Chapter 76

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Noah's POV:

Hunter didn't come home. Why didn't he come home? Did he miss me like I miss him? Nicky didn't come home too! Is he angry at me again? "Careful with the glue, it'll get sticky and messy if you put too much. And all the pasta will fall off." Reid tells me, and I look down at my paper. There's a big spot of glue, and I frown. My noodles will fall off now! I don't want the noodles to fall off, I want my art to stick together. "Can I have some of your glue?" Lex asks me and I nod. He dips his noodles into my glue and sticks it onto his art! "You wanna help me with mine? I'm making all of us. This is me and Seb, Reid and Spence, and Nick and At. I still have to make you and Hunter. "No forget A-archie and Maddy!" I tell him looking at his noodle people, he's so silly, they don't look like us, they look like noodles, but I won't tell him that, because he's trying really really hard. "Reid! What m-make?" I ask, Atty says Reid is a master noodle artist, and that means he's really really good. "Oh, I just made a flower." He says holding up his art. "Not just a flower, a really pretty flower Aaron says. "It's not that good, I haven't made one of these in a while." Reid says but I shake my head, it looks so pretty. "He's right, you're still the master noodle artist in the house." Atty says. "Red ch-cheeks!" I say pointing at Reid. Atty made Reid's cheeks turn red! "Aw you're so cute." Aaron tells Reid. "Y-yes! So cute!" I tell him clapping my hands. "Can h-help Lex now? Noodles no l-look like us." I whisper to Reid so I don't hurt Lex's feelings, he says yes, but Aaron and Atty laugh.

Lex is being naughty. He put glue on his fingers and chased Aaron outside. "Alex! Stop it!" Atty says running after them. "N-no run on stairs!" I tell them, that's what Hunter would say. "M-miss Hunter." I tell Reid. "Me too, let's go wash our hands and leave these to dry. Then we can go find Archer and Alex." He says. "You f-find Lex, Noah f-find Archie." I say and Reid agrees. I hear Archie's paws scraping against the floor and follow the sound to find him. I want to scoop him up and hug him, but Bellamy scoops me up first! "H-hey!" I say trying to wiggle away. "Arch isn't going anywhere, don't worry. You however are coming to the kitchen to eat a grilled cheese sandwich." He says and my tummy rumbles like Winnie the Pooh! "See your tummy is soooo hungry! So eat first and then you can play okay?" He says and I nod, letting him carry me to the kitchen. He puts me on my chair and Reid is already here with Lex, I bet he found Lex as fast as Blue finds his clues!

Atlas POV:

"Spencer!" Alex yells, as I rub my eyes. "It's my cheese! Stop taking it!" He continues. "You're just letting it ooze out of your sandwich though, it's fair game!" Spencer argues. "Oh my god will you two stop! Spencer his cheese literally smells like feet, why are you even eating it!?" I say annoyed. "Can t-take my cheese." Noah offers Spencer, but he just has a smug look on his face now and I don't know what he's about to do. "That's okay Noah, I already had some of Alex's cheese, but I'm sure he'd like some of your cheese." Spencer says innocently. Yeah, there it is. Alex looks up at Noah like a deer in headlights as he's offered the plate of cheese. Noah smiles encouragingly at Alex to take the plate, and Spencer looks at Alex daringly to take the plate. "N-no smell like feet Lex. No worry." Noah says, and that's all it takes for Spencer to burst out laughing. "He can't eat your cheese because he's lactose intolerant, he has his own special cheese." Sebastian explains. "Oh. H-have Lex name on cheese?" Noah asks and we all nod. It's labelled, not because anyone else wants to willingly eat it, but for us to know which one not to eat. Noah gets up from the table, pulling Sarah's hand to come with him, Archer and Maddox running after them. He runs back and slaps the whole block of cheese in front of Alex, and I can't hold back the snort that comes out of me. "N-no take Lex cheese please. Lex is l-laker i-inter-net! H-have special cheese, no f-for Spencer." Noah says blocking Spencer from the block of cheese. "Lactose intolerant, it means his body can't digest lactose, which is found in milk products. He uses dairy alternatives, including this vegan cheese." Sebastian sighs but explains further, and I just know everything we eat from now on, Noah is going to ask if it has milk and if Alex can eat it.

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