Chapter 71

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As the nurses settle Sofia back into her room and as she's got all wires connected to her as she's had an MRI scan which meant that she was sedated and with her twin sister Isabella fast asleep Doctor Weathers can tell the parents what the scan picked up. "Doctor how did Sofia's MRI scan go"Gabby asks. "Please don't keep us waiting anymore"Matt says. "You don't need to be upset"Dr Weathers said. "What do you mean doctor"Gabby says. "its good news your daughters MRI scan reveals that the chemotherapy drugs are working and with only 4 chemo sessions down the tumour that was still there has halved its size so in two weeks time I'm expecting good results guys"Dr Weathers said. "So what's next doctor"Matt asks. "Sofia will still be having her chemotherapy sessions tests and scans to til she finishes the course"Dr Weathers said.

"When will we be able to hold Sofia"Gabby asks. "Give it til the morning when Dr Winters comes in on shift as Sofia will be drowsy for a while"Doctor Weathers said. "Is Sofia allowed any of her milk tonight"Matt asks. "If Sofia starts crying put something wet to her mouth and see what happens"Doctor Weathers said. "Will do"Matt said. "Once again doctor thanks"Gabby says. "No problem guys it's my job"Doctor Weathers said. As Doctor Weathers Nurse Fairway and Langhan leave the family room now that Sofia is settled back while over at the Severide house Benny had left the house and Stella who is 17 weeks pregnant has fallen asleep on the sofa and with Kelly who's tidying away the dishes Rosie puts a big blanket over Stella and then she heads up to bed.

"I'm off to bed now Kelly"Rosie said. "Have a good sleep Rosie and thanks for helping me with Stella today"Kelly said. "No problem Kelly and hoping that we hear from your mum tomorrow with news about Aunt and Uncle"Rosie said. "My mom did phone us today with news of an update"Kelly said. "Why didn't you tell me Kelly"Rosie said. "We didn't want to tell you til we had all of the facts and truth"Kelly said. "What did your mom say"Rosie asks. "Well Laverne hasn't woken up yet"Kelly said. "How's Uncle Ray doing"Rosie asks. "He's having loads of tests done as there worried about him"Kelly said. "When are we going back to see them Kelly"Rosie asks. "I think it will be the weekend unless we get a message from my mom"Kelly said. "Okay Kelly"Rosie said.

As Stella is fast asleep on the sofa as the baby starts kicking Kelly and Rosie are going about family when Stella suddenly starts dreaming of things.

Stella's Dream

I'm now currently 24 weeks pregnant and shopping with my little sister Rosie and with my fiance at worK I currently feel something and I double over in pain and my sister is worried about me. "Stella whats wrong"Rosie asks. "I'm not sure sis"Stella says. "I'm going to call for an Ambulance sis and then when we know whats wrong I'm going to call Kelly"Rosie said. "Ok sis"Stella says. As Rosie grabs her cell phone out of her pocket and dials 911 and on the other end the dispatcher ask. "hello there what emergency do you require"the dispatcher asks. "I need an ambulance please to the mall food side and my sister's pregnant"Rosie says. "Ambulance dispatched and how far along is your sister"dispatcher asks. "She's 24 weeks gone and please hurry"Rosie says.

10 minutes later the paramedics arrive on scene at the mall and they immediately walk up to Stella. "Stella my name is Brett and my partner's name is Foster"Brett says. "Can you tell us what has happened please"Foster asks. "We were shopping around then we decided to take a pause and get something to eat"Rosie said. "What happened next Rosie:Brett asks. "All of a sudden Stella fell to the ground and some of the customers helped me with my sister and they told me what to do"Rosie said. "How far along is she Rosie"Brett asks. "She's 24 weeks"Rosie Brett and Foster check Stella and the baby over they hear strong heartbeats. "Mother and baby doing well Rosie but were taking in her so the doctors can do a full checkup"Foster said. "Come with us"Brett says as Rosie jumps in the Ambulance and Foster drives away.

Its now the next morning and as the clock says 5am Stella wakes up as the baby is pushing on her bladder while over at the hospital Isabella and Sofia are crying as its that time again and with Gabby fast asleep on the bed and as Matt who's been awake for the past 15 minutes goes over to the crib and gives his daughter Sofia a wet pacifier as Sofia is still very drowsy and once Matt has dealt wit Sofia he picks up daughter Isabella and carries her over to the bed where he'll be sitting while feeding his daughter once he's grabbed the bottle he sits don and starts feeding his daughter.

"Aquí tienes Isabella, papá te tiene mi amor, si bebes tu leche serás grande y fuerte cuando seas grande"Matt said. As Matt was talking to Isabella in Spanish and English while feeding her, her twin sister Sofia is now quiet as she is sucking on her pacifier as it was wet by doctor's orders thanks to her daddy. "Well doe Isabella you drank all of your milk your mommy will be very happy"Matt said.  As Isabella has now finished her bottle of milk and it's time for her to be burped but as mommy is still asleep Matt decides to have a walk while burping Isabella.

Outside the room Matt walks up and down the corridor burping Isabella and as Matt rubs her back she lets out a massive sound while back in the room Gabby wakes up and realises that Matt and Isabella are out of the room and she has one question on her mind. "I wonder why Matt has taken Isabella out"Gabby said...

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