Evening Part 2

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As Christie speaks through the intercom and the nurses lets them all through the door and they walk inside the ward and walk to the waiting room and they join Gabby Matt Isabella and Sofia. "Hello guys"Matt says. "Hello"Gabby and Matt both say. "Hello Violet"Gabby asks. Hola tía Gabby y tío Matt, los extrañé mucho a ambos y an mis primas Isabella y Sofía"Vi said. "Violeta de donde aprendiste español"Gabby asks. "De la escuela"Vi said. "How's things going Vi"Matt asks. "Ha sido difícil, tío Matt, especialmente porque mi padre no estaba"Vi said. "Sigan con el buen trabajo en la escuela Vi"Matt said. "Thats good Vi"Christie said. "Thanks mum"Violet said.   

"Mom how are you coping and is everything ok at the house is very quiet at night as I'm trying to keep myself busy during the day"Nancy said. "Thats good mom"Matt said. "If theres anything I can do to help with the business or the garden"Nancy asks. "Thanks mom Christie will tell you if theres anything to do as she's the one in charge at home"Matt said. "How are you doing"Christie asks. "We're both okay Matt and I want to talk to you about something"Gabby asks. As. Matt gets his cell out and opens the photos the one that says about the figure off the Firehouses.

"Sis we need to ask Benny if he Cana go round to check on Firehouse 20 Firehouse 40 Firehouse 66 and Engine 27"Matt says. Which one needs sorting first"christie asks. "Well theres no paperwork from the firehouse 66 and it needs sorting out following with the others"Matt says. "I'll speak to Kelly when we get back as Antonio goes at 5pm"Christie says. "You could ask him to do it as he's a retired firefighter"Matt says. "I really want to make myself useful"Nancy asks. "Well talk in the morning about it mom"Christie said. "How's Jim's family doing Christie"Gabby asks.  "He's phoned this morning and there doing okay but I'm worried tho as he working from home and he's not sure when he'll be home"Christie said. "Why don't you go up and surprise him when Violet's finished school on Friday"Matt asks. "I could go up til Sunday"Christie said. "I'll hold down the fort with Antonio Stella and Kelly for the weekend"Nancy said "I'll phone his sister tomorrow"Christie said.

While Christie is going over the figures with brother Matt back at The Casey Family Family Business Antonio has left and as Julie is about to lock up when Kelly and Stella come down to talk to Julie. "Hi Julie"Kelly says. "What can I do for you boss I was just about to lock up the doors"Julie says. "I'll do that Julie as Kelly wants to ask you something important"Stella says as she goes over to the doors and locks up for another day. "Julie before you turn of the computers I need some sheets printed off for the next few days. As Julie prints off the documents Kelly gets a message from Christie saying I need to talk to you before you leave the building.

The time is now 6pm almost and Mr Rogers is waiting for Violet Christie and Nancy to come out of the hospital after visiting Gabby Matt Isabella and Sofia. "Thanks for coming guys"Matt and Gabby both say. "You're welcome"they all say. "We'll be off now Mr Rogers will be waiting for us"Christie said. "Speak soon son and daughter-in-law"Nancy said. As  Violet Christie and Nancy say their goodbyes to Gabby Matt Isabella and Sofia they head out of the hospital where Mr Rogers is waiting for them. "Hello ladies where to now"Mr Rogers asks. "Back home please"Christie said. "No problem Christie"Mr Rogers said as the ladies climb in the car and then he drives off from the hospital.

Back in the Cancer Ward Gabby and Matt carry their daughters back in their room and as the parents try to put them down on the bed they both start to cry as it's their food time. "Bae why don't you get your top off ready then I can pass you the twins one by over"Matt said. As Gabby takes her top off and sits down on their bed and then Matt picks up the twins one by one and passes them over to mommy and while mommy feeds the twins Matt can get out off his best clothes now he's back in the Pom in to something more comfortable for the night. "Here you go girls mommy's milk time and Isabella why don't you put your arm round your sister"Gabby says.

While Gabby feeds the girls back at The Business Benny walks in and wants to take his son and daughter-in-law to be out for a meal. "Hi dad"Kelly said. "Hi Benny what can we do for you"stela asks. "I was wondering if I can take you both out for a meal"Benny asks. "We're both free tonight"Stella said. "Christie wants to talk to us before we leave there on their way back now from the hospital"Kelly said. "Thats okay son"Benny said. As the clock now says 6:45pm and Mr Rogers arrives back with Nancy Christie and Violet. "Thanks see you in the morning Mr Rogers"Vi said. "Goodnight ladies"Mr Rogers said"I'll be upstairs soon"Christie said.

Violet's POV

This morning when I arried at school I was soo happy as my subject was double Spanish Biology Arts and Crafts followed by double free period. When the school bell rung I didn't expect t be picked up by my mom and grandma as I didn't know that I was getting a surprise but when I got to the hospital along with mom and grandma it was the best surprise ever as I got to see my Uncle Matt Auntie Gabby and my twin cousins Isabella and Sofia. I'm soo happy right now as I've missed them soo much especially since my dads not here at the moment.

As Nancy takes Violet upstairs as Christie joins Stella Kelly and Benny i the main room. "Hello Benny would you be able to help us"Christie asks. "My pleasure what do you want help with"Benny asks. "Well we've got the figures back and som of the Firehouse's need reevaluating"Christie asks. "Where and when do you want me to start"Benny asks. "Be here for 9am and we'll let you know"Christie asks. "I'll be there for 9am right here at The Casey Family Business"Benny said. "I'll explain everything to you all tomorrow morning"Christie said. "We'll be off now"Kelly and Stella both say. as Benny Stella and Kelly walk out of the building and head to there cars and then head to a cafe/restaurant as a family before a new arrival comes in the new year.

20 minutes later Stella Kelly and Benny arrive at the cafe and as they walk in and take their seats ready to order their food they all start to talk. "Stella how have you been lately"Benny asks. "I've been feeling great apart from this morning"Stella said. "What happened"Benny said. "I woke up feeling dizzy and I was throwing up too"Stella said. "It's perfectly normal but very worryingly for the dad to be"Benny said. "Did Jennifer have morning sickness"Stella asks. "Yes she did Stella"Benny said. "How did she manage to get through it"Stella asked. "Make sure that Kelly is there for you and she did all of this"Benny said as he handed over a piece of paper to Stella. "Thanks Benny don't worry your grandchildren will be fine"Stella said. As the waitress walks over and takes the order and said I'll be back with your drinks first in a couple of minutes...

The Casey Family Business - Raising A Family Part 2Where stories live. Discover now