Jones and Fritz Visit 1

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As Stella's doctor calls out her name she Kelly and Rosie all walk down the corridor to her office as Wallace Boden arrives in the car park with Eliza Jones and Jack Fritz. "Why don't we go indoors boss"Fritz said. "Let's get this done"Jones said as Boden agrees. As Wallace Boden Eliza Jones and Jack Fritz walk through the hospital and head to the Cancer Ward for babies and children Matt and Gabby who are dressed smartly pick up daughters Isabella Maria and Sofia Rose and head out to the meeting area and wait for there visitors to arrive and be let through.

Gabby's POV

As I hold my daughter Isabella in my arms as I wait for my half sister and brother-in-law to arrive and come face to face with them after what our dads have done. I'm soo worried about what our moms are going to say when they find out about today. I'm soo happy that our girls are this age as I wouldn't know how I feel if they went through this with me. As I look at my husband who's wearing his black trousers and favourite shirt with a cloth in hand in case Sofia is sick over him.

Matt's POV

As I hold my daughter Sofia in my arms as I sit down next to my wife who's holding Isabella. I can't believe how lucky I am to have an amazing wife family and business but I'm certainly not happy for what my dad's done before he died but as I stare at my wife who's looking rather hot right now.

With Gabby and Matt waiting in the meeting area with Isabella and Sofia as Boden Jones and Fritz arrive at the door and Boden presses the button ad the nurse lets them all through the door where they wash there hands before joining Matt and Gabby in the waiting area. "Hello Chief"Matt and Gabby both say. "How's my two favourite workers and my future candidates doing"Chief asked. "We're both good thanks"Matt said. "We're both taking it day by day"Gabby said. "Isabella is great"Matt said. "Sofia's doing well"Gabby said.

"What's this all about guys"Fritz asks. "Don't you know whats happening"Matt said. "We keep away from other peoples problems"Jones said. "But you both knew that you are family"Gabby said. "One of our rules is that we don't keep secrets from each other"Matt said. "How's Sofia's chemotherapy sessions going"Boden asks. "Her first two sessions went okay"Matt said. "What about her latest two"Boden said."not so good"Gabby said. "Sofia was reacting badly to the drugs and the first evening Sofia was experiencing very bad withdrawal symptoms"Matt said. "Can someone please tell us whats going on"Jones asks. "And why you've called us here"Fritz asks.

"Fritz Jones Sofia's being treated for Brain Cancer"Gabby said. "If you two are our brother and sister that makes you our girls Auntie and Uncle"Matt said. "What's gonna happen next"Fritz asks. "We want to start from the night at Molly's as we was celebrating the night before I got shot"Matt said. "Fritz I think theres something that you want to say to your brother"Boden said. "Yes boss"Fritz said. "What you said to my husband and your brother was very hurtful Fritz"Gabby said. "I know I regretted the words that I said and I'm very sorry I didn't mean what I said and I want to give you both my apology and I won't say anything again to upset you"Fritz said.  "I accept your apology on one condition"Matt said.

"What's the condition Matt"Fritz asks. "After we talked about it today we don't mention it again"Matt said. "Okay Matt"Fritz said. "Are you okay Jones"Gabby asked. "I'm fine Gabby"Jones said. "Okay"Gabby said. "Can we hold them"Jones asks. "I'm sorry you can't"Gabby said. "Thats okay"Jones said. "What was dad like Matt"Fritz asks. "Well when my sister and myself was young we was a happy family unit for a while"Matt said. "What do you know about dad"Gabby said. "Well when my sister moved away for college to the other side dad got worse with his abusive language"Matt said. "What happened while our sister was away"Fritz asks.

"I was doing my exams to become a firefighter and all I can hear for over 1 hour was dad shouting at my mum"Matt said. "What happened next"Fritz asks. "As I couldn't concentrate so I decided to go and investigate and I saw my mom on the floor covered in bruises"Matt said. As Gabby noticed that her husband was crying so she put her arm around him and said. "Babe I'm here you managed to tell me you can tell Fritz"Gabby said. "Just give him time Fritz"Jones said. "I know"Fritz said. "It was a few months after my 17th birthday my dad was very abusive to my mom physical and emotionally and he hit her soo hard she snapped and 3 hours later she grabbed his keys and his gun and went to his house and shot him"Matt said. "Why and how"Fritz said. "Like I said he abused my mum and killed him whenever he was drunk and she went to prison for it and the next 15 years me and my sister have been estranged from each other"Matt said.

"Why don't you give m a cuddle love"Gabby said. "Yes please I'd love that"Matt said. "What about our dad"Jones asks. "Theres nothing much I can tell you Jones apart from being a family man before finding out about you"Gabby said. "I know he's married to your mom still"Jones said. "Yes thats right"Gabby said. "Where's he living now"Jones asks. "He's in rehab as he's been drinking heavily"Gabby said. "When will I be able to see him"Jones asks. "Not sure"Gabby said. As far as we know is that Camilla hasn't seen him since we all found out about you"Matt said. "We're still trying to persuade our mom to go and visit him at the rehab clinic"Gabby said. "Does he know that we've met each other"Jones asks. "Yes he knows that we've met each other but only on work basis"Gabby said. "I understand"Jones said. "When do you need us about work"Fritz said. "Not sure til we look at our calendar"Matt said. "Is everything okay Matt"Boden asks.

"Everything is okay but can we talk before you leave"Matt asks. "Yes of course"Boden says. "Would you two be able to wait outside for a moment please"Gabby asks. "Thats okay"Jones and Fritz both say. "Thanks for coming over here to talk to us and if theres anything else you want to know or ask feel free to"Matt said. "Thanks and see you outside boss"Jones and Fritz both say. As they walkout and leave there boss speaking to Matt and Gabby as the clock now reads 10:45am and Stella's appointment as finished and her Rosie and Kelly leave the office after having a sonogram appointment. "Matt Casey what do you want to talk about"Boden asks. "Gabby and myself was wondering how the candidates are doing"Matt asks.

"Oh right they've got balls and they're doing very well listening to there boss when they're on calls but as you know its still early days"Boden says."would you be able to get it on paper as its the new protocol that we've been given"Gabby said. "I can do that"Boden says. As Isabella and Sofia are both crying the parents have to end the talk short. "Sorry chief but our girls are crying and we need to change them"Matt said. "Thats okay Matt"Boden says.  As iGabby and Matt walk back to there room with their daughters Gabby's call goes off and its Stella who's messaged them. "Hi girl are you free to see us as our appointment has finished"Stella said. "Give us 15 minutes and we'll be right back out"Gabby said...

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