Kidnapping Violet Part 27

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Its now the next morning and as Matt and Gabby have had a good night apart from waking up when Isabella and Sofia was crying for there milk and as the clock reads 7am and as they was fed at 6am and with the twins just got back to sleep Matt decides to check in with the folder that says Firehouses needs to be done before the doctor and nurses arrive at 9am. "Babe what are you up to at this time"Gabby asks. "I need to check all the firehouses have been done"Matt says. "Have you realised what the time is Matt"Gabby says.  "Yes"Matt said. "Why don't we do it together when Doctor Weathers and the neuroses have been at 9am"Gabby said. "We can do it together after 9am if you do something in return for me"Matt said. "Agreed baby"Gabby said. "We have a shower together"Matt said.

"I can't complain about that"Gabby said. "Let's go then while the girls are fast asleep"Matt said. As Gabby and Matt walk over to the restroom together and as there clothes fall to the floor as there towels hang on the hooks and with the water running they both climb into it as they kiss sand hold each other for the next 10 minutes. "This is lovely Matt"Gabby said. "I'm loving this too Gabby"Matt said. "This is just what we both needed"Gabby said. "I agree too baby"Matt said. "Can you wash my back please then I'll do your back"Gabby said. "Agreed"Matt said. While Matt and Gabby finish off getting each other washed including Gabby's hair while over at the Dawson house Laura and Antonio are getting ready for work as Eva and Diego are getting ready for school.

"Kids what lessons have you got today"Antonio asks. "I think I'm doing Science Revision Exams today"Eva says. "What about you son"Antonio asked. "I can't remember"Diego said. "I'm off to the shop to set up"Laura says. "See you later love"Antonio says. "Take care kids and have fun at school"Laura says. "Will do mum"Eva and Diego both say. "I'll pop in at lunchtime love"Antonio said. "See you then"Laura said. As Laura Dawson leaves the house and makes her way down to the bakery where her and Doreen are setting up for the morning as Antonio's making Scrambled Egg on toast while Eva and Diego are finishing getting dressed and making sure that they've got everything ready for school.

"Eva Diego breakfasts ready"Antonio said. "We're coming dad"they both say. "I'm dropping you off today and we're leaving at 8am"Antonio said. "Okay dad"Diego said. "Is there any news about Violet"Eva asks. "Nothing yet but we think we're closing in on something"Antonio said. "Say no more dad we don't want you to get into trouble for saying the wrong thing"Diego said. "Thanks son"Antonio said. "Thats okay dad"Diego said. "Remember kids don't leave school til either myself your mom or Mr Rogers collects you both"Antonio said. "Yes dad we understand"Eva said as her brother Diego agrees.

As the clock reads 9am Doctor Weathers Nurse Fairway and Nurse Langhan have come to check on patient Sofia Rose Casey while over at District 21 Antonio Dawson has arrived upstairs and alongside Sergeant Hank Voight Detectives Jay Halstead Erin Lindsay and Alvin Olinsky, Officers Adam Ruzek Kim Burgess and Kevin Atwater are ready to listen to Ralph George and Frank talk more about there plans that includes Violet and its not long when it happens as Ralph who's in prison calls Frank and George who's in Chesterton.  "Ralph is that you there"Frank asks. "I'm here boys"Ralph says "what do you want to know Ralph"George says. "Everything please"Ralph says.

"Okay then"George and Frank both say. "When are you boys going back to Chicago to watch Jocelyn for me"Ralph asks. "We're hoping to leave here by 12pm"Frank says. "You mean leave Chesterton at 12pm"Ralph says. "Thats correct Ralph"George says. "How's Violet been"Ralph asks. "She's been no trouble for us she's been bound gagged and dosed with Scopolamine since we kidnapped her on Saturday"Frank says. "Which way will you be coming in"Ralph says. "Not sure"George said. "But on Saturday morning we're hoping to drop off and see Jocelyn"Frank said. "She'll love to see her Uncles and tell her that her dad loves her"Ralph said. "We will bro"George said. "I've got to go so hopefully I'll see you both soon"Ralph says.

As Ralph goes back to his cell and the brothers gather everything together to leave Chesterton at 12pm while back at District 21 as everyone as heard the men talk about there plans about coming back to Chicago and seeing Jocelyn on Saturday. "Boss whats our plan to get Violet back home safe and well and arrest Frank and George"Lindsay asks. "I was thinking off at the house all of us hidden away"Voight said. "I'll be there too"Antonio said. "You can be there on one condition tho"Voight said. "You can't tell anyone as theres a chance that the brothers could get wind of it"Voight said. "I got it"Antonio said. "What's the exact plan boss"Burgess asks. "We wait til there by the car"Voight said. "What happens if Violet's not in the trunk"Ruzek asks. "We'll get them talking"Voight said.

"How's Christie doing"Atwater asks. "She's trying to keep it together and I don't just mean for the Family Business"Antonio said. "Just keep telling Christie Jim and Nancy that we'll find her"Olinksy said. "I have been doing it"Antonio said. "How's Sofia doing"Halstead asks. "She's doing okay apart from having real bad sickness"Antonio said. "She'll get through it"Lindsay said. "Sorry Antonio we've got to go but I'll see you back here on Saturday morning at 7am"Voight said. "See you then"Antonio said. As Antonio leaves District 21 as Voight and the team have got another case to do as Antonio heads back to The Casey Family Business.

Back at Chicago Hospital as Gabby and Matt have finished feeding Isabella Maria and Sofia Rose when a patient has collapsed two rooms down. "I need help in here please"Mrs Pyle said. "We're on our way"the local nurse says. While the nurse and doctor go and see whats happening and they notice that Mrs Pye's 11 year old son has collapsed on the floor as theres been no movement for the last 3 minutes. "What's happened"the doctor asks. "He was getting out of bed to go to the restroom when he just fell to the floor"Mrs Pyle said. "Thanks"the nurse says. "Is he breathing"Mrs Pyle asks. "Yes your son is still breathing"the doctor says. "Let's get him back on the bed then we can assess him properly"the nurse says. "Looks like he's hurt himself as he fell to the floor"the doctor says. "Will he be alright"Mrs Pye said.                                                      

"Mrs Pye why don't you go and sit down while we treat your son"the doctor says. "Okay"Mrs Pye said. While the doctor and nurse treat the 11 year old boy over at Chesterton Frank has given Violet  another dose of Scopolamine as the clock now says 12pm. "Frank have you give a dose to Violet"George says. "Just gave it to her"Frank said. "Everything's packed in the car"George says. "That means we can head back to Chicago and see our niece Jocelyn"Frank said. "Who's going to drive"George asks. "Why don't you drive first then we can swap over half way"Frank said. "No problem"George says.

While Frank and George head back to Chicago from Chesterton over at Springfield Hospital Laverne hasn't woken up yet and Ray is currently undergoing chemotherapy. "Laverne please wake up I'm here with Stella Kelly and Jennifer"Rosie says. "I'm in the bed next to you love"Ray said. "Please wake p Laverne"they all say as Doctor Mangel walks in the door...

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