*time skip to bedtime because I don't want to write about the rest of Sunday for them when they are doing nothing important*
Noah's POV:
Hunter says it's bedtime, so I'm cuddling with him in his bed, it's so big! I'm sleeping here tonight because I wanted to sleep with Reid, and he's sleeping here too. I have Oli with me too and my soft blanket, Reid is reading a book called Charlottes Web to us, it's about a little piggy and a spider! Soon I fall asleep, holding Reid's hand.
Hunters POV:
*insert the annoying apple alarm ringtone*
Groaning, I shut off my alarm quick so that Noah and Reid don't wake up yet. Looking at the time, 5:30am, I sigh getting up to go shower and shave. 6:00am, I head downstairs to turn on the news and get everything out for breakfast and lunches for everyone. Alex heads downstairs for his morning workout. 6:30am, Nick shuffles into the kitchen putting on a pot of coffee, and starting to make breakfast while I look over everyone's schedule for the day. 7:00am, Atlas joins us after his morning swim, taking a cup of coffee and starting on the lunches. I head downstairs to tell Alex to hit the shower. 7:15am, I head up to wake the rest of the boys, Sebastian should already be up, he's leaving at 7:45 with Atlas for an astronomy club meeting at school. Finding him awake, he heads down to the kitchen while I go to wake Spencer for the first time, and then Reid. Noah wakes up when Reid gets off the bed, so I help him in the washroom. 7:30am, I go to wake Spencer for the second time this morning and help Noah get dressed for the day. 7:40am, I wake Spencer for the third and final time and he gets up to get ready. I head down to see Atlas and Sebastian leave for to school. Noah gets upset about them leaving, but they reassure him they'll be back home at 4:30pm. 8:00am, Nick, Alex, Reid, Spencer, Noah and I sit down to eat breakfast.That's a normal morning in the Parker household, even with Noah being new to our routine, things went smoothly. Nick and I take turns dropping the boys at school, sometimes they get a ride with friends but today I'm driving since I'm meeting with the principal. At 8:30am, Noah, Reid and I are in my car, and Alex, Spencer and Nick are in Nicks car. Reaching the school, Spencer and Alex rush off to meet their friends before class, and Nick waves, leaving to drive to the office, only doing a half day today.
"You ready?" I ask both Noah and Reid. Noah nods slowly staring out the window, looking at Nick drive away, while Reid takes a deep breath and nods, unbuckling his seatbelt and then Noah's too. Reaching the staircase up to the school, Noah grabs my pant leg hiding behind me, so I pick him up, there's a lot going on around us, I don't blame him for being scared. Kids are staring and whispering, so I usher the three of us inside a little faster. Together the three of us head in going towards the principals office. The secretary greets us and has us go right in.
Reid's POV:
"Hunter Parker, man I haven't seen you since before my dad got a job out in Calgary, back in ninth grade!" Mr. Adler says and I look at him funny, was Hunter friends with him in high school? "Wait Liam? You're the new principal?! How did I not make the connection, I've read your name on newsletters for the last month!" Hunter says laughing and giving my principal a bro hug, while I'm still sitting here clueless and Noah looks around the office, holding my hand now. "Reid you remember my friend Liam? He was always at the house after school." Hunter asks me. "I don't.... Sorry..." I say now embarrassed because I probably should remember him. They both tell me there's nothing to be sorry for, it's been a few years anyways. Hunter tells him that they'll get together to catch up this weekend, and then dives right into why we're meeting.
Liam— ugh Mr. Adler gives Noah some paper and some crayons to colour while we talk. After Hunter explains everything that I told him yesterday, Mr Adler tells me that he's sorry this is happening, and for so long without proper punishments. He tells us how my previous principal being fired, he left everything a mess and so he's still catching up on, not even recognizing Atlas name on the staff list. "I promise you Reid, the three of them will be dealt with accordingly. I'm also going to mention this to your teachers so they're aware of the situation. For today though, would you feel ok staying in your brothers class all day? I can get all your work and send it there for you. Or we can mark today as a home school day, and you can go back with Hunter." I nod fast at the going home option, not really wanting to face everyone in class, knowing that it's gonna spread around to everyone why those kids and I are being taken out of class. "Can I say bye to Atlas before we leave?" I ask quietly, and he says "Classes have already started, but you can head over there now." Before I walk through the door, Noah starts crying asking me not to leave him too.
Noah's POV:
We got ready and we're driving to school! I'm still sad because Atty and Sebby left us, but now Lex and Spencer and Nicky left too!There's lots and lots people here, Hunter picks me up and I lean my head on his shoulder. When we get inside, Hunter says this is his friend, so he must be nice, and he is! He gives me paper and crayons to draw with! M'gonna colour him a pretty picture to put on his walls in here. After a while I'm almost done my picture, but Reid is leaving.
No he can't leave! Starting to cry I ask him not to leave me too. Nicky and Lex and Spencer and Sebby already left and I don't want everyone to go away forever! Reid comes and gives me a big big hug and I hold onto him making sure he can't leave, he tells me it's okay, but it's not, everyone's gone! I tell him that and Hunter comes and picks me up. "Hey everyone's not gone, they're just at school or work, and guess what! One day you'll be coming to school too." He tells me. "S-school w-with R-reid?" I ask, I want to go to school with Reid. "Yeah one day you can come to school with me! It'll be so fun, but right now I have to go see Atty real quick and then I'm coming home with you. Maybe you can help me with my homework?" Reid says to me. I smile and nod wanting to help him today, he leaves after promising to be back really fast.
Hunter talks with his friend until Reid comes back. He really came back and so fast too! I give him a hug again and then remember my picture. I go and give it to hunters friend and then go back to Reid hiding behind him. "Wow this is such a nice drawing! I'm going to hang it up right in here on the window." He says to me making me smile as he hangs it. He thanks me for the picture and says bye to all of us, and we get some more paper from the lady outside (secretary lol the one who greeted them is giving Reid's work for the day) and we go back home.
So that was a typical morning routine, I probably won't explain it again unless there's a big change or someone wakes up way earlier or something, so whenever I say morning routine this is what I'm referring too. Anyways the next chapter may not have Noah, Reid and Hunter in it, but will most likely focus on the boys at school and them interacting with the new characters for the first time. Hope you liked this one!
May xx

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...