Chapter 12

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Rebecca's POV

       "Can..can we hear the positive side now doc?.." P'Nam said while gently patting my back, "well.. For the positive side, The patients' coma will never last long enough than a month.. it will be more likely to last over 3-4 weeks or exactly a month. I am very sorry for you to hear this, That's all I wanted to say, I'll be taking my leave now.. please do rest, thank you" the doctor said.. but stopped by P'Heng..
"Can you please just explain us some reasons for Freen to lead into a coma doc.." P'Heng said.. so the doctor gladly replied.. "well.. of course sure.." he said.. "please take a sit doc.." p'tee said and then we sat in front of the doctor while I still sat beside Freen...

"So..let me start" the doctor said.. and we nodded in response.. "so.. I am an undercover officer here in Thailand, I also studied medics that's why I am a doctor, I am being hired by Sir Francis Chankimha to help her daughter treat her head, I also investigating the case of her lost mother... I am also investigating who did hit Miss Chankimha.. for what I've seen in the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) all around the area where Miss Chankimha had an accident, she is not actually in the MIDDLE of the road. She is at the sidewalk, and that's where a black Mercedes with pink stripes infront of the car. The car drove fast, got out of the road just to bump Miss Chankimha.. idk why, someone must have a deep anger at Miss Chankimha. The Vehicles registration plate is not clearly recognized by the cameras footage. So we can't clearly see it.. We are currently in a process of investigating. That's all I had to say, and please don't ever tell Sir Francis that I told you this. I am his Daughters current doctor, Sir Sky Wongravee. Good evening."

(Sky Wongravee)

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(Sky Wongravee)

The doctor suddenly left us amazed with everything we've heard. And I, also heard something familiar from sir sky, But I admit though, he looks damn hot. But no, something he said about the car that caused damage to freen is quite familiar.

"Rebecca?... are you there?" Someone said.
Oh.. it's only p'tee
    "Are you alright?. You've been spaced out since Doc. Sky left.." P'Heng asked while P'nam checked my neck as if I have a fever.. "I'm fine phi... just, I just felt familiar about the car he described. I just think so.." I said unsure. "If you're familiar with it Rebecca, You can report it to doc. Sky.." P'Nam said while standing up. "I'am not really sure yet, but I will" I replied. "Alright Rebecca.. Here.. Eat this, we know your hungry" P'Nam said giving me mcdonalds meal. "Thank you phi.." I said and gladly took it.

"Here, My buddy said to give this to you, she said you might like it" P'Heng handed me a milktea, I looked at him confused, confused of who is his buddy? "Oh, I forgot, Freen said when we shopped like, days ago, she said that you should've tried drinking milk tea.."
"Why thank you Phi.. P'Freen really knows my taste huh." I chuckled and started eating the food they gave me. "Guys, it's already 10 in the evening. I gotta go. See ya when I have time. Love u all. Oh and Rebecca, Take care of pin for me will ya?" P'tee said while heading towards Freen and kissed her forehead. I had to admit though. I felt a little jealous, but they're her friends. I don't have the rights to be jealous at all. We all bid good bye to P'tee and P'Heng and P'Nam will stay beside me.

-The Next Day-
Rebecca's POV:

  I woke up early in the morning by somebody's phone calling. I checked it was mine, My dad is calling. So I quickly answered it and got up from the hospital couch where I slept in last night. "Good morning dad" i said "hey there sweetie, I heard Freen got an accident, I am sorry honey.. You can rest there if you like, I'll just take care of the company for you..." dad said with a soft tone.. "thank you very much dad, you don't know how happy I am right now" I excitedly said. But Dad replied worriedly. "Do take care of yourself there too honey, Freen wouldn't like it to know that her wife is mo longer taking care of herself because of her.." he said. "Alright dad, see you! Bye Bye" I bid good bye to dad and I realized, I was alone in the room with Freen.

     Where's P'Nam? I thought but I just shoved that thought off, maybe P'Nam got to buy me breakfast or something. I sat beside Freen's hospital bed and looked at her in awe.. "I miss you Sarocha.. Can you wake up for me please wifeyy?.. I kind of accepted you as my wife now.. I hope you feel the same.. I wish you still remember me the time you wake up darling.. It's been days you stayed here and me too, I couldn't just leave you here Sarocha.. I promise to take care of you until you wake up.. Sorry for being rude to you. Sorry for trusting my girlfriend with her foolish words." I stopped talking for a while, and let tears flow from my eyes but I quickly wiped them away when I heard the door open.

"Oh, Rebecca, your awake? Good morning!" Oh it's P'Nam holding 2 bags of McDonalds meal. I stood up and helped her. "Yes actually, good morning to you too.." we chatted for awhile while eating the meal P'Nam bought. After a few hours. Clock strikes 9:30 a.m.

"Rebecca.. I'll go now, I have work to do, I also need to excuse myself to my boss cause of the baby I am having.. hehe.. you know.." P'Nam said. And I agreed. "Alright Phi, I could busy my self in this room in some ways.. You..You should go to work now.." i said half smiled because I am FREAKIN bored and don't know what to do all day.

         "You sure your gonna be alright here Rebecca? You can go out for some time you know? Freen will be alright here." P'Nam said worriedly. "I'm going to be finee, trust me. I am going out after lunch. I'll go out with my.. Best Friend! Yes.. and we uh.. Shopping! Yes go to shopping... so don't worry much about me.. I'm going to be alright here." I said but of course. That "going out with my best friend" thing was a lie. I'll busy myself with some shopping with some stuff I want to add in our house..
  "Alright then Rebecca.. If you need anything, you can just call me. Oh. Let me give you my number first." P'Nam said and she gave me her number. "Yes thank you phi. And good luck with you work today!" I said and she walked towar Freen and kissed her forehead. "Take care of this sleeping beauty for me while I'm gone alright?" She chuckled and I acted like I was a military and saluted to P'Nam and she continued to chuckle. "Alright then, bye Rebecca" we bid goodbye to each other and then P'Nam left.

Now I need to figure out that familiar car Doc. Sky told us. It is truly familiar with me... I feel like I've seen a black car with pink stripes on it. Moments later while I'm scrolling on my phone gallery deleting all the memories with Friend and I, I suddenly spotted something in one of the photos with me and Friend.

The car!

To be continued...

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