Visiting Chicago Part 3 with a Surpise Visit

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"Thanks Stella see you soon"Heather says as Stella presses the intercom button. "We've come to see Mr and Mrs Casey"Stella says. "Who's coming to see them shall I say"the nurse asks. "We want it to be a surprise for them please"Heather said. "No problem"the nurse said. As the nurse lets Heather and her boys through the main door of the cancer ward and shows them where to wait so the nurse goes and lets Matt and Gabby Casey that they've got some visitors. As the nurses goes to the Casey's room and as she pops her head round. "Sorry to interrupt you guys but you've got visitors waiting to see you"nurse says. "Thanks nurse"Matt said. As the nurse leaves the parents to it and gets back to her job and the parents can leave their room once they've got clothes on. "I wonder who our visitors are babe"Gabby said. "I've got no idea love we better not keep them waiting whoever they are"Matt said.

As Gabby picks up Isabella and Matt picks up Sofia and they walk out the room carrying there daughters and as they approach the meeting point they notice that there visitors are Heather Griffin and Ben Darden. The parents sit down holding there girls in there arms. "This is a nice surprise guys"Matt and Gabby both say. "After hearing not just from you guys I thought I'd come with the boys too"Heather said. "Thanks we appreciate it Heather"Gabby said. "We're very sorry to hear what Sofia is going through"Ben and Griffin both say. "Thanks boys it really means a lot to us"Matt said. "Why don't we tell them the latest news about Sofia"Gabby said. "Yes love do you want me to start"Matt said.

"I've got Sofia in my arms guys"Matt said. "She's got a hat on to keep her head from getting cold"Gabby said. "Whys Isabella got her hat on tho"Ben asks. "We like to dress them the same when Sofia's not having her chemotherapy"Matt said. "How's Sofia coping when she's going through her chemotherapy"Heather asks. "Heather on her first chemotherapy session night she was having really bad side effects caused by the chemo drugs"Gabby said. "What side effects was Sofia having guys"Griffin asks. "Heather boys Sofia had to be rushed back into theatre for surgery on her brain"Matt said. "They found out that Sofia caught an infection"Gabby said. "What made Sofia get an infection"Heather asks.

"The surgeons found out that the infection had caused Sofia to have fluid on her brain plus her temperature went sky high"Matt said. "OMG guys"Heather said. "Thats not all guys"Gabby said. "What else has happened"Heather asks. "Sofia was fitted with a feeding tube after they operated on her the night she was brought in and they took it out but as you can see tho"Matt says. As Matt turns Sofia round so Heather and the boys can see her. "Sofia's got a feeding tube"Heather says. "The doctor put her back in it as she wasn''t feeding enough from myself as she was playing with it more than anything"Gabby said. "She's having routine scans bloods checkups and they've fitted her with a catheter"Matt said.

"Sofia is sleeping right now"Ben asks. "Yes Ben"Gabby said. "Sofia sleeps a lot especially when she's having her chemotherapy sessions"Matt said. "Sofia is usually sick when she's had her milk she did on Monday"Gabby said. "How bad was she"Griffin asks. "Just say that I was sleeping when Sofia was sick all over me"Matt said. "Bet that was awful"Heather said. "Yes it was awful guys"Gabby said. "She's having a very bad reaction to the reaction to the chemo drugs and it's hard seeing her like this Heather no parent should ever go through this"Matt said. "How's her scans showing"Heather asks. "Her latest scan results are showing positivity"Gabby said. "They're showing that the tumour is shrinking which means that the chemotherapy drugs that Sofia is having are working"Matt said. "She's still got a long road ahead of her after her chemo"Heather says. "Yes"they both say.

"How are you coping Uncle Matt and Auntie Gabby"Ben asks. "We're coping the best we can while being here with our sick daughter as my family is falling apart"Gabby said. "What do you mean Gabby"Heather asks. "Heather both of our dad's done the dirty on our mom's and Gabby's dad Ramon is in rehab as he's got an alcohol problem"Matt says. "I'm soo sorry Gabby to hear that"Heather said. "Thanks Heather my mom and brother don't want to know dad right now"Gabby says. "I'm sure everything will work out in the end"Heather said. "I do hope so Heather I don't like it when our family fall out"Gabby said.

"Look at the time babe it almost there food time"Matt says. "You're right Matt let's get back to our room"Gabby said. "Sorry guys we didn't realise the time"Matt says. "Is there anything we can do guys"Heather says. "It's the girls feeding time"Gabby says. "Thats okay guys were here til Sunday"Heather said. "We'll see you before you head back home"Matt asks. "I do hope so"Ben said. As Matt and Gabby head back to there room Stella Rosie and Kelly who have finished shopping arrive to pick up Heather and the boys.

As Kelly drives home to The Casey Family Business and he parks in the carpark in a space and as they all get out and as they approach the doors they see Benny Severide inside ready to carry on working after there lunch. "Hi dad we're heading back to Springfield soon"Kelly said. "How are you feeling Stella"Benny said. "I'm feeling okay just worried about my Aunt and Uncle"Stella said...

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