Chapter 28

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Rebecca's pov:

Haishh!! I know that I've been followed by Freen's hired bodyguards! Their disguises were so lame! I can recognize them in one blink of an eye.

Goshh! Could Freen just leave me alone?!

I was getting pissed of at Freen's behavior right now. Is she paying these guys to spy on me or what? I'll talk to her about this matter first thing when I got home.

Freen's POV:

I am inside my hotel room since we don't have a house to stay in in the Philippines. Me and dad have separated room that's why I am calling him now that I am hungry.


"*/yawn~~ What is it? Why are you calling in the middle of the night?" Dad said and I rolled my eyes.

"Dad I'm hungryy can you call home service for me? Oh and By The Way! It's still 9:32 p.m.! It's still far away from midnights! You old man" I replied to him.

"Ok. What would you like to eat?" He asked and I was overjoyed since he agreed.

"Sushi!! And Jasmine Tea please Dad!" I said and he sighed as I just laughed.

"Fine.. it said they're on their way.." dad responded and ended the call but after he ended the call, he said I'll not call him until tomorrow. And he was angry that I disturbed his beauty sleep...

I sat at my bed, thinking about Dad, he did really changed his behavior and also his personality towards me.. what made him realize that his behavior was dumb? Well I'm glad he chose to change his life than to torture and control me like I'm just a puppet. But it was left in the past.. No I'll focus on what's going on at the present..

I wonder if Becky's doing well right now..?

I was focused on my thoughts when my hotel room door rang twice indicating that maybe my order had arrived. I got up and went to the door.

I had received my order of food and called dad.


Me: "oops... sorry 'bout that.."

Dad :Ugh... alright, what do you need this time? Is you order not there yet?

Me: "uhm I just wanted to thank you for the food, sorry to disturb your "Beauty Sleep""

I said and sarcastically rolled my eyes even if he didn't see it.

Dad: alright alright, now I'll take some rest cuz there's so much work tomorrow..

Me: yeah bye dad!

Call ended.

Sigh... what is Rebecca doing right now? And WHY THE FUCK AM I think about her..?! I extended my vacation here in the Philippines for 3 months just to move on from her but now? Just what the hell is wrong with me.

I thought as I was eating my sushi.

It was almost 11 o'clock and I am forcing myself to sleep, but unfortunately I can't.. I checked my phone while it was changing and the first one I saw was a text from my cousin, Kirk.

__________Unread Messages_________

Kirk/little bro (text)

: Hey P'Freen, I am here to inform you about what had happen this day, as thought you were busy with work so I didn't bother to call you.. as we were searching for Miss Rebecca, We found her with a guy on the company's cafeteria...

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