Sofia's Fourth Chemo Session Part 1 Day 4

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Its now the next morning at 6:30am in Chicago and at the hospital Matt and Gabby have been awake for only 10 minutes by the sound of Isabella Maria and Sofia Rose wanting one thing only and that is there milk from there mommy ans with Sofia being tube fed Matt goes and picks up Sofia while Gabby goes to the fridge and grabs the last milk packet there is and she goes over to her hubby who's holding there I'll daughter and Gabby connects the bag that contains the milk to the feeding tube. "There you go Sofia daddy's got you as you have your milk"Matt said. "Mommy's got to feed your twin sister Isabella"Gabby said as she went over and picked up Isabella and went over and sat down next to Matt who's holding Sofia.

As Gabby puts Isabella to her breast she starts sucking immediately then as Matt holds Sofia with one hand he takes his spare hand  and gently moves his wife's fave and they both kiss each other lovingly on the lips for what seems to be for ages. "Thank you love that is just what I needed"Gabby said. "You're welcome babe"Matt said. "I need to do some pumping once Isabella is done before the doctor comes round"Gabby said. "Why don't you do some pumping while you sit in between my legs once we've put both twins down on their play mat and Sofia can finish feeding there"Matt said. "Thats a good idea once Isabella's been done"Gabby said.

While Gabby breastfeeds Isabella and Matt carries Sofia as she's had half of her milk over to her special seat that supports her body and head as her chemo port is shown. "Hello Sofia you'll feel much better on your play mat your sister will join you once mommy has fed burped and changed her diaper"Matt said as he walked away after putting Sofia down gently. "Is Sofia okay love"Gabby said. "Yes babe she's just fallen asleep"Matt said. "Don't forget to write it down in her notes for the doctor"Gabby said. "6:30am Sofia started feeding 7am fallen asleep in her play mat seat"Matt wrote down. As Matt gathers everything out ready for Gabby to change Isabella and for expressing milk for Sofia.

Now that Gabby has finished breastfeeding burped and now that Isabella as a clean diaper and clothes on she is now placed down next to her twin sister Sofia on her play mat now that both girls are settled on there play mat Gabby can now lie on the bed in between her husbands legs as she hooks herself to her breast pump. "I'm worried love"Gabby said. "Babe listen to me I'm worried too but remember that whatever we go through we do it together"Matt said. "I remember our vows"Gabby said. For the next hour Gabby manages to express 6 bottles of milk for Isabella and Sofia so the parents can feed their daughters. 

While Gabby and Matt have time to themselves before Dr Weathers Nurse Fairway and Nurse Langhan arrive to start Sofia's Chemotherapy for the day while over in Springfield Stella Kelly Rosie and Jennifer are getting ready to leave the house and make the journey to the hospital to have a word with Ray's Cancer Doctor and also see him and Laverne before leaving at 12pm. "Rosie it's time to go traffics is bad at this time"Stella says. "I'll be there in a minute"Rosie says. "We'll be in the car"Kelly says. "We'll be there in one sec"Stella says.

As Stella goes upstairs to find why Rosie has not come downstairs. "Isabella why ain't you come down Kelly and Jennifer are waiting in the air for us"Stella says. "I'm not coming"Rosie said. "Sis you can talk to me about whats going on"Stella says. "I can't speak to anyone apart from my head teacher"Rosie said. "Rosie you can talk to me I'm your big sister"Stella said...

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