rushed to get the burnt egg.

"Oh shut up bec.. I tried to make a simple breakfast you know.. I am used to being a much of a cooker.." she said and sarcastically rolled her eyes on me. I chuckled.

"Hey.. I hate being alone in bed you know.." I said as she washed the pan while I'm still sitting at the counter..

"I'm sorry babe, I thought you needed your beauty sleep.. you looked like an angel sleeping, I was afraid of waking you up.." she said lowering her head.

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