Chapter 27

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Kirk's Pov:


      "Hello cousin?" I talked

"Yes little bro? Is there a problem? How is Rebecca doing?" P'freen said at the other line.

  She's calling me "Little bro/bro" since I am 2 years younger than her.

"Your wife is fine P'Freen, don't panic! We're here to take care of her for you.. and no, there isn't a problem, it's just that.." I said and I was still unsure if I'll tell P'Freen about her wife being with someone and I think it's a guy not a girl...

     "It's just that what?" She said curiously.

"Uhm, Nevermind.." I replied.

   "Alright then.. If anything happens, don't hesitate to call me ok? Even if it's not related ti my wife.. you're still my favorite cousin, Kirk!" She said as I heard her giggle. I am happy that I could help her somehow.. she had helped me many times now.. and I wish my help on this could repay all the help she'd given to me in the past..

   I am Kirk Chankimha Annantrakul, and I am P'Freen's first cousin, which is the son of his Dads sister. My mom, Kornkamon Chankimha is the sister of Francis Chankimha which is P'Freen's father,

P'Freen and I grew up mostly with each other with my older sister, P'Lux, her full name is Luxulax Chankimha Annantrakul since Mom and dad was busy with work and P'Freen's Mom died when she was still young because of something that had been hidden from me since I was young..

Uncle Fran left P'Freen and her Mom when her Mom knew that uncle Fran cheated at Aunt Veronica, which is her Mom's sister... and only legend knows what next her dad had done..

   Back to our story~~

Mom married our dad, Sammanun Annantrakul.

Mom and Dad were Boss and subordinates when they first met each other, Dad was the boss on their company which is now named after P'Freen. SRCH stands for Sarocha which is P'Freen's actual name. And don't ask... our dad is a woman, and I am proud of them two for sticking up with each other until they had me and my older sister.

Mom and Dad did tried to convince P'Freen's father to adopt P'freen when she was still innocent, but her dad didn't agree, Mom and dad did everything they could but uncle Fran didn't even change his mind.

P'Freen suffered from his hands since her mother died. Mom and dad couldn't help P'Freen from her Father's abusive behavior because they were to afraid of the threat Uncle Fran said since He was a millionaire for his business.

    He took P'Freen away from us and let P'Freen go to school at another university. At least P'Freen got to finish her studies and I am proud of her.


P'Lux and I tried to find P'Freen when we were still teenagers but we couldn't. Uncle Fran kept her private since she was a child.

   Now I realized that Uncle Fran had a severe heart failure, that he had to change his ways and behavior to P'Freen but still he had controlled P'Freen's life. But P'Freen stayed as kind hearted as ever.

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