Chapter 30

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    R's pov:

      2 months had passed since Freen went to the Philippines, she and I continued to stay in touch together, we chatted, updated each other from time to time, and sometimes involves jealousy.. but even if we're long distance, we still cared for each other. I never really told her that the contract already ended, but I'll take her somewhere special to tell her my true feelings..

   And it'll be perfect. I already had plans on my mind on how this could work. I just have to wait for a month starting now.

     F's pov:

  I never had expected that my visit here in the Philippines would be so quick, I had plans with dad to stay here for 3 months but unfortunately, there was some issues with the business in Thailand, So we will be going back tomorrow. The first thing I want right now was to call Rebecca that we'll be going back so early.

   I called her but she didn't answer. Maybe they have a pending meeting, she is a busy woman after all so I just left her a text.
And we packed our bags and got ready. We left all the upcoming things to Nita as she is now the manager of the upcoming building. And we will be leaving early in the morning tomorrow for our early flight.

  R's pov:

    It had been a hectic day for me, the pending meetings and appointments were stacked up, I don't know how am I going to handle all of this. I hadn't been able to touch my phone the whole day, and most importantly, I HAVEN'T REPLIED TO MY FREEN!

  I'm disappointed at myself forgetting to update her. When I was already at our house, I quickly got my phone out and I saw Freen had called me and she left me a text. I felt relieved that she's not angry at me.


    Bb! We'll be leaving Philippines tomorrow, and I'll be able to see you again! We're going back because we will help you with the work as your dad is not feeling well... me and dad decided to go back early so we can help you, text me if  you read this ok? I maybe can't text or call you tomorrow because we will leave early for our flight.

     Don't pressure yourself too much ok? You might overwork yourself... I'm coming back to help you, we can do this together alright? Loveyou!

Loveeee I'm very sorry that I hadn't replied to you, I've beed busy all day and didn't have the time to touch even my phone. Meetings and appointments were stacked, and I can't just leave it. I'm very sorry babe.

And I didn't overwork myself, I sleep early and eat my meals every day, I did it because I don't want you to be disappointed at me. Stay safe on your flight ok? I'll be praying for you to land safe! Lovelove you always too my baby! Miss you already. And I can't wait to see you!

    I was shocked, I wanted to prepare everything for the whole month but I guess I'll keep it a secret from her then. I wanted to show her how I love her. I can't wait to see her again. The person I admired so much, the person that made me feel loved has come back. I want to be the one that will fetch her and her dad at the airport. And I just have to cancel all of my schedules and appointments tomorrow. I'm going to get my girl back! And I'm so excited about it. The fact that I could hug and kiss her again. I think she already has a clue on what I feel about her, and I know, this is true love. I felt somewhat a connection between us, that has driven me more in love with her.

     I texted my secretary, hashtag my best friend, Irin to cancel all of my schedules tomorrow for I am going to fetch my girl. I'll be using my own BMW X6, I had to buy it because I want to drive Freen around the world and not to always depend on her to drive me wherever I want.

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