Chapter 39 (‼️)

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Freen's pov

"Sooo... babe.. why didn't you join a culinary school? I saw your information the day dad said I shall be married to you" I froze just when Becky asked me. I came back to my senses when I almost cut my own thumb because I was cutting the ingredients for our dinner.

"Honeyy is that what you're curious about?" I tried to reason out. I turned around and leaned back at the counter. "Uh... yeah, uhm never mind.. are you making dinner babe?" She changed the subject, maybe she noticed my doubtful gestures. She knows me too well now. I sighed, "just rest, I'll call you when I'm finished cooking" I said while I turned around and continued cutting some vegetables. I felt hands sneaking to hug my waist, I smiled. "I love you Freen.." Becca said while hugging from my back.  "I love you too my Little becbec.." I replied, "aren't you going to rest beb?" I asked as she whined.

  "don't wanna.. I want to be with youu.." she complains, "c'mon.. I'll be right here making dinner" I replied as I heard her scoff. I turned around to face her. I kissed her forehead and quickly carried her to the living room and gently put her at the couch.

"You stay there and rest, I'll call you when I'm done" I smiled while she was crossing her arms and pouting like a little kid. I bent down and kissed her pouty lips and she blushed. I chuckled and left to the kitchen.


While I was making dinner, Becky called for me, "Babyy!! Your Dad texted if you two can bond tomorrow! With... uhmm.. Your mom?" She said from the living room.

  I froze, I don't know.. I'm just not ready to face my mom again. I couldn't believe she's still alive all this time. And Dad didn't tell me, even a word. I am absolutely devastated by this.

  "Tell him that I have work!" I shouted back. As I finished the dinner and served it at the table. Becky came beside me, "Babe, you can't just put work over your family..." she says worriedly.

  "I can. And don't worry, I'll never ever do that to you and our little ones. Only just Dad and her." She went silent after that. "How 'bout I come with you? Is that ok? Maybe your dad will agree with me.." she suggested. 

  "Nahh... he'll probably be nice to me since you're there with me" I clapped my hands twice signaling the led lights to turn on. "Don't worry babe, just tell them I have work. Or I already had plans with you." She shook her head. "No Freen. This is wrong. I'll tell them you'll come with me." She seriously said. "But-"

"End of discussion."  She added making me go silent. She knows I'm so wrapped around her finger and that I can't win against her. She's too powerful for me. I sighed and guided her to sit. I opened the seat for her and when she was already sitting, I went and sit in my own chair that was the opposite side of hers.

  "Let's eat!" She says, I can see the sparkles in her eyes when she realized I cooked her favorite meal.


   After done with the dinner and cleaning up, I went up to our room and I saw that Becky was sitting in the bed, reading a book. It was so cold inside the room, I silently close the door and tiptoed towards her. She was wearing AirPods that's why she didn't hear me. When I was already beside her, I grabbed the book and tickled her.

  She was shocked but still laughing by my tickles,  "Tee...rakk!!! HAHA... stop!! It... tickles! HAHA" she tried to get out of my hold but I was strong enough to held her back. I stopped tickling her when she was out of breath. "Hahhh.... I... need.. revenge.." she says while still catching her breath. I laughed at her while she glares at me.

   I looked down, I went beside her and hugged her while we were laying down. "Love?.." I whispered. "Yes beb?" She replies softly. "When we had a talk in the bathroom about.. you know.. having a kid.." I added, she just replied with a nod and I continued.

"Are you not ready yet?.." I asked... she just sighed and took a deep breath. I was kinda nervous. "Well, to be honest babe.. I'm just still not sure if I can handle one..I-". I cut her off.

"Y-yeah! Sure... i guess? I totally understand and respect you love.. but to let you know... you're the most strongest woman I had ever met, you never had left my side even though I forgot about you.. All I know is you can do this, I'll be by your side when you're experiencing this.. I want to experience being your 'knight and shining armor' too you know..." I let out a laugh, she smiled "are you convincing me?" She wriggled her eyebrows.

  "Oh, no.. I'm just reminding you.. and! I promise I'll give you all you ever wanted. All you need to do was to say what you want and I'll buy it! anything for you mylove.." I said proudly. She just shook her head. "Aren't you spoiling me too much Freen? All I could ever ask for is you.. you're enough for me.. I'll think about it ok? Wait for me baby.." she kissed my neck as I smiled. "I'll wait for you my love.."


  Morning came, I was just sleeping when I felt a different sensation between my legs. I woke up and felt nothing but coldness beside me. Becky wasn't beside me. Not until I felt hot, underneath me I felt as if something OR someone is playing with my dick!

My breath got heavier, "hahh..." I tried to stay as calm as possible, I noticed, this isn't just any other sensation, my eyes grew in realization. I opened up the sheets to see Becky, sucking the hell out of my member. "What the hell Rebecca..?" She stops.

"Well, aren't you enjoying it a minute ago? Don't disturb me while I'm eating love.." she grinned, she continued to lick the tip of my member while I was getting close. "Fuck.. Bec.... i'm close.." she started to stroke hardly until my cum squirted out. She smirked.

   She came on top of me and hugged me. "Aren't you horny early in the morning?..." I smiled, she just let out a laugh. "Good morning my Freenky!" She greeted me with a kiss. "Oh wow, what a way to greet me good morning" I sarcastically rolled my eyes, she blushed and hid her face on my neck. "Good morning to you too my love.." I greeted her back and tightened the hug.

  "You know what they say.. if a couple do it in the morning, it'll make their bond stronger.." she says as she sat up, sitting in my stomach. Her eyes were dilated, was full of love, passion and.. lust.. I can feel my member harden.

  "Wanna try it love?" I smirked. "Don't ask babe.." she replied and I sat up. She quickly removed her clothes and threw it somewhere at the floor.

   We started to make out, and we went for two rounds~


   Legends only know what happened next. How are you feeling girlfreens and angelss?? I was thinking about ending this story soon, but I've had so much motivation lately. Sorry for the delay updates.. I am busy right now.. doing school tasks. But don't worry! I'll make time for this story! Love ya'll!

Freenbecky mag JOWA!🫶🏻

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