Chapter 50

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   F's pov:

    "WHAT?!!"  Becky and I said in unison, we then look at each other in excitement.
    "We're sorry for not being there Phi! Send our regards to P'Nam... tell her we love her and congratulations! We can't wait to see them!"

     " (chuckles), thank you.. and I'll make sure to tell her your regards and stay safe you guys! I'm sure your Phi understands you..."

     "Congratulations again phi! Hope to see those mini P'Nam soon! Good bye!"

        -Call Ended-

  A minute of silence is happening on both me and becky, we are both excited on the birth of our older sister! P'Nam! (Sister, though not by blood but by friendship)

    After a minute of silence, Becky and I squealed in excitement, the people around us got shock, we said sorry and ran out of the mall, happily laughing.

  "I'm so happy for P'Nam... *sigh* I wish I was there.."
i sadly stated as I held Becky's hand and swung it.

  "We both wished we were there babe.. we'll video call Phi later.. don't be upset, you didn't mean to be here if it's not work related..." Becky assures me,

    I am so... very luck to have her as my soon to be wife, I'm also very thankful that I met her...

   "Yeah.... Do you agree that we'll go back tomorrow?" I asked her, still unsure if I'll say it because I don't want her to be upset. She smiled at me softly as I stare at her, completely mesmerized by her smile.  I am always like this. So obsessed with Rebecca Patricia Armstrong..

    "I'm fine with it..." she replies. "B-but, how about your plans? Our plans? You said you could have some beach time here... a vacation..." I stuttered as she held my hand tightly, I saw her smiled and proceeded to walk towards our car.

   "I don't mind babe.. we both are excited on the birth.. the vacation time can wait, what matters most to you is more important.." she softly said that made my heart melt.
    Every word she spoke makes my heart melt, makes my heart beats faster.

   "Thank you so much my love... I promise you that you can have your vacation time!.." I said as I held my other arm up to seal my promise. She chuckles softly.

    "You don't need to promise babe... I already know that you'll do it.. you spoil me too much, I'm afraid our children too" she then glared at me that made me heat up and blush..

"Hey! Just let me be! You know how I love spoiling you!" i pout as we reached our car. She just let out a chuckle and I opened the door for her to get in, once she was settled in, I hopped into the driver's side of the car and proceeded to drive.

"Any plans for dinner?" I asked her while she scrolled through spotify to listen to some music.
"We can go to the nearest restaurant... it's in the left.." she replied and I nod.

"Shall I call the rest to join us?" She asked, "up to you.." I replied, turning the car to the left and parked it infront of a fancy huge restaurant.

"Max said they're on their way here.." she says and she looked at me. I gave her a questioning look. "What is it babe? Need something?" I asked her, she smiled at me and she then shook her head.

"Never mind.. let's get inside, shall we?"


After the dinner, we separately head back to our hotel rooms, and packed our things for tomorrow's flight back home... and after that, we video called P'Nam and boy... the twins really have her tall pointy nose!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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