Chapter 20 : Remembrance

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Rebecca's POV

      After our late morning talk at our bedroom, we went downstairs to cook our breakfast, but Freen insisted that she'll do the cooking and I'll do the washing. So I agreed.

While Freen was cooking, I sat at the dining table, admiring the beautifully handsome woman that's cooking my our breakfast untilI heard a knock on our door. Freen looked at me with a confused face "Did you order something bb?" She asked,

Gosh, I still need to get used to her calling me that.

  I replied with a disagreement nod. "I'll just get it.." i said "alright then.." she replied shortly. And I headed towards the front door.

   I opened the front door and saw Freen's dad and My dad wearing a business suits. What the hell?? It's not work days.. and it's so early in the morning.

"Who is it honey?" I heard Freen said from the kitchen. I know our dad's wont going to believe in this and I know they were surprised by the new 'call sign' we've made up. "Good morning Father, Good morning Dad.. wha..what brings you two here early in the morning.." I said stuttering. "Can you let us in first, daughter? Haha" My dad said. And I led them to the living room.

     "Wait a moment, I'll just call Freen, she is still cooking breakfast..." I excused myself to the elders and headed towards Freen.


    "Freen.!!" I slightly shouted. And she turned to look at me with a confused expression. "Our dads is here! And the best part is... they're wearing business suits and we wear right now is matching Pajamas!!" I exclaimed. She was as surprised as I am right now. "What?!" She yelled lightly, light enough for only both of us to hear. "What are we going to do??" She stuttered, "I don't know? Serve them something to eat?.." I suggested. And she nodded.

    We both prepared a light meal for both of our dads who are now PATIENTLY waiting...

        Freen and I served the meal we made to our dads and sat with them, silently eating our breakfast. Later on, a cough had been heard from Freen's father and I noticed, they both looked at us in a weird way. I knew it. They felt maybe something fishy was going on between us,


"Uhm, ehem.. uh.. how are.. you two?" My dad said and we adjusted our position to a comfortable one. "We're fine uncle.." Freen said, Well, I know she doesn't remember my dad. "Do you remember me somehow Freen?" My Dad said and she shyly nodded in disagreement. My dad stood up and introduced himself once again. "Freen, I am Patrick Armstrong, the father of your Wife.. nice meeting you once again Freen.." dad said and Freen also stood up and shook dads hand and smiled to each other. "Nice meeting you again mr. Armstrong.." Freen said shyly. "You can call me dad from now on.." dad said and Freen nodded.

    We're now done eating and I washed the dishes while Freen talked to both our dads at the living room.

3rd person's pov

    Freen and their dad's were talking lightly on the living room while Rebecca was washing the dishes and did the chores. The living room was filled with silence until one of them decided to intervene it. "We want grandchild or children Freen." Freen's father stated.

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