Sofia's First Chemo Session Part 6 Day 1

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Its okay Isabella do you want your mommy's milk"Gabby said as the doctor tries to administer Sofia's chemo drugs in her chemo port. As Sofia is crying and moving about the doctor has trouble getting her drugs to her so he has another plan but he'll need help from her nurses so he pages Fairway and Langhan and 10 minutes late they arrive. "We're here doctor"Langhan said. "I need one of you to hold her head and the other to hold her hands and arms down please"Dr Weathers says. As Fairway holds her head as Langhan holds her hands and arms as Doctor Weathers manages to administer Sofia her chemo drugs through her chemo port. 'Thanks ladies"Dr Weathers says. "You're welcome doctor"Langhan said. "By the way I love Sofia's necklace"Fairway said. "Thanks guys Isabella's got one exactly the same and we've got matching bags"Gabby said. "Doctor these are the gifts that came in the parcel.

"Are they real leather"Langhan asked. 'Yes they are"Matt said. "Sofia made it hard for the doctor thats why we was called in"Fairway said. "That means that Sofia is getting stronger isn't it"Matt and Gabby both ask. "Yes it is guys"doctor says.  "We'll be back later just going for a quick tea break"Fairway said. "Before you go we found these for the nurses and doctors who work in the ER"Matt said. "Of course we can do it for you"Langhan said "thanks guts"Gabby says. As Annie Fairway and Ellie Langhan takes the cards and they leave the Cancer Ward and head to the ER where they hear everyone rushing around and talking as they wait for two sisters aged 10 and 8 who's suffered a broken arm each from playing with each other. "We haven't got long here we've just come to drop these off for you all"they both say. "Thanks"Maggie says as they both went to get a coffee.

Over at the Latin School where Violet attends as all the parents are waiting in there children to come out there's  a car with two brothers in who's come to do a job but before they can do it they need to make sure that its the right time no one is around them amongst other things and importantly the right person. "See you tomorrow Violet"Leina says. "Bye Leina"Violet said as she gets picked up by Mr Rogers who's got Stella and Kelly with him. "Frank we won't be able to do it here theres too many people here"George says. "I agree but we can still come here that way we'll know where she'll be and go"Frank says. "Why don't we follow the car"George says as Frank drives just as Eva and Diego are doing leaving school.

"Good afternoon Violet"Stella says. "School was great"Violet says. "Thats good news Violet"Kelly says. "Why don't we get out of here and go back to base where Eva and Diego will be waiting for you"Mr Rogers said. "Let's get going then"Kelly said. As Mr Rogers drives back to base from the Latin School as Eva and Diego got the school bus back to where it could take them then they had to walk about 10 minutes. As Eva and Diego arrived back first they both walked inside and they found their dad who was in one of the office's. "Hey kids how was school"Antonio asks. "School was great dad"Diego said. "What about you Eva"Antonio says. "We had a career day but I already knew hat my career path will be"Eva says. "Whatever you choose as long as it makes you happy"Antonio says. "I want to treat people and make them better"Eva says. "That's wonderful Eva theres soo many options for you to choose from"Antonio says. "I know dad"Eva says.

10 minutes later Mr Rogers pulls up in the carpark after doing work for his boss Kelly and Stella and picking up Violet from school as her dad Jim is away on business most of the time and with Uncle Matt staying in the hospital with Auntie Gabby as their daughter Sofia is being treated for Brain Cancer.

Violet's POV

As the past few months have been crazy for myself and my family with the happy news of my twin cousins Isabella Maria and Sofia Rose and then this bloke who shot my Uncle Matt twice when the twins was only 4 weeks old which left my Auntie Gabby in despair for weeks while caring for newborn twins. I then recently found out something awful news along with the entire family that our Sofia Rose is going through chemotherapy as the doctors and nurses discovered a brain tumour which was then confirmed that it's Cancer. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and as today is the first of many chemotherapy sessions.

