Work and Play Part 1

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As they all sit down in front of their Aunt and Uncle and as what Doctor Mangel has told them is making both ladies sick as the reality is sinking in and with Stella being pregnant and as she's still recovering from her accident that she had with Shay on shift the day the twins was born. "Rosie how are you feeling"Stella asks. "I'm lost for words and I've got a feeling in my stomach"Rosie said. "I've got that same feeling"Stella said. "Why don't we go and get some food then we can come back hopefully we'll have som news"Kelly said as both ladies agrees.

Back in Chicago at the Boden house Wallace and Donna ring Jennifer Kelly's mom. "Hello Jennifer"Wallace says. 'Hello guys"Jennifer said. "Have you got any free time Jennifer"Donna said. ""I'm free the rest of the day"Jennifer said.  "By the way you're on loud speaker Jennifer"Wallace says. "Can you do a favour for us on behalf of Gabby and Matt"Donna says. "What's the matter"Jennifer said. "It's Stella and Kelly"Boden says. "What's wrong with them"Jennifer asks. "All we know is that they're at Springfield hospital as they took a phone call from a Steph Mangel"Donna and Wallace both say. "Say no more Wallace I'll be there to support my son and daughter-in-law to be"Jennifer says. "Thanks Jennifer"Wallace and Donna both say. "Bye guys"Jennifer says.

As Jennifer finishes on her cell phone she packs a bag and heads out to her car and drives a away from her house to Springfield hospital as Wallace and Donna call Matt's cell phone and Gabby answers it. "Hello Chief Gabby here"Gabby said. "Hello Gabby"Wallace said. "We've asked Jennifer to go and sit with Stella and Kelly"Donna says as Matt wakes up from his short nap. "Hello Donna"Matt says. "Hi Matt"Donna says. "Can we ask you Chief for another favour please and this one you can do"Matt asks. "What is the favour"Boden asks. "Can you bring in Jack Fritz and Eliza Jones in on Wednesday please"Matt and Gabby both say. "No problem guys and what time"Boden ask. "Shall we say 10am"Matt said. "Thats good for me"Chief says. "See you then Chief"Gabby said. "Bye"Chief said.

"What shall e do now bae other wards is there any work to do to keep our minds off tomorrow and Tuesday"Gabby asks. "There is work to do but we need to check the calendar first don't you need to do some pumping"Matt said. "That can be done tonight as there's some left in the fridge for Sofia and Isabella will be crying anytime"Gabby said. "Let's sign in"Matt said as Gabby agrees. As Matt logs on to the family business her brings up the calendar and her realises that the new clients are coming over in the next few weeks. "What's wrong baby"Gabby said. "I've just realised that Amber Salford from California Frank and Lynne Chambers from New York and Andrew and Charlotte Diamond from Montana are coming down"Matt said. "Babe when are they coming"Gabby asks. "11th to the 14th of October"Matt said. "We need to sort them out and get them booked into the hotel across from our house and business"Gabby said.

"Theres only 3 people who can book the clients in"Matt said. "Who are they babe"Gabby asked. "Us two and my sister"Matt said. "My brother is doing more than just his role as a Security Officer"Gabby said. "I agree love"Matt said. As Matt rings up the hotel and the receptionist picks up and answers the phone. "Hello there who's calling"the receptionist asked. "My name is Matthew Lee Casey and I need to book some clients in please"Matt says. "What dates are your clients coming"the receptionist said. "From the 11th to the 14th of October and they'll need early check in and late check out"Matt asked "that will be no problem Matthew"the receptionist said. "Do you want there names"Matt asks. "Yes please Matthew"the receptionist said. "First theres Frank and Lynne Chambers from New York then there's Andrew and Charlotte from Montana and finally Amber Salford from California"Matt says. "Thanks Matthew I'll look forward to see them all on the 11th"the receptionist said.

As Isabella and Sofia are both crying it only means one thing that its there food time. "Babe I'll hold Sofia why you hook her food up"Matt said. "That probably be best as I've got to breastfeed her twin sister Isabella"Gabby said. "Thats a plan of which we'll have to adapt to from now on"Matt said as he went over to the cot and picked up daughter Sofia Rose and he also makes sure that he picks up the feeding tube. "Hello Sofia daddy's here why don't we go and sit down then mommy can feed you"Matt said as was carrying her over then he sat down. "Hello Sofia it's mommy here here's your milk"Gabby said. "You enjoy your milk"Matt said. As Gabby undoes her top and as she goes back over to the cot and picks up Isabella Maria. "Hello Isabella mommy here do you want your milk"Gabby said.

10 minutes later Doctor Christina Winters arrives at the Casey's room to check on patient Sofia Rose and the family to see how everyone is doing. "Hello Dr Winters what can I do for you"Matt asks. "I've just come to check how Sofia is doing with her feeding tube and how her family are doing"Dr Winters asked. "Sofia is doing well with her feeding right now just like Gabby's doing with Isabella"Matt said. "Thats great news Matthew"Winters said. "Hi doctor"Gabby said. "I've come with tonight's menu before I head off for my break"Dr Winters said. "When do you want to know our order doctor"they both ask. "I'll come back in an hour or so"Dr says as he walks out the room. "Let's take a break from work while e feed our daughters as we choose tonight's food and have a little something for a snack"Matt says. "I agree baby"Gabby said. As Sofia gets tube fed as daddy holds her as her twin sister gets breastfed by mommy...

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