Chapter 22

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Sebastian's POV:

Atlas and I get to the hair salon, and the girl that's gonna cut his hair is actually a friend of mines older sister. She also happens to be good friends with Atlas, they're the same age and went to school together. She sees us and immediately laughs seeing the purple hair. "Oh my god what happened to you?" "Hunter and Alex happened!" He huffs out, "you know I'd never intentionally dye my hair, so what can we do, can you cut it so it hides some of the darker purple spots?" He asks. "Come on we'll see what we can do, and Seb, Eva is in the back reading if you want to join her." She says to me and I nod heading back there, wishing Atlas good luck.

Eva is my best friend from school, we met in kindergarten and have been best friends ever since, she's in the science club with me too. When she sees me she looks confused, because she knows I never get my hair cut on a Sunday, plus it's only been 2 and a half weeks since I cut it, which is way too soon for me. I cut my hair every 4 weeks, no sooner and if I can help it, definitely not later either.  I sit down beside her and start telling her everything that's happened in the last few days  all about How we've found Noah and that he's home now. I tell her how he loves books, but can't read, how he grew up in such an awful place. Hunter didn't tell us much details, but you just know it was bad. I'm talking so fast I don't even realize I'm crying, and Eva hugs me. "I'm so happy he's home Ev, I can't wait for you to meet him, he'll be a little scared at first, but I know he's gonna love you." I say sniffling and rubbing my eyes. "I'm glad he's back home too, maybe after school tomorrow I can come over?" She asks, I tell her I'll ask Hunter tonight, and her sister comes back and tells me that she's done with Atlas hair. Eva walks me out and we meet Atlas near the front of the salon, his hair is cut and styled to hide the worst spots of purple, but it actually looks pretty decent now, like the purple was intentional.

Atlas POV:

Sighing, I sit down in the salon chair and hope she can save my hair. Melissa comes over and analyzes my hair, trying not to laugh. Her sister Eva and Sebastian have been friends forever, so inevitably Mel became friends with me, being the same age and all. Rolling my eyes I ask "so can you fix it?" She laughs and says "only after you tell me what exactly happened." "I told you, Hunter and Alex happened, we were painting and they thought it would be fun to splatter paint all over me!" I say, and she continues laughing, grabbing scissors. She sees my face and tells me not to worry she knows how much I love my hair. I just close my eyes for the whole thing, I trust her with my hair, but that doesn't mean I want to see her chopping it off.

"Okay you're all done" Mel tells me, and I look in the mirror, and breathe in relief. It looks great, like I just got some purple highlights, she really did get the worst parts of it. I get up and hug her thanking her for not ruining my hair even more than it already was. "I'll go grab Sebastian." She says making her way in the back. When they come back out Sebastian's eyes are slightly red and puffy, he probably talked to Eva about Noah. I mouth to him "you okay?" And he nods, turning to Eva telling her something about asking Hunter. She nods and says bye to both him and I. Before Mel can leave I tell her about Noah quickly, and she freezes, before slapping the back of my head. "I cut your hair and style it and you don't think to mention that the purple paint was FOR Noah's room because you found him!!!" Cringing I try to tell her I sort of just forgot to mention all of that. She just shakes her head at me saying she'll be over sometime this week and storming away, Sebastian and I say bye to Eva and head out.

"You told her about Noah?" I ask Sebastian. "Yeah, I'm sorry, was I not supposed to? I didn't even know she'd be here today, but I just needed to talk to her about it, I'll text her right now telling her not to say anything to—" I cut him off. " hey it's fine, no one said not to say anything I was just asking if you told her or not. She's your best friend, of course you'd tell her. Plus, if you do want to talk, you know I'm here too, so is Nick and Hunter. Anyways, I know it's lunch time, but I'm feeling ice cream, you can even drive." I tell him holding out the keys to him. He smiles to himself grabbing the keys from my hand and hopping into the driver seat.

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