Chapter 9

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Freen's POV
    I am now cooking breakfast for Rebecca and I'll make it the best of the best if I try even harder but I stopped when she said. "Ugh!! Never mind Freen! I'll just take Mcdonalds on the way to work! You're too slow!" She said while taking her bag then stormed out of our house.. It kind of hurts though.. I did tried my best to be as fast as I could but it turns out that Rebecca will just leave me..
I felt so angry at Rebecca for leaving me when I did my best. I feel like she's just playing with me or something. I don't like her now. At first when I saw her for the first time in personal. I've got this strange feeling that I've never felt with anyone before. Until I realized that I fell for her.

I fell in love with Rebecca.

  But until this day came. I tried to loose feelings for her because she's only my business partner but I can't. All I need right now is my Phi's... I think they're not busy on Thursdays..

As I was about to text P'nam. Someone called me but it's an unknown number. I hesitated for a bit but I just answered it. "Hello?" I said to the unknown number "Sarocha Chankimha! Get your butt in your office right now!" That voice sounds familiar though.. "Is this you, Rebecca?" I asked "No Freen! This is not me obviously! NOW GO GET YOUR BUTT HERE ON YOUR OFFICE OR ELSE!" She said "alright Rebecca! Omw!" I bid goodbye to her and made sure to save her number on my phone to 'Rebecca Patricia🦦then I got to my car and went to my office.

    When I reached my office, I saw Rebecca and my dad talking seriously. I don't know why tho.. Dad saw me and smiled at me like the seriousness tension between them a while ago was just a dream. Dad waved his hand to me to sit beside him, so I sat.

    I saw Rebecca shooting death glares at me when dad was off because his phone rang. When dad came back. He said "Alright Freen. Let's get to the point." And they became serious again. "Rebecca is not your business partner.." he said looking at me with nervousness.

I was right! Rebecca isn't my business partner! But what is she?

"She's your wife in contract Freen...and i'm so-" "SHE'S MY WHAT?! HOW COME YOU NEVER TOLD ME THIS?! I WILL NOT AGREE TO THAT DAD! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME FIRST?!" I said cutting my own fathers words. I was shocked of that. I didn't expect that dad will force me to get married with HER even if it's just a contract. Dad know I don't want to be in
a relationship! "Look.. I'm sorry honey... but it's just a year contract.." he said
    "I don't want to! I made it clear for you to understand it! I followed you when you said that I am going to inherit This Company but we had a deal that No relationships are allowed! You said it! You promised that You won't force me with any marriage or anything! I left my career for you dad! When I wanted to be an artist but you said it's not suitable for me! Why did you do this dad!?" I said angrily and stormed off. I heard him shouting my name to come back but I didn't.
     I don't know where my feet is taking me. My eyesight is blurry because of the amount of tears streaming down from my eyes. But then my ears started to ring and My head started to ache. I wasn't able to stand so I bent down. My eyesight became normal again but when I turned around. I saw a car speeding towards me. And all went black.


Rebecca's POV
     After Freen stormed off her office crying, I want to follow her because I felt bad about what she'd gone through. All these time I am just making it harder for her... I felt so stupid for believing My girlfriend. I felt so ashamed of myself for adding more weight on her.
   As I was about to stand up to follow Freen to confront her but her dad stopped me and he said "Don't. Just leave her. She just needs time. Thank you for your time Ms. Armstrong sorry for everything." He apologized then we shook hands and then he left.
    I'm now at the near 711 drinking my coffee when an unknown number called me and I answered. "Hello? Is this miss Rebecca Patricia Armstrong?" Said the unknown caller "Yes, this is me" i said and then I heard shouting and a sound of something like an ambulance.? "Are you somehow a close friend of Sarocha Chankimha? She is now in a bad condition. She has been hit by a black suv earlier. She is now in SRCH hospital. Can you come here ma'am?"

Wh..what? Freen? Am I hearing it right?

"Yes! Sir! I'm her.. Wife! Her wife sir! I'll be right there!" I quickly ran towards my motorbike then rode off to the hospital where Freen is. How? Did she do that on purpose? Is she willingly to die because she's depressed by all of this? Why Freen? I'm sorry.. hang in there..

To be continued..

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