Kidnapping Violet Part 26

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As Gabby accepts the call from her sister-in-law Christie as Matt is feeding their daughter Isabella and.  "Hello guys"Christie and Antonio both say. "Before we go any further sis I want to apologise for what was said yesterday morning"Matt said. "I want to apologise bro for keeping it fm you and Gabby"Christie said.  "Sis we're doing everything we can in finding Violet safe and well"Antonio said. "Antonio how can you find her when you're not working for Voight anymore"Gabby said. "Gabby Voight is letting me work along side them from The Casey Family Business building"Antonio said. "What's the latest Christie"Matt asks. ""Theres been no change as they're waiting for the brothers to return back to Chicago"Christie said. "Where have they been"Gabby asks.

"Voight Lindsay and Halstead went to Chesterton and talked to two witness"Antonio said. "How's Sofia been yesterday and today"Christie asks. "Sofia's getting through it apart from having real bad sickness from the chemo drug"Matt said. "She'll get through this she's strong just like her mommy daddy and twin sister"Antonio and Christie both say.  "Baby well done you've finished your bottle of milk for daddy now I need to burp you as mommy holds your twin sister"Matt said.  "Did we catch you at a bad time"Christie asks. "Isabella has just finished her bottle for me"Matt said. "Thats our niece"Antonio said.

As Matt burps his daughter Doctor Weathers arrives at the room with a trolley of food for the parents.  "Hold on a minute guys"Matt said. "We'll leave you to it"Christie said. "We'll call you if we have any news"Antonio said. "Bye sis say hi to mum from me"Matt said. "Will do Matt"Christie said. "Night Antonio"Gabby said. "Love you sis and Matt"Antonio said.As Matt and Gabby finish talking with Antonio and Christie as Isabella makes a loud burping noise. "Thats our girl"Gabby said. "Why don't I put the twins down then we can enjoy our tea before we go bed and we have time to ourselves before the twins wake up again for their next feed"Matt said. "That sounds awesome"Gabby said.

As Matt takes Isabella over to the crib then walks back over to his wife and takes Sofia off his wife and takes her over and places her down next to her twin sister then daddy can join mommy for tea and then enjoy sometime together while over at the Jordan house Louis Martina has made food for everyone. "Foods ready guys"Martina said. "Thanks we'll be right there"Christie said. As Antonio leaves the building and heads home leaving the family to eat. "Thanks Martina this looks lovely"Nancy said. "Thats okay"Martina said. "Was that you and Antonio on the phone talking to Matt and Gabby"Nancy asked. "Yes we were"Christie said. "How's Sofia doing"Martina asks. "She's coping best as she can but she's going through severe sickness due to the chemotherapy drugs that she's on"Christie said.

While Nancy Christie and Jim are eating the food thats been cooked by Sous Chef Louis Marina while over at Chesterton as Violet is bound gagged and knocked out in the trunk of the car as George and Frank are on there cells as there brother Ralph is inside the prison and what none of them is realising that theres people listening to there conversations.  "Hello Ralph"George said. "How are you coping in there"Frank asks. "Not good at all I'm going crazy in here as everyone knows everyone's business"Ralph sad. "Just keep yourself to yourself and we'll get you out of there"George said. "Just look out for Jocelyn"Ralph asks. "Don't worry she's in safe hands"Frank said. "Promise me"Ralph said. "We'll be there for her when we get back to Chicago"George said. "When will that be boys"Ralph asks."sometimes tomorrow"Frank says. "I've got to go talk tomorrow"Ralph said. "Bye"George and Frank both say.

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