Chapter 16

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Rebecca's POV:

I felt my cheeks got hot with that, so I turned around trying to hide my face but then I felt a soft hand touching my face, gently turning it around. And I saw the owner of the gentle, soft hands who were touching my face. Freen. Standing so close to me, with eyes that I got drowned when I look at it, that beautifully handsome face of hers sending butterflies in my stomach.

   "Uh.. uhmm..??" I shuttered, she looked at me in my eyes trying to say something but nothing has gone out of my mouth but "uhm".

Gosh Freen, what are you doing?

Freen let go of her hand from my face and looked down shyly, cute.. "Your.. your name is Rebecca right?" She said still looking down at the floor.. SOO CUTEE!! I giggled and replied "Yes, Yes I am Freen, why?" I said and she finally moved her haid upwards meeting my eyes, I noticed her eyes lit up since I said my name.

     wait? Has she remembered me yet? Or no? Don't worry my love. I will fight for you to remember those memories we had, even if I was kind of mean to you back then, but I'll try to be nice to you for good, I will always take care of you, love..

"Are you my Nong in my past life? Or I'm your Nong?" She asked, and I was actually a bit surprised at her question, why is she asking that? What does she meant by her "past life" ? I smelt someone had told her something not good about this.. I just Replied "uh, I am your Nong, but we're only a year apart.." I said, gosh i think i am just talking to a five year old at this state...

  "You can't sleep on some guest rooms, Rebecca." Oh gosh, I think she's back to serious mode right now, to be honest though, i've missed the old Freen Sarocha, "But why? I can sleep wherever I want in this house cause I am your wi-- aish— oh no" I almost slipped up something. I looked at her and she was already looking at me suspiciously.. ohh noo, I think I made her more questionable... "what do you mean by that?" She asked, "oh.. cause I am your.. uhm, Bestfriend in your past life, yeah.."

(Best friend huh?) what kind of friend who has feelings for her friend? Lol.. i do..

Lord I think she did not believe in that one, I need to beat around the bush.. "oh really?" She said smirking while heading towards my way and standing right close to me, making my heart beat faster. I felt my cheeks reddened by her actions. Her eyes goes straight right to my lips, her thumb lifting my chin up so I can meet her eyes.  Those eyes I got lost in, those lips I have yearning to taste my whole life.

No. What are you thinking.!!

  I shake those thoughts from my head and focused in the real situation. "Are you my girlfriend perhaps miss Rebecca?" She said in a stern tone, I choked with my own saliva, and laughed hardly while she backed away and looked at me confused but still wearing that seriousness look. "HAHAHAHA, oh my gosh! Why dis you think of that? HAHA"  I said while laughing at her face. She looked as red as a tomato right now. So I stopped laughing and waited for her answer. "I.. I saw photos of us and you in my phone, so I thought you're my somewhat girlfriend.." 

   What?? I have photos in her phone?? Did she fell for me too?  No.. I can't just assume things..

"So..? You thought were in a relationship?" I asked and she looked at me with a smile and said "yes!, I also saw an album with a name that's soo cringe, It was like Mami with BonBon with a white heart at the end, and I saw there was your face, like a million, and a cute little dog.." she said excitedly, I was stunned, 'Mami with BonBon' huh? I giggled at the thought that she made me BonBon's mami, and I am angry at her for not telling me our son's name. I didn't name it because I'll let her name it with me. But she named him already. Goshhh!! Why didn't I think of borrowing her phone while she's in a coma?

"Are you alright? You seemed like you just got lost in your dream land" I heard she said and giggled. I looked at her and I smiled, "You'll know the truth when It's ready, Freen.." i said and smiled softly at her. And she just nodded in response. "Oh, look at the time, I better prepare my  'machine thingys' Rebecca, and can you help me attach some pipes at my hand?" She said and I agreed.

We got up on her temporary room and started preparing for her daily treatment. I felt sorry for Freen, she'll do this mostly everyday for like a month or two because she's still healing from those traumatic injuries she had within her head down to her heels..

As I helped her got up from bed, she said, "you can call P'Nam if you don't know how to insert that pipe thingy into my hand, but I had to admit, I didn't want this pipe thing, it's itchy in my hand but dad said it'll get worse when I scratch it.." she said in a low voice, she seemed calm in this situation, I felt bad for everything, I kept blaming my self for this, if I hadn't agreed to this at first, she wouldn't not be in this position right now..
  I called P'nam and she gave me instructions about how to do this and I got it, it's easier than I expected, but when I was about to leave the room, I heard Freen said, "Rebecca?" She said and I turned around and headed towards her.. "yes?" I replied. "Can you sleep with me, Only This Night! I promise.. the bed has gotten much bigger you know.." she said shuttering.

Of course I couldn't agree more, so I just agreed with her opinion and got up in bed with her, at first I was uncomfortable because I had so much space in the bed and she only has a bit space because she can't move because of the pipes that are sticking up with her. "You can scoot over beside me when you feel cold you know... I won't mind.." she said and I did what she said..

And sooner we drifted off to our own dream land.

(Nong: a younger brother or sister in thai)

The next part maybe worse or something.  I might disappoint some of you for somehow, 😉

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