Sofia's Sixth Chemo Session Part 1 and Kidnapping Violet Part 23

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It's now 8:30am on the Tuesday morning and as Gabby is breastfeeding Isabella as Matt is holding Sofia as she gets tube fed the doctor walks in the room. "Morning guys"Dr Weathers said. "Thanks for listening to me yesterday"Matt said. "Thats okay"Doctor Weathers said. "Have you came to give Sofia her chemotherapy drugs Doctor"Gabby said. "Yes I am"Doctor says as Nurse Fairway comes in through the door with the items. "Here's the stuff doctor"Fairway said. "Thanks Fairway and by the way where's Nurse Langhan"Weathers asks. "I'm not sure Doctor"Fairway said. As Doctor Weathers gets the stuff out by making sure that the chemotherapy drugs is set up and as he goes over to the bed where Sofia is with daddy he speaks up.

"Matt can you kindly sit up and open the chemo port for me"Doctor Weathers asks. "No problem Doctor"Matt said as he sits up in bed and holds the chemo port open as he holds Sofia as tight as possible. "Don't worry Sofia"Doctor says. "Will she be on this all day just like before"Gabby asks ."sorry guys Sofia will be on it all day"Doctor Weathers said. "What do you want me to do Doctor"Fairway asks. "Just keep an eye on Sofia during the day and make sure that her charts are up to date with everything recorded please"Doctor Weathers said. "Will do Doctor"Fairway said. Now that Doctor Weathers has administered the drugs to Sofia for the day he and Nurse Fairway leave the family together.

While Sofia's getting her rugs over at The Casey Family Business out the front Julie is dealing with some Firefighters who have come to collect there order. "Hello there my name is Julie what can I do for you"Julie asks. "My name is Firefighter Tommy Lee and this is my Captain Leone"Lee said. "Why have you come here for"Julie asks. "We've come for our order"Lee said. "What Firehouse are you from guys"Julie says."firehouse 20"Lee said. "Let me go out the back and find your order"Julie says. As Julie goes out the back to find the order for Firehouse 20 and 5 minutes later she arrives back with two boxes and as she hands over a piece of paper to the Captain for him to sign. "Can you please check the paper against the boxes and once you're happy can you please sign to say that you've collected your order"Julie says. "Will do Julie"Leone says.

As Captain Leone checks over the order Firefighter Greg Grainger and Firefighter Tipton walk i the building. "Hello there what can I do for you two Firefighters"Julie ask.s. "We've come to collect our orders"Grainger and Tipton both say. "What Firehouses are you from please"Julie says. "Firehouse 27"Tipton said. "Firehouse 40"Grainger says. "Wait here a moment and I'll go and grab your orders"Julie says. "Thanks"they both say. As Julie walks out to the back to grab the two orders for Firehouse 40 and 27 while over at Chesterton Frank and George are leaving the place altogether in a couple of days or so as they're going to be making there way back to Chicago before the weekend arrives.

"Frank food's ready"George said. "Thanks bro"Frank said. "This one's mine here's yours"George said. "What have I got"Frank said. "You've got a sausage and egg sandwich"George said. "Delicious sandwich"Frank said. "Same here with mine"George said. As Violet is bound and gagged in the trunk of the car and George injects another dose of Scopolamine into her bloodstream as Frank wants to know how many does are left of Scopolamine. "How many do we have left of Scopolamine to use"Frank said. "Theres about 4 definitely 3"George said. "That means we can keep her til Saturday the latest"Frank said. "When are we heading back to Chicago Frank"George asks. "Tomorrow sometime"George said.

"We need to keep a low profile til we leave here and make our way back to Chicago"Frank said. "I agree bro"George said. While brothers Frank and George continue to talk back at the hospital with Gabby and Matt as the twins are fast asleep as Isabella is ting down on mommy's chest while Sofia is on daddy's chest as the parents talk about holiday's. 'Why don't we go on holiday where theres a beach and a sea"Matt said. "I agree love haven't you been to the sea on a family holiday"Gabby asks. "The only holiday we went to was inland with only a swimming pool to dip our toes in the water"Matt said. "We're going to experience our first family holiday by going to the beach and dipping our toes in the sea together"Gabby said. "I can't wait baby as on as Sofia gets the all clear I'm booking that holiday"Matt said.

"I'm not going to argue with that babe"Gabby said. "Where are we going tho"Matt asks. "Not exactly sure tho as I want to support Stella as she goes through the rest of her pregnancy"Gabby said. "I agree love"Matt said. "We want the best for our girls"Gabby said as Matt nods his head and agrees with his wife as the clock now reads 11:45am and as Sofia is throwing up Matt pushes the alarm button an Doctor Weathers comes into the room and. "What's wrong with Sofia"Doctor Weathers asks. "She's been throwing up and she's been going hot and cold"Matt said. "I know whats wrong"Dr says as he pages Nurse Fairway to come in and assist with him in whats got to be done.

"What's up doctor'Fairway asks. "We need to get fluids into Sofia as the chemo drugs are making her sick and we need to check to see if the Catheter is in place"Doctor Weathers says. "What are we doing first Doctor"Fairway asks. "We're going to check to see if the Catheter is in right first"Doctor says. "I'll go and get everything that we need"Fairway said as she left the room to grab the items thats needed for the procedure on Sofia. "Can I take Sofia from you please and can you wait outside please"Doctor Weathers asks. "What's going on and of course you can take Sofia"Matt said. "Thanks Matt and we'll tell you once we've finished"Doctor says as Fairway walks back in the room...

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