Chapter 6

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Hunters POV: (I swear now that we've met the rest of the brothers I'll write from one of their POV more often starting with this chapter)

"So can we eat now?" Reid shyly asks. I roll my eyes, of course he's hungry and thinking of food, he always is. I can already smell the cookies that one of them have baked, so I can only imagine how messy the kitchen is. It's too late to start cooking dinner so I guess we'll just order in. "What's everyone want for dinner then?" I ask.

"Pizza" -Alexander
"Noodles" -Spencer
"Sushi" -Atlas
"Tacos" -Nicholas

Everyone says, surprisingly all still with lowered voices. As soon as Atlas suggests sushi, Alex and Spencer tell him he's not allowed to choose gross food, while Reid tells Sebastian that KFC is better than Popeyes to which Sebastian just scoffs at. I almost scoff at that too, I'm with Seb on that one, and I think that might be best for Noah as well. Normally we'd pick out of a hat since we all have different preferences, but since I'm voting the same as Sebastian, we actually have a majority wins for once.

Sebastian's POV:

Mentally cheering because for once we won't have to use the hat, but also because my pick wins. I can't believe that Noah's here, statistically, after all this time, there was a small chance that we'd ever find him, or that he was even alive, but here he is. When Hunter told us all I could was my own heartbeat. I hadn't felt like that since my last anxiety attack almost a year ago. I tried to hide it, but I know Nick noticed. For the past few days while Hunter and Atlas were gone, he kept hovering, not like it was hard though since I stuck close to the same few spots in the house. Now that Noah's here I'm excited to show him all the cool things I'm into, I know he likes quiet, so I hope he likes puzzles. That's the first thing I'm gonna do with him, that's just me and him.

Nick goes to order the food while we all stay sitting in the living room. Noah just keeps looking between Alex and I, and Reid and Spencer, so when he looks back at me I wave a little at him. And he hides his face in his stuffed giraffe. Frowning, I get up about to go to my room, I know how it feels to be overwhelmed so maybe with one less person in the room he won't be as scared. "S-s-sebby" is whispered, in the room and I freeze, my eyes widening as big as they can go for two reasons. First being, Noah spoke, and not just to anyone but to me specifically and second being he gave me a nickname. I don't like nicknames, but I'll make an exception for him.

Noah's POV:

We're all sitting in the room now, I'm sitting on Hunters lap with Oli, and looking at the other boys. One of them waves to me and I hide my face, and whisper as quietly as I can to Hunter, "w-who?". He tells me that's Sebastian, but when I look back at him, he's leaving! No I don't want him to go, and I whisper "S-s-sebby" and he stops. He turns around really really slowly, but now I don't know what to say to him. He might get angry if I ask him to stay, so I look at Hunter fast hoping he'll know what to do. Hunter asks him where he's going, and Sebby says his room. Wow I wonder if I can see his room too, so I ask Hunter really quietly again, "I g-go too?" He makes his eyes very big, he looks funny now, but says "you want to go with Sebastian?". I nod, really wanting to see his room, I hope it's purple, but then I stop and say "y-you too" we get up and Hunter says "well I guess the three of us are going to see Sebastian's room, if anyone else would like to join."

"Yeah no"
"I'm good"
"You guys go"
"I'm too lazy to get up right now"

They all say. Hunter laughs and says "good none of you were actually invited, I only asked to be nice". The other boy that looks like Sebby stands up and says "yeah whatever, I'm going outside." And Hunter tells him to stay in the front or backyard, and not to leave. Oh I really hope he listens and doesn't leave, I don't want him to get punished. I'll have to ask Hunter what his name is later.

