Raymond Kidd

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As Kelly Stella Rosie and Jennifer wait outside while Doctor Mangel and Dr Vallen deals with the patients machine. "Doctor Raymond's machine as gone off and I think he's trying to wake up"Dr Vallen says. "Raymond can you hear me my name is Steph and my colleagues name is Francine"Mangel says. As Steph takes out the breathing tube out of Raymonds throat and turns off the machine. "Raymond can you give me the biggest cough that you can do please"Vallen asks. As Raymond gives a big cough the doctors can retract the breathing tube and then they can assess him and talk to him. "Where am I"Raymond asks in a soft voice. "Raymond you're in hospital"Vallen says. "Theres a few things that we've got to go over with you before your family can come and see you"Mangel says. "Where's my wife Laverne"Raymond asks. "She's right next to you in her own bed"Vallen says.

Now that Raymond's breathing on his own since being intubated Friday morning by the paramedics the doctors are going over him and ask him loads of questions. "Can someone please tell me why I'm here and whats happened"Ray asks. "Firstly your niece Rosie found you on the floor and called for an ambulance"Vallen says. "She's told us that you've been off work and complaining of being in pain"Mangel says. "Yes thats right and that day I was going to see my GP to find out my results"Ray said. "Well Ray we've got your results and I'm afraid it's not good news"Vallen says. "Whatever it is you can tell me"Ray sys. "You've got Stage 2 Skin Cancer and Stage 3 Lung Cancer"Mangel says. "Omg I didn't see any abnormalities or any symptoms of Lung Cancer"Ray says. "Is there anything else Ray"Mangel asks. "How long have I got left"Ray asks.

"Ray were not sure exactly once we've told your cancer doctor he'll come by and talk to you about your treatment and the next steps"Mangel says. "Can I have my family in here please doctor"Ray asks. "Of course you can Ray I'll just go and get them for you"Vallen says. "While Dr Vallen goes and lets Kelly Stella Rosie and Jennifer know the good news while Doctor Mangel goes and lets Ray's Cancer Doctor that Ray's woken up. "I'll be back soon Ray"Mangel says. "You can all come in now"Dr Vallen says. As Rosie and Stella walk in first with tears rolling their cheeks. As Kelly and Jennifer walk in after them.

"Come here girls everything's going to be okay"Ray says. "Uncle how is everything going to be okay"Rosie asks.  "What's wrong"Ray says. "You're both seriously ill Ray"Stella says. "What are you saying Stella"Ray asks. "Uncle Laverne is seriously ill with Heart Cancer which runs in her family"Rosie says. "I didn't know that"Ray said. "Just take it easy Ray Stella and Rosie have been worried soo much about you both"Kelly says. "Mind me being rude but this is a family matter mate"Ray says.  "Uncle Ray Kelly and Jennifer are family and they've been very supportive and there for me"Rosie says.  "Uncle Ray this is my fiance and his mom"Stella says.

"I'm very sorry mate"Ray says. "Thats okay Ray"Kelly says. "There is one other news Ray that we've got to tell you"Stella says. "It better not be bad news guys"Ray asks. "It's good news Uncle"Stella says. "What's the news Stella"Ray asks. "We're pregnant"Stella says. "Really"Ray says. "Yes Ray here's the latest scan picture"Kelly says. "OMG you can actually tell and see a baby on the scan"Ray says. As Stella lifts up her top and reveals her growing stomach. "Stella your parents will be proud of you and you Rosie"Ray said. "Thanks Uncle"Rosie and Stella both say. "When are you due Stella"Ray asks. "Around February time"Kelly says. "I love you girls"Ray said. "We love you too"Rosie and Stella both say....

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