Sofia's First Chemo Session Part 2 Day 1

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5 minutes later Detective Halstead and Sergeant Voight  approach the door where Antonio and Christie are working when Voight knocks on the door. "Hello Christie hello Antonio can we both come in and talk to you"Voight asked. "Of course you can come in"Christie said. "How's Matt and Gabby doing with the twins""Halstead said. "They're okay today is a hard day for hem both"Antonio says. "What do you mean"Voight asked. "Today is Sofia's first chemotherapy session"Christie and Antonio both say. "We didn't know that was today"Voight said. "Thats okay no one can stay with them"Antonio said. "What did you two come for"Christie said. "We've come about Ralph Finlay"Voight said. "Why don't you both take a seat"Christie and Antonio both say.

As Sergeant Voight and Detective Halstead sit down and they talk to Christie and Antonio. "We've come with good news"Voight said. "The bloke who shot Matt twice is behind bars"Halstead said. "How many years did he get"Antonio asks. "Ralph Finlay got 5 years and 8 months and he won't get parole at all"they both say. "Than you and your team for everything you've done for us"Christie said. "You're welcome"Voight said. "We've got it recorded for you all on our cells I can send it to you both then you can send it to Gabby and Matt"Halstead said.  "Yes please"they both say. "If here's anything else you need help with feel free to ask us all"Voight said as they both agreed. As the Sergeant and Detective radios both went off the y leave The Casey Family Business and head off int he cars Antonio and Christie send the recorded message to Gabby and Matt who are sitting together on the sofa s Isabella's sleeping in her rocking chair as Sofia's sleeping on her daddy's chest.

As Gabby and Matt are sitting on the sofa together and both of their cells go off and as the message is the same on both as Gabby's cell is right next to them both. "Babe my brother says that the message is really important and we should listen to the recording"Gabby says. "Sweetie why don' you play it"Matt said. As Gabby plays the recording that her brother sent her of what was said in court by the judge and 5 minutes later once they've heard the message and that all of the bottles of milk that Gabby managed to express are in the fridge theres a delivery in the ER  for Gabby and Matt with the name on the front saying Maggie on it explains in a little letter on the front.

As Maggie opens the note thats on the front which says can you please pass this onto Gabby and Matt before 5pm please. "Who's it off Maggie"Manning asks. "Not sure Natalie"Maggie says. "Is there a postage mark on the front"Manning asks. "Yes it says Florida"Maggie says. "Theres only one person who it could be"Manning says. "Who's that"Maggie says. "Heather Darden"Manning says. "I remember Natalie Matt's best friends wife and boys"Maggie says. "I'll hold down the fort in here while you take this to the Cancer Ward"Manning says. "I'll just page Dr Weathers first to see if it's okay"Maggie says. As Maggie pages Dr Weathers he gets the message 2 hours later.

As the clock now says 11:30am and as Dr Weathers has already gave Sofia another set of drugs he manages to read his messages on his pager and one reads that theres a package for Gabby and Matt so he pages Maggie. "Maggie I'll come and grab it as I'm going for a break soon"Doctor Weathers says. As Doctor Weathers goes back into Sofia's room and he asks her parents something. "I'm just going for my break can I get you anything from the cafe or shop"Dr Weathers asks. "Yes please Doctor"Matt said. "What would you like"Doctor asks. "Can you grab us some Apple Juices please big ones if they've got any and two packets of nut not pistachios please"Gabby says. "Sure"Dr says. "2 sudoku books and 2 word searches please"Matt says. "Thats not a problem guy"Doctor says. As the doctor leaves the room Gabby goes and gets out 1 bottle of milk and 1 packet of milk from the fridge and first of all she deals with Sofia as she sits back down on the sofa Matt passes her to her and then Matt hooks her feeding tube to the bag of milk.

Now Matt has sorted out Sofia he goes over and puts the milk in the bottle warmer and once its warmed up he goes over to the rocking chair and takes out Isabella and they both go and join Gabby who's holding Sofia as she gets tube fed while undergoing her first chemotherapy session. As Matt sits back down on the sofa and as he holds Isabella in one arm and as he holds the bottle in the other hand and as he puts it in her mouth she immediately starts sucking on it. "Thats my girl you drink your milk you need to be strong healthy and brave"Matt said to Isabella as she was drinking a bottle of mommy's milk. While Isabella is with daddy and as Gabby holds Sofia she feels her head and she notices that Sofia is feeling cold so with the blanket that Gabby has on her lap she covers Sofia with it.

Gabby's POV

As I hold my daughter Sofia while she gets tube fed on her first Chemotherapy session day and as I put the blanket over her I say to myself please Sofia you need to keep warm and your sister is here she wishes Sofia to be strong and fight this together. I'm trying to keep it together as being a first time mother is always tough and I can't let Isabella down as she still needs my my milk and so does Sofia. All we've got to do is do this as a family and Sofia will beat this.

"Babe you need to write down Sofia feels cold had to put a blanket over her as she was getting her milk 11:5am the time"Gabby says. "Will do love and look at this empty bottle that Isabella's drank"Matt said. "Thats awesome news"Gabby said. "Yes it is love"Matt said as he was rubbing Isabella's back se let out a massive burping noise and she's always tried to make bubbles after every feeding time. "Why don't you change her diaper before putting her back in her rocking chair"Gabby said. As Matt takes Isabella to get her diaper changed and 10 minutes later Isabella is clean with a fresh super on and as Sofia will be next once the nurses come back in.

Its now the afternoon and nurses Fairway and Langhan have been and gone and Doctor Samuel Weathers has finished his break and before he returns to the ward he goes to the cafe and the shop to grab the bits for Matt and Gabby he then goes to the  ER and picks up the parcel. "Thanks Maggie for the parcel"Dr Weathers said. "You're welcome and how's Matt and Gabby doing"Maggie says. "They're doing okay under the circumstances"Dr Weathers says. "Send them our love from everyone here"Maggie says. "Will do"doctor says. As the doctor leaves the ER he heads back to his shift on the Cancer Ward.

As Doctor Weathers enters the Cancer Ward the first thing he's got to do is drop the bits off before he continues his rounds. "Here's your stuff guys"Doctor Weathers said. "Thanks very much Doctor"Matt said. "Thats okay I won't be a minute and then I'll be back to check on Sofia"Doctor Weathers said as the doctor hands over the items then he goes and washes his hands and checks over Sofia's charts this morning. "How's Sofia been since this morning"Dr Weathers asks. As he goes through the door of The Caseys...

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