Over at Firehouse 51 the bells go off Ambo 61 Squad 3 Truck 81 Battalion 25 house fire 2351 Wallbash Street multiple victims trapped. As everyone at the firehouse rushes off to their rigs they all drive off to the scene of the house fire. 10 minutes later they all arrive on scene with Chief Boden telling Truck and Squad there orders on how to check the floors of the house as Ambo gets out the gurney for there patient. "Chief we need two more ambulances"Herman said. As Chief Boden tells Ambo 61 that two more ambulances are needed. "This is Ambo 61 to Maine we need two more ambulances to our destination"Foster says.  As Herman and Mills brings out a 13 year old boy who was trapped in the restroom without any cover. "You can put him on here guys"Foster says. "We need to intubate guys"Brett says. As Brett does the procedure on the teenager  and notices that he's badly burnt and his clothes have completely come from his body. "Foster Jones can you grab the blankets please"Brett says. As Ambo 61 have prepped the teenager for transportation and as it pulls away Ambo 99 and Ambo 153 arrive on scene of the house fire where the team pulls out the dad mom a young child and an elderly woman with smoke inhalation.

As Foster drives to the hospital which takes them 15 minutes. As Brett and Jones gets out of the back of the ambulance as Foster gets out of the drivers side and they all walk in. "Choi Rhodes your with me"Maggie says. "Ye Maggie"they both say. "Girls what have we got here"Maggie says. "13 year old boy found in his restroom with no cover badly burnt had to intubate him on scene"Jones said. Not far behin them are the boys family arrive in Ambulances 153 and 99 as the firefighters stay behind and does the overhaul by checking to see how the fire started. "Chief looks like the fire stared upstairs in the bedroom next to the restroom"Mills said as Ambulance 99 pulls up with the dad and young child. "Manning Halstead"Rafferty said. "Yes ladies"Halstead said. "Young child seems okay but dads in a very bad way"Chout says"thanks girls we'll take it from her"Manning Sid. "Can you give me 2 seconds girls"Jones said. "Go ahead Jones"Brett says. "Hi there Jones"Maggie said. "I was just wondering how Matt and Gabby are doing"Jones asks. "They're doing okay hard to say tho"Maggie says. "Tell them that we're thinking of them"Jones said. "Will do Jones"Maggie said.

Back at the scene of the fire Fritz does the overhaul show by Herman what to do by checking to see if all the heat spots are out and the roof is open and to make sure that the fire wasn't started deliberately as Ambo 61 arrives back at base shortly by Battalion 25. "Hi Chief can we do something for Matt and Gabby"Jones asked "i was thinking of a card and something else not sure what tho chief"Jones said."can I leave it to you girls to sort out"Chief said. "Of course you can chief"Brett says.

Back at the Casey house as Violet Eva and Diego are with Nancy as Nancy is sorting out clean clothes for Antonio to take to the hospital after work. "Grandma can I have a drink please"Vi ask. "Of course you can do you two want a drink"Nancy said. "Yes please"they both said. As Nancy goes to the kitchen to make 3 glasses of juice for Eva Diego and granddaughter Violet and as she approaches fridge she looks at a picture of her son and daughter-in-law with granddaughters Isabella Maria and Sofia Rose. "Are you okay Nancy"Diego asks. "I'll be fine just missing my family"Nancy said. "We're all missing them too"Eva says. As Nancy Eva Diego and Violet all decide to take their stuff and drinks and Cary on talking in the fresh air in the garden. "Kids why don't you go down to the garden and I'll meet you down there"Nancy said.

A the kids goes down to the garden theres a car watching them and its George and Frank Leonard from earlier and with Antonio inside talking to Nancy. "Hello Nancy what can I do for you"Antonio said. "I've done another bag of clean clothes for them and if you bring back the dirties I can wash them"Nancy said. "Thanks Nancy can you watch the kids tonight please"Antonio asks. "Of course I can"Nancy said. "Pizza will be fun to do with them"Antonio said. "See you both later"Nancy said as she made her way down to the garden to join the kids.

Back at the hospital where the clock now reads 4:50pm and its Sofia's final set of Chemotherapy drugs for the day and Doctor Weathers walks in with nurses Fairway and Langhan as Sofia is in her cot and Isabella is with mommy on the sofa as Matt comes out of the rest room and realises whats happening with his daughter as he looks at the time and says. "Is it that time already"Matt says....

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