Sofia's First Chemo Session Part 8 Day 1

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As Antonio Laura and Camila approach the cancer ward doors and as Antonio speaks through the intercom and the nurses let them through and they wait in the main area while Gabby gets ready to leave the room. "Matt why don't you come with me then you can find out how work went today"Gabby said. "Thats a good idea and we can give them our dirties"Matt said. "Yes we can"Gabby said. As Matt picks up Isabella from her car seat while while Gabby grabs the bag of dirties for exchange of clean clothes and the shopping of food. "Let's go and see your Uncle Antonio Auntie Laura and Nanna Dawson"Matt and Gabby both say as they walked from their room to the main area. ""Hello guys you look awful Gabby"Camila said. "Thanks mom"Gabby said.

"Why don't we all sit down for a bit"Antonio said. "How's work going with Laura mom"Gabby asks. "It's going great thanks"Camila said. "Holidays are a bit slow to start with but then by lunch time its busy"Laura said. "Thats understanding Laura"Gabby said. "Antonio how was work today"matt asked. "It was okay Kelly and Stella fetched the figures from the firehouse to go through before Friday"Antonio said. "Did you manage to go over them yet"Matt asked. "I haven't seen the figures yet as it was late when Kelly and Stella arrived home after picking up Violet from school"Antonio said. "I know that I said Kelly to go over them but I need to see the figures so I can go over them for Kelly"Matt said. "What do you want me to do Matt"Antonio asked. "I either need them brought in or scanned into the Family Business database so I can download them"Matt said. "I think it will be best if I scanned them in for you both to download"Antonio said. "Thanks Antonio"Matt said.

"How did today go guys"Laura asked. "Today went okay"Matt said. "How did Sofia react to the chemotherapy drugs"Camila said. "It's hard to say at the moment but she did suffer tho"Gabby said. "Sofia's temperature was all over the place crying in parts as she didn't want to be touched and twice she wouldn't let the Dr administer her drugs"Matt said. "What drugs have they got her on guys"Antonio asks. "Sofia is on Carmustine and Vincristine"Matt and Gabby both say. "Are they powerful drugs"Camila asked. "Yes mom they're both very powerful drugs"Gabby said. "Everyone is thinking of you all"Antonio said. "Thanks guys"they both say.  "How was Sofia when they moved you here"Antonio asks. "Saturday evening was bad"Matt says. "What happened"they all ask. "We had to wait outside the room as they had to sedate her"Matt says. "Why did they sedate Sofia for Gabby"Camila asked. "Mom Sofia was sedated because the doctor and nurses had to get a urine sample and the fluid in her head wasn't draining as the tube was blocked and the bag was full"Gabby said. "That must've been hard"Laura said. "Everyday is hard for us guys"Matt and Gabby both said.

"Before we leave we've brought your shopping and a bag of clean clothes"Antonio said. "Thanks bruv"Gabby said. "You can't of packed the bag theres only one person who folds clothes like this"Matt said. "Who's this Matt"Laura asked. "My mom"Matt said. "Well we've got our dirties here"Gabby said. "Thanks"Antonio said. "By the way who's looking after Eva and Diego"Matt says. "Your mom is"Antonio said. "Violet is with them too"Camila said. "Your sister was finishing off when I left"Antonio said. "Where was Jim"Matt asked. "He wasn't there boss"Antonio said. "Thanks for the info"Matt said. "Antonio haven't we bette go"Laura said. "You're right Laura"Antonio said. "We better go too guys"Gabby said. "Thanks for coming"Matt said as Isabella was getting restless as anytime she'll be wanting her next feed but first Matt's got to message his sister Christie about Jim.

As Antonio Laura and Camila leave the cancer ward and head back to the car Gabby and Matt walk back into there room with Isabella and they both go and sit down on the sofa next to the cot as Sofia is inside fast asleep but as Matt takes out his cell phone Sofia suddenly screams and as Gabby presses  the alarm button and Doctor Samuel WeathersNurse Annie Fairway and Nurse Ellie Langhan come running in as her machine went off the one that connected to he head.  "What happened"Dr asks. "I don't know we've just come back from talking to my brother and Sofia was screaming out in pain then her machine went off then you arrived"Gabby said. As Doctor Weathers notices that Sofia's Blood Pressure is off the charts and he wants two people to come and have a look. "Langhan can you go and fetch Halstead and Tremble please"Doctor Weathers asks.  "Of course I won't be long"Langhan said.

Wile Nurse Langhan leaves the Cancer Ward and heads to the ER to look for Doctor Halstead and Doctor Tremble as Sofia's machine went off as she's screaming in pain. "Matt Gabby why don't you take Isabella out the room while I check your daughter over"Dr asks. "What's going on Doctor"Gabby asks as Isabella starts crying. "Gabby don't worry Sofia will be fine she's come this far she's not going to give up on us and her twin sister"Matt said. "I'm going to feed Isabella while we wait for news about Sofia"Gabby said. "Okay love"Matt said.

Over in the ER Ellie Langhan arrives in the ER. "Maggie wheres Halstead and Tremble"Langhan asks. "They're here I'lll grab them"Maggie says. "Yes Maggie were here"Halstead said. "Langhan what seems to be the trouble"Tremble asks. "Dr Weathers needs you both"Langhan said...

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