Chapter 1

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Hunters POV:

"Sir we've found your little brother Noah"
Nick putting the phone on speaker snapped me out of the shock, getting all the details from the social worker, we gather our things and head out. I send a text to the rest of our brothers telling them to get home asap.

The car ride is filled with silence, as Nick and I try to process what she said about Noah. She said when we got to the hospital we'd be given more information, but all we know right now is that he's hurt and he needs us.

"You guys literally took forever to get home?"
"What's so important we had to be home for?"
"What's wrong?"
"Can we get pizza for dinner?"

Is what's shouted at us as we walk through the front door. "Calm down you guys we have something important we need to talk about." Says Nick. "Okay, I'm just gonna rip the bandaid off... Noah's been found." I say waiting and watching for their response.


Not one of them moves an inch, everyone seemingly frozen on the spot after hearing what I said. Atlas, steps forward with tears in his eyes "you really found him?"  He asked. I nod and continue. "Atlas, you and I will be going to get him, while Nick stays here with the rest of you." Of course this earns shouts of protests, but I silence them all with one look. "Atlas literally works with children and he also looks the least intimidating, no offence At, but that's why he's coming, and obviously I'm going to be his guardian and so that's why I'm going. I don't want to overwhelm him with all 7 of us going, so the rest of you are staying here, I will keep you all updated on what's happening, but right now Atlas and I are heading to the airport got it?" I try to speak as calmly as possible, I don't want to worry them. Nodding at Nick, he understands not to say anything to them about the hospital until Atlas and I get there and get more information. As we walk back out of the house, I can't help but hope that he's okay, and that he's not hurt badly.

Noah's POV -After falling asleep:

A loud banging sound is what makes me jump, the noise is getting louder and I'm scared. The door bursts open and I flinch, some lights turn on. Mommy and daddy, they're back and I haven't cleaned up my mess, or stopped the drippy drip, they're going to be so angry with me. I close my eyes and hold Oli close.

I hear footsteps slowly coming closer to me, and I cry out a little trying to make myself smaller, I don't want them to hit me again. "Hey buddy, I'm not going to hurt you, can you look at me?" Someone says, but I've never heard their voice before, so I take a small peak to see who it is. My eyes widen when I see him, he's called a police! "Y-you a police!" I whisper to him, and hide my face in Oli again. I remember that mommy and daddy don't like police they told me they were bad, but he looks nice. "I am a policeman buddy, and I'm here to take you somewhere safe." He says with a smile. I remember my rules, only talk when spoken too, so I can talk to him, but another rule is never leave this room, so I whisper to him "M-mommy and daddy b-be angry, no leave." "Your mommy and daddy aren't here okay, buddy, can you tell me your name?" "M' Noah" I whisper to him. "My name is Jacob, can you tell me how old are you Noah?" He asks me. I shrug my shoulder a little, still holding Oli tightly. "That's ok if you don't know, do you think you could come with me, I promise your mommy and daddy won't be mad you if you do?" He says while raising his hand, I flinch, waiting for him to hit me, but he doesn't. "I just want to help you up, can I pick you up?" He said mommy and daddy won't be mad at me if I go, so I nod slowly, and he picks me up. It hurt at first and scared me, but he leaned my head down on his shoulder and I almost fell back asleep, until it got bright all of a sudden. The bright lights caused me to flinch and close my eyes. Jacob kept saying its okay, and that's the last thing I remember before falling back asleep.

That's the first chapter! Lol I'm on a roll just throwing out chapters just like that. I'm not sure if anyone is actually going to read this but if you do, thanks, I hope you enjoy it!

May xx

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