Chapter 15

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Rebecca's pov
I am now at Freen's house, her friends invited me here cause they said they wanted me and freen to talk. And to get to know each other. I don't know why though. Freen didn't say that she still hadn't forget me. She literally looked at me and squinted her eyes at me. I took that as a look of 'oh i did not forget her'.

I am now inside my black Range Rover Sport with my driver, Robert, going towards Freen's mansion. I felt mixed emotions right now. That Feeling when you were about to perform at a stadium with 73 thousands of people like Taylor Swift. I felt like I was having stage fright, I was nervous. I don't know why, my anxiety is coming back. My hands are sweating so so much. I never feel the air conditioning of the car. I even asked Robert to increase it, but he said that it was the max volume. Nervousness was attacking me all of the sudden. It's not like Freen forgot about me, right? She did not forget me.


"Miss Armstrong, We're here already." I heard Robert said standing in front of the car door. "I am so sorry Robert, did I space out for too long?" I said getting out of the car, "It's alright Miss Armstrong.. no worries" i heard him said, I felt that there was wrong. "It's Chankimha now, Robert. Rebecca Patricia Chankimha" i said looking at him then smiled. He nodded and said his apologies and then he's gone. Out of my sight.
I was greeted by the bodyguards in front of Freen's mansion. My hands started to get sweaty again while I headed to the front door. The guards opened it for me and came P'Nam running towards me happily and excitedly but there was something in her eyes that tells me something I could not understand. She led me to Freen's temporary room, where she was being treated and where there is enough space for the machines thingy from the hospital still treating Freen cause of her traumatic injuries within her head.

There I saw her, with those dazzling hazel colored eyes. looking blankly at the wall. Blinking from time to time. She was sitting straightly at her bed. P'Nam assured me to talk to her, so I did.

I headed towards her and gently sat next to her, she slowly turned her head to me wearing a confused face. I looked at P'Nam and she pointed out the door and she sped up outside. Meaning, there's only Freen and I at the room, alone.

The silence was loud this time. So I started a conversation between us. "Hey Freen, how have you been?" I asked politely and she just nodded and said "Good..". I nodded in agreement. "Do you remember me Freen?" I asked her hesitantly while she was scanning my face. She then wears a confused look at me. And I once again asked. " you.. somehow.. remember me" I asked. "No.." she coldly said.

I felt tears started to form in my eyes, "I'm sorry.." she said while offering her hands for a hug. I wasn't thinking much so I gladly took the opportunity to finally hug her. All this months I was yearning for her hugs. I finally got what I've been longing for all this time.

I felt my eyes starting to fill up with tears that's started to fall. She hugged me tight in a warm embrace. Little did we know that someone is taking a picture of us. We suddenly heard a click of a camera and Freen quickly let go of me. I admit, I felt disappointed at her actions but I can't blame her. She was shocked as I was.

We turned to the door and we saw the one who took a picture on us sneakily. "P'Namm!!" I said and I ran up to her. "You two looked soo cutee together, to be honest!!" She said and I felt flustered but I'll let it slide. We heard a small giggle from Freen. Which made us smile.. It's only just a small giggle from Freen but for me, it's like the music to my ears to be honest.

After some time, we talked to Freen about anything in life, and I meant anything but not involving the fact that I am her so called "Wife-in-contract". We didn't tell her yet this one cuz we know it is unbelievable for her right now... we will tell her if the right time comes, and to when she's ready.

To be honest tho.. I kind of did not want this to end. I love being by Freen's side for the rest of my life, I want that. But I know I decided this in the first place, I know I messed up, but there might be a chance that I could somewhat maybe.. extend it..?

We three talked for about hours now, making Freen feel comfortable with the "new" world she's in, she's already familiar with her place once again, she can still drive for an instance.. P'Heng joined us for lunch and P'Tee joined as well, with her fiancé of course. P'Tee introduced Irin to Freen once again to make sure Freen knew her.
Soon night time came, and they're all off to their separate lives leaving me and Freen only in the house, Sooner enough, her dad, Uncle Fran, will come home and have a small talk to us about business. I know it is a teensy bit not needed to talk about work right now while Freen's still healing, but I can't argue with Freen's father.
Hours had passed and Freen's Father hadn't been seen in the house, and suddenly he texted us that he can't make it today, so It was just me and Freen. In the house, alone. "Can..can we uh.. sleep now? Uhm?" I heard Freen mumbled beside me while I am  on my phone doing nothing at all. I looked at her and replied "well, if you're sleepy already Freen, you can go first.. I'll.. just.. sleep at the guest room" I said and when I looked at her, she had this look of disappointment wearing in her face. Then I asked "what's wrong?" She then replied, "Are you not sleeping with me?" She said, I was stunned,

  I felt my cheeks got hot with that, so I turned around trying to hide my face but then I felt a soft hand touching my face, gently turning it around. And I saw the owner of the gentle, soft hands who were touching my face. Freen. Standing so close to me, with eyes that I got drowned when I look at it, that beautifully handsome face of hers sending butterflies in my stomach.

To be continued..

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