Chapter 66

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No one's POV because this is gonna be chaotically disastrous and random:

Reid patiently waited for Spencer to find him to start their twin weekend, while Aaron played with the cat. Play wouldn't be the word Reid chose though, more so cuddling the cat against its own will, and holding him up like Simba from Lion King. Chicky nuggy was getting a little chunky from all the treats the boys secretly fed him(idk if I ever specified if the cat was male or female lol if it ever switches just go with it), and even though his arms were getting tired, he did not want to stop playing yet. The two were still waiting on Alex who was still locked in his room with Sebastian and Spencer. They wanted to make sure he was okay, since he was so upset when he came home. Nick popped his head into the living room, to see why the cat had been meowing so loudly. "Honestly thought you were strangling the cat." He said startling Aaron into loosening his grip. Chicky nuggy took this time to leap out of Aaron's hood and run up the stairs. "Aw look what you did! You scared him!" Aaron whined flopping onto the couch beside Reid. "Oh I scared him? I think you traumatized him." Nick replied. "Chicky nuggy loves me." Aaron said adamantly to an unbelieving Nick, who shook his head before going into the garage with Hunter to talk.

Spencer strolled down the stairs to do his job, start his twin weekend while also distracting Reid and Aaron so that Sebastian and Alex could do some snooping and brainstorming. The boys needed more evidence before confronting their older brothers. As Spencer walked off the last step, Reid's body barrelled into him. "Ready to start our twin weekend?" Spencer said letting Reid hug him as they walked back to the couch. "Also what the fuck did you do to the cat? He was scratching up Alex's door and then ran in and hid inside his closet?" He asked Aaron who looked offended. "Why do you think I did something and not him?" He asked. "Because Reid doesn't have cat hair all over his shirt like you. Seriously what the fuck? It looks like you were wrestling with him? The cat barely sheds but it looks like you have half of its hair on you." Spencer stated waving his hand at Aaron's black tshirt that was covered in hair. "You know what Spence? I don't appreciate the attitude, this is not the way to start our twin weekend." Aaron says making Spencer's mouth drop wide open. "We're not even—that's not— it's OUR twin weekend, you just invited yourself!" Spencer says annoyed. "I invited him." Reid pipes up with a big grin on his face, earning a small glare from his twin. "Whatever, what are we doing first? Home videos?" Spencer asks getting up to choose one. He wasn't really asking, since that's how they always start a twin weekend, with home videos and snacks.

Upstairs, Alex was pacing his room, while Sebastian was reading up on any information he could find on the internet about custody and guardianships. "Will you stop pacing? You have heavy feet, someone's going to hear you stomping away and suspect we're up to something." Sebastian says not looking up from his laptop. "But we are up to something! Oh my god what if none of them want us? What if they all decided that they were done with our bullshit and that they actually hate raising teenage boys? I mean Hunters been doing it for years? Maybe he secretly has a girlfriend who he wants to marry who didn't want us as kids and she made him give us up? And what if Sophie weasels her way back to Nick and convinces Nick to give us up too! They would never give custody of all of us to Atlas, he can't raise all of us on a teachers salary, even if it is a private school!" Alex says spiralling into every worst case scenario he could think of. Before Sebastian could stop him, Alex continued. "Would we have to go back to that house? I mean we're older now so we'd have to go to a different house right? That was just for like kid orphans, but we're almost 18! What if—" Alex starts but Sebastian finally finds a second to cut him off. "Alex!" He exclaims firmly, shutting his laptop. "We don't know anything for sure yet. I just read about joint and split custody, maybe that's what they did. But if they did that, I don't know what would happen if Nick moves out. And Hunter doesn't have a girlfriend... I don't think? But he has been smiling at his phone a lot more recently, though I guess that could mean he's just gotten really into memes. He wouldn't give us up even if someone wanted him too... right? There has to be a logical explanation about all of this okay? We're not going back to that house. Even if worst case scenario for some crazy reason none of them have or want custody of us, I would figure out a way to make sure none of go there." He says what he thinks was calmly, but his calm state was cracking, the more he thought about it. Logically, he knew that Hunter would never give up custody of them, and that Alex was just freaking out, but Nick was sort of a loose canon, especially when it involved Sophie. Yes they were supposedly broken up right now, but how long will that last? What if Hunter was sick and hadn't told them and he had to give custody to Nick because of that? They have no idea if Nick would keep them with Sophie's influence. That seems more realistic than just not wanting them. Both their heads were starting to hurt from overthinking and they decided to join Spencer, Reid and Aaron downstairs.

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