Chapter 17

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"Ah..Ahh~~FREEN- !" I couldn't control any of my load moans coming out of my mouth, it was heavenly. It was a sensation I've never had experienced. "AHH- hard.- harder..!!" She fasten her pace making me a moaning mess.  "I..I'm..-"

(Rebecca's pov)

URG!! That fucking alarm clock disturbed my dream. Wait what the hell did I've dream about last night?

O MY GOSH! WHY THE HELL-?!  Wtf wtf wtff!! Why did I dream about that? Tf??

I was blushing hard with that dream I had last night, like, why the hell would I dream of that? It's not like I wanted it to happen... NO EEWW, Freen has nothing like the one I've dreamt of. But unfortunately, my dream is only a made up imaginary thing in my head, but like I said.. It's not like I wanted it to happen, like duh.
As I was still thinking, I didn't notice that I was being watched by a beautiful handsome lady beside me, smirking. I turned around to face Freen but she's wide awake, "Oh.. Good... morning.." I said shuttering while talking. I don't even know if I'm still red as a tomato 'cause of that freaking dream I had last night, phew. But she just giggled all of the sudden. "Morning Rebecca," she said smiling widely.

How cutee

What? No. Btch

"Why are you so red this early? Is the air conditioning in this room low last night?" She asked, and looked at me with confusion waiting for my answer.

Oh fuck nah. It's because my dream last night is hot... i mean..

   "oh..uhm It's not.. it's just my normal face when.. I uh.. wake up!.." i said. Phewww I think she actually believed that. "Oh, alright then, let's get up. Maybe the maids cooked breakfast for us.." she said and I got up from the bed.

   She was still getting out of the dextrose thing in her hand, "are you sure it's ok if you get that?" I asked. And she nodded.
"Nam said that the doctor instructed that it can be removed while I eat, and when I wanted to." She explained. I just nodded in agreement also, so I walked towards her and helped her.

We were now going down the stairs, and I helped her going down because she couldn't walk down the stairs by her own, and because she can't look down due to the fact that her head is spinning cause of the bandage at her head. Still treating that wounded part of her head.

We headed towards the kitchen, but to our surprise, her dad was there. We were shocked but we also know why he came.

  "Girls! Good morning.. I'm sorry if I came this early in the morning, come sit first.. I already ordered foods." He said and opened two chairs for us in the dining table, I helped Freen sit at the chair and she thanked me. we were sitting in front of him as he prepared the table.

  I was about to get up to help him but he stopped me and said he can manage it. What a good father, really..

   We all ate in a comfortable silence, until uncle fran broke it. "So let's get to the point why I'm here." He said and we got to a comfortable position in our seats. "Rebecca?" He asked and I answered. "Yes uncle?" I replied. "You can call me dad." He said and he smiled. I nodded. "Yes, dad?" I replied smiling.

Freen got confused why did her father did that. Oh we almost forgot, he had amnesia, so she might've forgot that I'm her so called "wife-in-contract"

  "Oh.. you didn't tell her yet about this Rebecca?" He asked. "Not yet dad.. I'm just waiting for the right time, I think she's still getting confused." I replied and he nodded, "Right, I understand, but you need to tell her sooner or later, or she'll get more and more confused." He said and I nodded in agreement.

   "So, the reason why I needed to talk to you two, is about the work. I am not forcing you but this might be important, so I need arms for this." He said and we listened carefully.

Freen, as we know, she doesn't give a clue about this but she just listened.

"Freen, listen alright?" Dad said and she nodded, "ok dad." She replied. So dad continued, "We have an important business trip to Philippines, for about half a month. We're going to invest Gorgeous, elegant ladies from there to be modeling at our company here in Thailand. Also, we are having a branch of the FSC x Armstrong combination of modeling companies."

We listened carefully to what dad was saying, while Freen in the other hand, has no clue about this but she still listened. What a great kid to be honest.

"Are you two in?" Dad asked, and we agreed with a nod. "When will we start dad?" Freen asked. "Next month, July first, we cannot predict when will we go back here, in Thailand. But it'll last for two or three weeks. I will send my secretary there early on June 25th" he added, and we just nodded in agreement.

Sooner, her dad bid good bye to us two and headed towards his company, leaving me and Freen at the house alone.
   As we're walking back to the kitchen, she suddenly asked, "are you somehow my wife Rebecca?" I was shocked. I don't know what to answer but a no. "What? No. Why would you think of that" I replied. "Oh, cause dad said you can call him 'dad' also, that's making me confused. Plus, I've seen files at the room yesterday that has you name on in, "Rebecca Patricia Chankimha" so I thought, you were only my adopted sister or something but when I asked some maids at my dad's mansion about dad adopting a 20 year old girl, they said dad didn't. So I was thinking that your somehow my wife, i'm so sorry if I didn't remember you.." she said,

Oh shit..

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