Chapter 25

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Becky's pov:

I slowly went to her while she was sitting on the couch thinking deeply, I wrapped my arms around her neck. "Freen? You didn't finish your food..what's wrong?" I asked. I heard her scoffed. "Bec... let.. let your hands go.. please..." I was confused and felt ashamed. It was like I got rejected by something. My heart felt hurt by that, she looked up to me and I looked away. "I'm sorry.. can you sit here beside me.. please?" She pleaded. So I did.


"Freen I told you, he was just an old friend of mine and also my childhood best friend! It is necessary that I should catch up with him! Don't make a big deal out of it!" I explained as she scoffed with disbelief.

"Bec, you could've texted or called me if you had other plans! I didn't know you would meet up with him and leave me! I searched everywhere for you and YOU?? you made me worry over nothing! I left my Friends and Made a dumb excuse just to find you! Bec! I lied because of you and I am not a person who normally does that!" She said as I was about to get frustrated at her.

"Freen, I am sorry that I forgot about you-"

"YEAH! Of course you forgot about me! Because all of your attention is on that guy! I totally respect you, bec.. but please.. next time update me." She said and lowered her tone. "I don't want to get worried over nothing again.." she added. I felt bad because of that I added something for her to suffer. I am here to help her, and to make her happier. But I think I can't do that any longer.. but then I realized something different.

"I didn't tell you to get worried over me, Freen! I didn't tell you to find me! I can live my fuckin life without you.. I.. ah... Freen.."

Gosh why did I said that.. it.. just had slipped out. No..

She looked at me surprised and I saw her eyes started to get teary, she stood up and I was to late to grab her hand. She went the other room and slammed the door shut. I sat down and let tears flow out of my eyes.

"Why.. why would I have to say that?"
"I fuckin messed up.."
"She won't forgive me after this, wouldn't she?!"
"Freen.. I'm sorry.."
"I didn't mean to honestly."
"I thought i could keep that thought to myself"
"I said the most regretful words"

I clenched my hands and grabbed my hair in frustration because of myself.
I won't forgive myself for the second time. I am so sorry Freen. I hope you'll be fine.. I didn't mean it..


I showered at our room and lay down on our bed. I can't sleep due to the fact that I had done something regretting to Freen. I had done something so untrustworthy and unbelievable. Those words were just short but it meant so much to Freen and I know that. How could she forgive me again if I made the same mistake AGAIN.?

All of our fights because of my damn mouth that can't keep anything to itself. I went out of our room and proceeded to going to the two guest rooms hoping to see Freen in one of the guest rooms. We had 2 spare keys in each one of the rooms, so I went to the first guest room. I unlocked it but all I could see was a plain white bed, some windows covered with plain grey curtains. I sighed and continued to the last guest room.

As I was about to grab the door knob on the last guest room, it swung open and there I saw her, knees bent, arms hugging her knees and head laying on her arms, the only one that gave light was the small desk lamp beside the bed. The bed was far from the door which took seconds to go to her.

I looked at her at this state, she felt hopeless. I went to her and sat beside her. Her sobs was heard, and I can see that she had been crying since then. I felt guilty but I.... I know it was my fault, I will take the responsibility if she'll ever forgive me or no.. I'll try my best.

I touched her head and gently stroke it. "F-freen?" I said as her sobs was getting heavier. "Hey... take it easy ok? I'm not going to hurt you.." I softly said but she shoved my hand. "D..don't.. *sob* touch-.. *hic* me-..." she said while crying.

I got hurt by her words, now I know what she had felt when I said those ungrateful words to her.

"F-Freen.. I.. I'm s-sorry.. You know I didn't mean it.. I.." I started to explain but she cuts me off. "No bec... Go! I-.. just *hic* wanted to.. be *hic* alone!" She said while pushing me off the bed. I had no choice, she was more stronger than me. So I went outside the room.

I went to my room feeling guilty and regretful, slammed by body at the bed and hugged my care bare plushie, turned off the automatic lights by clapping my hands twice. Freen suggested to upgrade it when she still haven't had her memories back and back when we were still close to each other..

Sooner of thinking about my happy memories with Freen, I drifted off to my dream land...

•*•*•. .•*•*•.

The next day.

I woke up by the alarm of my phone, -7:00 a.m.-
I thought that it was still a bit early but I had to make breakfast for me and Freen. I took a quite long shower and headed to the kitchen after changing into my comfy outfit. I entered the kitchen and the first thing that I had noticed was a pink note with two candies that I like. I read the note and I can't believe it..


Dearest Rebecca Armstrong Chankimha..

I am leaving for dad's business trip to the Philippines, He texted me before our fight happened last night, you can meet up with your childhood friend and it's ok if your together.

I mean.. we are not even married with love
and I totally get what you were saying last night.. behave there when I am away, ok? I am out for about half a month.. my flight will be 7:00 am so dad said it is better that
We could go a bit early, so I got out 5:30 a.m and headed towards dad..

Sorry if I didn't know my place in the first place.. you can now have time for yourself
And also to your childhood Friend..
and you're right, I think you can live without me.. I already planed to ask dad if
I could stay at the Philippines for about 3 months to take care of the upcoming build of
The new FSC collaboration with your dad's company..

I'll not worry about you, now that you'll have your childhood friend there with you
Take care Bec!

-P'Freen xoxo

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