Holding Oli tightly, and standing next to Hunter, I look up at both him and Sebby, they're so tall, so much taller than mommy and daddy. Sebby starts walking, and Hunter I reach forward for Hunters hand, but then I stop. I didn't ask permission, Hunter takes my hand anyways and we start walking, I have to go potty now and Hunter says I can go anytime I need, but that was where the doctor was, not here at home. When we catch up with Sebby, he's waiting outside a closed door, we stop near him but I start squirming trying to hold it. "Um Hunter..." Sebby says. Hunter looks at him and then they both look at me, so I look down at Oli. "Noah, do you have to go potty?" Hunter asks. I shake my head no, if I say yes they might get angry, or they might not let me see his room anymore. Hunter then says "it's okay if you do, I can take now and then right after we can see Sebastian's room." Slowly I raise Oli to Sebby, "s-safe please?" I ask, hoping he says yes, Atty isn't here like last time to keep Oli safe. "I'll make sure he's extra safe." Sebby tells me giving Oli a small hug. That makes me happy, Oli has a new friend now!

After going potty, Hunter asks if I'm ready to see Sebbys room, I am so I nod right away. We get back to his room and the doors open now! We stand by the door and look in, I see Sebby and Oli laying on a big soft thing like I laid in at the doctor. I look around and see shiny cups, and lots of paper on the wall, his room has a window! This is nothing like my room at home before, it's not dark or scary at all, but there's no purple. "P-purple?" I ask them, wanting to see what purple he has in here.

Atlas' POV:

I decide I'm not too lazy to follow them up to Sebastian's room, and as I walk up, I hear Noah ask purple, and Hunter and Sebastian looking confused because there is literally nothing at all in his room that is purple. "I don't think he has anything purple in here bud, sorry." I say, making Noah jump, I guess not expecting someone behind him. I frown not wanting to have scared him, but when he turns around he has a huge smile on his face, "Atty!" He says almost above his normal volume, which is practically shouting to him. It's only been 10 minutes I didn't think he'd be this happy to see me so soon. I smile back at him but before I can say anything Sebastian is digging through his closet and Noah's looking at him. "Two r-room?" Hunter laughs and says no that's not a room that's his closet, it's very messy right?" Noah nods and says "I c-clean?" That makes us frown, but I tell it's okay and that Sebastian will clean it himself, but Noah claims that he wants to help then. At this point Sebastian comes out of the closet holding a purple sweater, and it looks like Noah's completely forgot about the closet now, his eyes only focusing on the sweater. "P-purple Hunter! S'purple Atty!" He says as if we can't see it too. Sebastian asks Noah to come closer and Noah looks at Hunter for permission to which he nods. Noah goes closer and Sebastian whispers something to Noah and he nods, raising his arms for Sebastian to put the sweater on him. The sweater is literally drowning him and I start laughing, he's actually swimming in that sweater, but he turns to look at Hunter and I and then does a small and slow twirl, turns back and hugs Sebastian. Hunter being such a dad starts taking pictures, and me being SO photogenic, I stand directly in front of his camera smiling. He rolls his eyes and flicks my forehead walking around me. I love messing with him, Nick and I sometimes have these bets to see who can annoy Hunter more, but he loves it, I know it, other times Hunter and Nick team up against me though.

New chapter! I hope you guys like it. Next chapter is gonna be all of the boys interacting, and Noah's first "family dinner" I say that in quotations because I want them to have family dinners every day. Also I was cravings Popeyes when I wrote this, and guess what? I got it 🙏🏽 lol, anyways next chapter should be out Sunday, I wanna say Monday latest but we'll see. ALSO I just want to explain that Noah is very trusting, (not sure if I put that in his bio) but since he's trusting, even after just meeting his brothers he forms attachments to them all which is why he asks them somethings or almost talks without whispering, but other times he doesn't ask or make eye contact. When he doesn't ask, it's because he's suddenly remember his rules with his "parents" and the punishments that came with it. So that's why it's back and forth with him being completely open with them and then shutting down. ALSO ALSO I want to explain that I want Hunter to be playful with his brothers, I want to portray him as a big brother, and not just a guardian, you'll see in time when they all interact, how he can joke around with them, but be serious when he needs to be. That's all, thanks for reading, bye!

May xx

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