Chapter 44

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Freen's pov:

Afternoon came, it was about 1 o'clock. I received a call from Nita and said that their was some minor Issues she's dealing with for days now at the company in the Philippines. I got worried and decided to visit there, I'll just have to let my Birthday pass and I'll go visit there with dad.

A lot of work has been piling up on my table just now, tons of business is willing to partner up with mine and I will be much more busy by that. I'm afraid I'll have no time for my family if I get caught up with work, and I don't want that to happen.

   I have a meeting for about an hour and this hour is vacant, I took this time to exercise a bit more. And after that, I'll change clothes and go handle the meeting.


Becky's pov:

I woke up feeling unwell, it's not surprising though, I always wake up feeling unwell. Now I am hungry. I am not much of a cooker because Freen is there to cook for me.

But now I realize I need to learn how to cook too, because what if Freen wasn't there to cook for me? What the bloody hell will I do? Order junk from online? Of course not! That's why right now! I need to learn how to cook.

I sat up the bed rather quickly that made my head spin. "Arghh! Why does my head ache?" I said. For some minutes of calming down, I looked at the wall clock and it shows 2:12 p.m.

I got out of bed as slow as possible cause I don't want to trigger my head ache again. Fuck why am I feeling like this?

I went down at the kitchen and started to search for something useful I can cook and I'll watch tutorials online. And then I'll let Freen try my invention first.

I found a bunch of cupcakes in the refrigerator, and I think My amazing Freen wouldn't mind if I eat some..

I went and grabbed a cupcake from the refrigerator and ate it. Goshh it was so delicious! I knew Freen would be the best cook in Thailand if she had studied culinary!

After finishing two.. no.. uhm.. three? Cupcakes.. I finally got an idea, I'll make chocolate chip cookies!

~Minutes later~

I finally prepared all the things I needed, milk, Flour, Sugar, Chocolate Chips.. eggs, and the Melted chocolate that I'll be putting inside the cookie. And It'll be so sweet!

I don't know why.. but I crave sweets right now.!

   I put the bag of flour in the table and cut it open. Once it was open, the curious ass in me opened the bag of flour and smelled it, and I felt my nose tickling..

  "HAAACHOOO!!" I sneezed. "Hah... what the fudge is wrong with me?"

I browse through the internet on how to bake cookies, and I saw and clicked the first video.

  It says I should put the 1 1/2 cup of flour into the mixing bowl, so I did, and then the next step is to pour a cup of milk into the bowl.

   I continued to put the flour and mixed it with the flour.... I mean mix it with the milk, that would make it like a dough, and then, I think the next is to mix it until it gets the texture of a dough.

  I grabbed the electric mixer from the cabinet, washed it and let it dry for a minute and continue mixing the flour and milk till it gets the texture of a dough.


~Minutes later~

I finally did the dough texture and I am proud of it! And now I am shaping it into a flat cookie and put the melted chocolate into an icing bag and continue to put it inside the cookie.

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