Kidnapping Violet Part 7

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"Can we see Violet"Diego asks. "Antonio you're scaring us right now"Laura said. "Kids why don't you sit down beside me please it's really important"Antonio said. As Diego sits down to the left of his dad while Eva sits down to the right while Laura sits across from them. "Whatever the problem is we'll deal with it as a family Antonio"Laura said. "What I tell you it mustn't get to Matt and Gabby"Antonio said. "What is it"Laura said. As Antonio takes his kids hands and "Well yesterday morning after Mr Rogers left the bus station after dropping Violet off she was kidnapped"Antonio said. "OMG"Laura said. "She was meeting her friends when it happened"Antonio said. "What do we know at the moment"Laura asks. "We found two syringes dosed up with Scopolamine and car tyres so far as there was no prints found on them"Antonio said.

"That's awful dad"Diego says. "Yes it is Diego and it's a powerful drug that can cause consequences"Antonio said. "What's happening with finding her"Laura asks."Lindsay and Halstead are going through files we've hardly looked at out paper that we get weekly and theres been no sign of the car or Violet"Antonio said. "Why can't we tell Matt and Gabby they deserve to know"Eva asks. "I know but Christie doesn't want them to know as Sofia goes through her chemotherapy as she doesn't want stress added to them"Antonio said. "When will they get told"Diego asks. "I'm not sure Diego"Antonio said. "Are you okay Eva you're being quiet"Laura said. "I'm just worried about Violet Christie Jim and Nancy"Eva says.

"I'lll have a look through our paper before we head over to the house"Antonio said. "Thats a good idea give us chance to unpack our bags"Laura said. "We need to keep the kids close to us today"Antonio said. "Yes we will especially after Violet going missing"Laura said. While Laura Eva and Diego sort there bags out as Antonio reads through the works paper he comes across a name and the name is Ralph Finlay so Antonio calls his boss Hank Voight. "Hello Antonio"Voight said. "Boss I've found a name that we can all have a look at"Antonio said. "Dawson whats the name"Voight asks. "Ralph Finlay boss"Antonio said. "Thanks Dawson I'll call you later to have a meet up at the District if thats okay with you"Voight said. "Thats fine with me boss"Dawson said. "See you later Dawson"Voight said.

As Antonio and Voight have finished on there cells while Heather and the boys are looking round the massive store with Mr Rogers while over at the house with Jay Halstead and Erin Lindsay get a call from there boss Hank Voight. "I'm on my way round to help you look through those files Antonio has found a name that we can go from"Voight said. "Doors already open boss and whats the name"Halstead said."you need to look for anything to do with the name 'Ralph Finlay' Antonio mentioned"Voight said. "Will do boss and see you soon"Halstead said. As Voight and Halstead finish on the call Lindsay goes and grabs some snacks and drink. "Was that our boss Halstead"Lindsay said. "Yes and he's on his was round"Halstead said.

While Hank Voight is on his way round to see Erin Lindsay and Jay Halstead as Antonio is on his way to see Christie Jim and Nancy with his wife Laura daughter Eva and son Diego all arrive there 20 minutes later after arriving back home from visiting her parents walk straight up to the door once Antonio has parked up in an empty space. "Kids can you hold our hands please"Laura ask. "Yes mo"Eva said. "Yes dad"Diego said. "Thanks kids"Antonio said. While over at the store Heather and the boys have finished in the big store with Mr Rogers and as they head out Heather gets a message from Matt.

"Heather can you pick us up 2 packets of diapers not the very small size 2 flavoured bottles of water please not lemon and lime and some candy bars"Matt said. "No problem Matt"Heather said. While they finish talking Heather lets Mr Rogers know to go straight to the store while Matt and Gabby have time to themselves as their daughters are quiet. "Baby look at our girls"Matt said. "They're holding hands like nothing is happening"Gabby said. "We know that Sofia is going through chemo"Matt said. "Let's go and check on them before they get fed changed and burped"Gabby said.

While Gabby and Matt are sorting out there two girls Isabella and Sofia for when there visitors arrive at around 12pm while over with Frank and George are still driving to there next abandoned place with a knocked out Violet in the trunk. "We need to get Violet to talk when she wakes up before knocking her out again. "What are we getting her to say George"Frank asks. "Not sure yet as we need to write it down as her hands and feet will be chained"George said. "How about we want Ralph Finlay released from prison Matthew Casey right here and $10.000 dollars in exchange for my release"Frank said. "We want our demands met or else"George said. "Correct George we do"Frank said. "How many syringes with Scopolamine left"George asks. "We've got about a week's supply"Frank said. "About 5 days or so left"George said.

As George and Frank swap over and with Frank who's now in the drivers side carries on to the abandoned place as George writes out the ransom note for Violet to read out when she's woken up. "What am I writing again"George asks. "That we want Ralph to be released Matthew Casey here and our $10.000 dollars in exchange for my release"Frank said. "Oh yes I remember now"George said while over at the house Halstead Voight and Lindsay who's looking through the files of this years and they come across the name Ralph Finlay more than one occasion. "Boss this name can't be a coincidence"Halstead said. "True"Voight said. "I remember this name when he shot matthew Casey at The Casey Family Business and us two arrested him"Halstead said. "Before we do anything else we need to see if he's got any family then we can establish a point"Voight said. "Yes boss"Lindsay said...

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