Chapter 75

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Hunters POV:

After dropping everyone at school, I head back home, to wait until Reid is ready to come to the office with me. Nick and I have things organized for the rest of them when we bring them here after school, but I know they aren't exactly happy about it still. When I get to the school to pick him up, I have to go in to sign him out, and luckily for me, that means I get to see the principal. The secretary leads me through, and I knock on Liam's door. "Hey, what're you doing here?" He says looking up from his desk at me with a smile. "Came to sign Reid out, I'm taking him to the office with me for the rest of the day." I say. "Ah, right, I thought he might've changed his mind after we talked yesterday." He says and I nod, I was hoping that as well. "I think you definitely did ease his worries about his online classes, but he told me he just wanted to stay with me, and I did say that he could come to the office with me when we set this up for him." I say, making him frown. "Best not go back on your word then. Maybe a day at the office with you will help, tomorrow he can try again, and let him know he's welcome to come to my office whenever he needs as well, even if it's just for a few minutes of quiet company. Though I don't mind you stopping by more often " Liam says, winking at the end. I nod, but laugh at his stupid wink. He calls Reid's art class to send him down to the office so I can take him, and we chat for a bit until he gets here.

"You're here." Reid sighs in relief when he gets here, as if there was ever an option of me not showing up to get him. "Of course I'm here, I said I would be, and I know I'm a bit early, but I thought we could shave a few minutes off of art today." I say and he nods. "That's okay, we were just painting for fun today." He says. "Anything you feel like submitting for the art hallway?" Liam asks him, but Reid shakes his head. "You need to stop at your locker before we leave?" I ask him. "No I have everything." He says. "But can we go see Atlas before we leave?" He asks and I nod. We say goodbye to Liam and then another quick goodbye to Atlas, before we head to the office. I ask Reid how music and art went, and he quietly tells me everything he did in both classes.

Reid looks around the lobby curiously, as if he's never been here before, and I greet the receptionist and security as we go through, showing my ID and signing in Reid as well. Even though our employees know us, it's a precaution for Nick and I to also sign in as well as the boys, to keep track of everyone's who's inside the building, including us. Our badge doubles as a keycard, and gives us access to everywhere in the building. The first 3 floors don't require a keycard, but anyone who enters the building, must go through security and sign in and out. Mom and dad set up security like this because they wanted to make sure not only they were safe, but also every single one of their employees as well. I let Reid use the keycard in the elevator and push the button, and I just know he's beaming inside, because when they were younger, mom and dad had to take separate trips up so that him and Spencer could both do the job.

When we get up to our floor, he waves quickly to my assistant, and rushes into Nicks office without knocking. Following him, I find him glued to the window, looking down at the cars and people on the street. Nicks office has the city view, I've got the window that faces leading out of the city. "Everyone looks so tiny from up here." He mumbles quietly, seeing the two puppies asleep. "Yeah, they look like little dolls." Nick says joining him at the window. "Bub you wanna stay here and do your classes? Or come to mine?" I ask. "Yours, but can we bring Archer?" He says and I laugh, nodding, and watch him gently pick up the sleepy puppy, who snuggles into his arms. We go over and get settled, me at my desk, and Reid on the other side of it, and at 11, I go to my meeting.

When I get back to my office, Reid is spinning in my chair, playing with Archer while Maddox barks after every spin like he's cheering them on. "Finish your school work?" I ask, startling him. "Huh? Oh I finished everything for this class, so I'm waiting for my next one." He says and I nod asking him how it was. "It was good, there are maybe 12 other kids, and my teacher is really nice." He tells me, I was a little scared he was going to tell me he hated it.
"Well, since you're done for now, you can help me with my work now. You and me have got to start organizing the charity gala." I say, making him smile, then frown. He loves planning it, used to help mom and dad plan it too, but he hates going to it, too many people and cameras with flashing lights. "When is it?" He asks. "In 3 weeks, and it's being held at the same hotel it always is, and yes I've already booked us rooms, as well as set up discounted rates for any employees who want to stay the night too since it's always a late night. Hunt is going to be setting up the company ride share for employees because we don't want anyone drinking and driving." Nick says joining us. Archer leaps off Reid's lap and clumsily runs towards Nick, Maddox running quickly after him, both playfully jumping at his legs. "Which means you, get to help with the fun stuff like music, centrepieces and kids corner. The others will probably help too, but Seb is gonna be working in accounting, and Alex with security." I say kneeling down to scoop up Maddox. This little guy is staying with me for the rest of the day. "Can Aaron come this year?" Reid asks and I let out a laugh nodding, because every year he asks, and every year we say yes.

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