Chapter 42

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Unknown (???) persons pov:

"Boss, they have discovered us, somehow we're being tracked down." An ally said, I sat here infront of a wide screen, doing my business. I smiled after hearing him say. "Heh.. feels like she's improving, oh Mister Chankimha... your daughter is quite stronger than me.." I said as I gently slide my fingers on the picture frame.

"You can go now.. thank you for the info" I said and the man bowed and exited the area. I once again look at the picture I'm holding, and threw it aggressively til it breaks into pieces.

"That beautiful daughter of yours is a mess, Francis. All of you are a mess. Did you think after I got carried away by the police, I'd be dead?... oh no dear.. I'll always come back."..

Back to Freen's Pov:

"Bfrrr!..." I shivered. "What's wrong love? Are you not feeling well?" Becky asked me with her worried eyes. "N-no i'm fine.. I just felt shivers, I think someone is taking shit about me.. I don't care" I said as I continued driving.

Today, we're going to help Irin and Noey on their wedding preparation. Two weeks from now is their wedding, the baby shower and my birthday.
We will help Irin and Noey on printing and designing their invitations.

When we reached at the house of Noey, we entered and spotted the gang at their living room. When Becky and Irin saw each other, their face lit up and quickly hugged each other.

"Gummy bear!! I miss you so muchh!!" Irin exclaimed softly. "Miss you too Gummy Bear!!" Becky replied. Meanwhile Nam on the other side was absent, she needs a check up and the only present there, was Heng and Noey.

"Freen! Glad to see you again!" Noey greeted me and we did our hand shake. "Long time no see Nong! How are you?" Heng greeted me also and we did just a fist bump.

"I'm alright, how about you two?" I asked the both of them. And they just happily nodded and smiled.
While Becky and Irin minding their business in Irin's room in Noeys house, we got ourselves comfortable at the couch where we talked privately.

"Nong... I heard from Lux that He's back" Heng asked, I sighed. "Yes.. it is true Phi.. I think he has allies too.. I can't do anything." I sighed once again.

"Don't worry Nong, you know we're all here to support you and help you. We've been friends for a purpose!" Noey cheered up. I smiled. "Thank you Phi.. I needed it.."

"Nong.. didn't you know I graduated Business and Computer Science? I can try and hack him! It'll be a piece of cake!" Heng said trying to help.

"Thanks phi! It'll be a big help!" I thanked him and he smiled. "Well, I graduated Business and Nursing! If you want, I can be your private doctor!" Noey suggested also with a smile on her face.

"That doesn't involve in this situation Noey!" Heng teased. "Hey! What if any one of us gets injured? Who will take care? Of course me!" Noey defended.

"Yeah right!" Heng said and rolled his eyes at noey. I laughed. "Alright alright! It'll be a great help Phi's thank you so much!" I thanked them and they welcomed me.

"Nam is the smartest one in the gang, she graduated BS in Mechanical Engineering! That's why she's working under her husband who is also a professional Engineer! She can help us make something out!" Heng suggested. I thought of a plan if ever that bastard tries to make a move on me. And I think I've got a great plan.

I just need a lot of help on this.

"Freen! Hey.." I came back to my senses when I heard someone calling me. I look up to see P'Heng looking at me worriedly. "You ok there bud?" Noey asked and I quickly nodded. "I-I'm fine, I'm fine" I said trying to assure them.

"We need to be careful if he dares to make a move, we will try to track him down alright Nong? Don't worry, you're not alone on this.." Heng assured me as I smiled and nodded. "Please.. don't tell Becky about this... I don't want her to worry too much" I pleaded.

They looked at each other for a while but they just agreed and decided not to tell Irin and Becky. Nam's husband knew about this also because he is one of our gang in college when he was still courting P'Nam.

"Well... P'Heng.. aren't you going to tell us something?" I smirked and looked at him. He blushed and got nervous. "O-only i-if we're complete!" He siad while hiding his face with the pillow he's holding.

"OoooOo~~ Heng has a secret loverr~~" Noey teased him. "Stop it ok! I'll tell you all when we're complete! Be patient!" He says and we just agreed.

Meanwhile at Becky's POV:

(Same time)

We're talking nonstop and laughing nonstop, me and Irin. We missed each other's so much that all we wanted to do was to laugh. Until I felt the urge to tell Irin the nauseous feeling every morning.

"Rin! Imma tell ya something, but don't tell to anyone ok? Even P'Freen!?" I said making sure, I know Irin wouldn't broke her promise. "Alright..." she said and we made a pinky promise.

(Childish but we do it every time when we make promises)

"So.. uhm.. where should I start?.." I thought. "Anywhere.. I'm listening.." she replied. "Well.. since that proposal party Freen had held, that tomorrow morning, we eherm.." I said and coughed a little, while I saw her smirk.

"So... you're telling me all the 'juicy stuffs' while you two did it?" She smirked. I blushed and denied. "Heyy! No! I'm not finished yet!" I slapped her arm.

"Ok ok! Finish it! I want to hear it!" She said excitedly. "Ok so.. two days had passed since that eherm we did.. and every morning I suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous. And when I am on my period the other week, I vomited, which was unusual. I didn't tell Freen or anyone except you.. so-". I stopped when I saw Irin looking at me like she'd seen a ghost.

"Wha- why are you looking at me like tha-" She suddenly hugged me that made me flinch. "OMG BESTIEE!! Have you tried using a pregnancy test? I think your pregnant!" With that, I widen my eyes. I'm not sure if I'll believe it or.. might as well not..

I can't believe it, I can't get pregnant like this. No... I wanted to, and I'm happy, REALLY HAPPY, but what if Freen will get tired of looking at me, because I'll change. My face will change.

I'm afraid what if Freen will leave me and be with someone else prettier than me.

I felt my self in the verge of tears, Irin came and hugged me. "Hey bec.. it's ok if you're not ready to be a mother yet.. I'll-" I cut her words.

"N-no.. rin... it's n-not like that!... I'm scared.. what if Freen will get tired of me because of my body.. what if Freen doesn't like me anymore because I'll get fat. I.."

She hugged me tightly. "No bec.. Freen is not like that.. I believe she'll take care of you.. now tomorrow.. let's get you tested ok? I'll be there with we you.." she said assuring me. I calmed myself down and hugged her one last time.

"Thank you so much Gummy Bear!" I thanked her with a smile. "Welcome Bec, and it's nothing! I believe that I'll be a sugar auntie in the future!" She said excitedly. I laughed at her.


Your author here!

I would like ya'll to suggest more names for the baby! (If there would be one) ✌🏻

I thought of ✨Sarai✨ which means Princess


✨Bliss✨which means joy or happiness..

but all names I could think of are girls, so I wanted ya'll to suggest boys names and also girls names with meanings..

I also wanted to thank ya'll for the support! Thank you for the 1k votes!

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