Sofia's Fourth Chemo Session Part 4 Day 4

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For the next few hours Gabby and Matt are asleep together on the bed while Kelly and Stella leave the house and to Lincoln Magnet School where Principal Nichole Heyen is waiting for them. "Hello again"Heyen said. "We've got the results back for our Aunt and Uncle and it's not good news"Stella says. "I'm soo sorry to hear that if theres anything that myself or the school can do to help Rosie through this hard time to let us know"Heyen said. "Thanks"Kelly said. "In time Rosie will be going to a school in Chicago"Stella says. "Is it that bad Stella"Heyen said. "Our Uncle as two Cancers which one of them is Stage 3 and our Auntie has Heart Cancer and they've found her a heart but you never know whats going to happen"Stella said. "I'm soo sorry to hear all that but remember that if Rosie wants to talk to me I'm here for her"Heyen said. "Thanks Nichole we'll let her know"Kelly said.

"I'll get her teachers to do her reports and I'll have them all ready for when she leaves the school"Heyen said. "Much appreciated"they both say. "How are you feeling tho Stella"Heyen asked. "I'm really scared frightened worried and nervous and thats not the baby talk"Stella said. "It's not easy Stella for how you're feeling and what you're going through"Heyen said. "Have you gone through this"Kelly asked. "Yes I've gone through this as my Aunt had Cancer as I'm very close to her as my dad died before I was born and my mum died when I was about 5"Heyen said. "How old was you tho when your Aunt had Cancer"Kelly said. "Roughly the same age as Rosie is now and if it wasn't for my teachers who helped me I wouldn't be here now"Heyen said.

"Thanks for coming and well talk soon"Heyen said. "We'll be in touch"Kelly said. "We've got to head back to the hospital before we head home"Stella says. As Stella and Kelly leave the school and head back to the hospital where Jennifer and Rosie are talking to Ray while back in Chicago hospital as Gabby and Matt suddenly wakes up from the sound of there daughters both crying. "Matt baby both of our girls are crying but Sofia's cry sounds like she's in pain they need our attention"Gabby said. "You're right baby"Matt said. As Matt and Gabby get of the bed and walks over to the play mat where Isabella and Sofia are on.

As Matt picks up Sofia and takes her over to the crib and he notices that she's hot so he takes her top off and pushes the red button while Gabby picks up Isabella and they wait for the doctor to come in. "Matt whats wrong"Gabby asks. "Sofia is hot I've taken her top off"Matt said. As Gabby feels Sofia's forehead and notices that she's still hot so she feels Isabella's forehead and notices that she's okay. "Matt Sofia is still hot"Gabby said. "What about Isabella"Matt asks. "Isabella is okay and has stopped crying"Gabby said. "Thats good but Sofia is still crying"Matt said. "Let's just wait for Doctor Weathers to arrive"Gabby said.

10 minutes later Doctor Weathers arrives in the room. "Hello Matt whats wrong"Weathers asks. "Sofia is crying in pain and I noticed that she's hot so I took her top off"Matt said. "Let me go and get the thermometer"Dr Weathers said "what do you want me to do doctor"Matt asks. "Can you take the rest of her clothes off and just leave Sofia in her diaper please"Doctor says. "Will do doctor"Matt says as nurse Fairway and Langhan arrive. "Doctor whats wrong"Langhan said. "She's hot"Doctor Weathers said. "Let's take her temperature"Fairway said.

As Sofia gets her temperature checked and given fluids through her IV line over at Springfield Hospital the helicopter has arrived with the new heart for Laverne Kidd..

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