Sofia's First Chemo Session Part 1 Day 1

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Dr Samuel Weathers POV

As I hold the two drugs in my hand as I've already opened the chemo port of my youngest patient who is being held by her mommy Gabby Maria Casey as her daddy Matt Lee Casey is holding her fingers so Sofia can't grab hold any of it. I always think back to why I chosen this profession when I was at school and the reason is that I want to make people better. This patient that I'm treating now is a 8 week old baby girls whose daddy I went to school with. In my years since I qualified I've dealt with loads of children young and teenagers and I've also been with there families and they've all beaten it but sadly some of them who've been in remission have sadly there cancer came back.

"Can you hold her tight please as I administer the Carmusine and Vincristine please"doctor says. "Is it ok if she falls asleep on us"Gabby says. "Thats perfectly fine as long as you document it all so w can keep a check on everything"doctor asks. "We will doctor"Matt says. As the parents start with 9am start administered 75mg of Carmustine every 2 hours and 0.05mg of Vincristine every week and Sofia falls asleep as Doctor Weathers administered the drugs as he big cousins Diego Eva and Violet are at school and Violet wats to work in the healthcare environment while Eva as also decided that she wants to work in the healthcare environment as a Cancer Doctor so the first thing she's got to do is talk to her teachers and this years is one of the biggest of her school life. "Diego see you later"Eva says.

Back at the hospital Sofia is fast asleep on her mommy's chest as Gabby falls asleep Matt's cell goes off and it's Heather Darden on the other end. "Hello Matt is it okay if we can talk"Heather says. "Yes I'm free to talk"Matt said. "Firstly how are you and Gabby doing"Heather asks. "We're okay just tired"Matt said. "How's Isabella and Sofia doing. "Heather says. "Isabella is fast asleep in her rocking chair Sofia is having her first chemo session while she's fast asleep on mommy's chest who is also fast asleep"Matt said. "How is the chemo going for her"Heather asks. "Heather Sofia's chemo as only started like 5 mins ago"Matt said. "What drugs have they got her on Matt"Heather asks. "Sofia is on Vincristine and Carmustine"Matt says. "They're two of the most powerful drugs"Heather says. "I know let me show you my girls"Matt said.

As Matt shows Heather his girls who are fast asleep and he notices that Sofia is crying in pain so he decides to take Sofia off Gabby once he's done some thing important. "Heather can I call you back please"Matt says. "Of course you can Matt"Heather says. "Speak soon"Matt says. As Matt and Heather finish talking for half an hour Matt writes down 9:30am Sofia crying and in pain and once he's done that he takes Sofia from Gabby and sits down beside her trying t not to wake her up as Isabella's not due for another feed for at least 2 1/2 hours time as Gabby didn't get a lot of sleep as she was tossing and turning all night. "Sofía, te amo, papá te tiene a ti, mamá, justo a mi lado durmiendo, ambos te amamos mucho y a tu hermana gemela muchísimo, solo sé valiente y mantén tus fuerzas y superarás esto"Matt said as Gabby was stiring as the sofa is not always the best place to have a nap.

As Gabby wakes up from having a 30 minute minute nap as she was listening to what her husband was saying to Sofia as Gabby knew that Matt moved Sofia from my chest. "Baby why don't you go back to sleep"Matt said. "I'm okay for now"Gabby said. "I'll make you a deal if you feel tired you have a sleep"Matt said. "Deal babe but first I've got to go to the restroom and when I come out I'll do some pumping"Gabby said. 10 minutes later Gabby comes out of the restroom and grabs some bottles and the breast pump and sat back down next to Matt on the sofa as he holds Sofia on his chest. "Heather called earlier while you was napping"Matt said. "How is she"Gabby asks as she connects the breast pump to her breasts. "Heather's okay she was calling to see how we're all doing"Matt said. "Why was it a quick call"Gabby asks. "Sofia was crying love"Matt said. "Will she be calling back later tonight"Gabby asks. "Yes love"Matt said.

As Gabby express her milk she manages to fill up 6 bottles for when she's asleep and Isabella will be fed by her daddy Matt. Over at The Casey Family Business Sergeant Voight and Detective Halstead arrive to talk to Antonio and Christie about Ralph Finlay as they know that Matt and Gabby are at the hospital for the fore sealable future. As Sergeant Voight and Detective Halstead walk in the building they walk up to the main desk. "Hello there my name is Sergeant Voight and my partner is Detective Halstead were here to see Antonio and Christie please"Voight said. "If you just wait here a moment and I'll just go and get them both for you"Julie said.  

As Julie goes and lets Antonio and Christie know that there two people who need to speak to them. As julie knocks on the door of the office where Antonio is helping Christie with the days job. "Hello Julie what can we do for you"Christie asks. "Theres a Detective and a sergeant waiting to talk to you both"Julie says. "Thanks Julie you can bring them here"Antonio said. As Julie goes back to the main room and collects the Detective and his boss. "Detective they will see you both now"Julie says. "Thanks Julie we know where we're going from her"Voight said. "There int he main office the one with the door open"Julies says...

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