Atlas POV:
Sebastian and I got to the school at 8am just in time for his astronomy club meeting, I walk him to the classroom before heading to my own room. Setting everything up for class, I put a copy of the hunger games on everyone's table, (A/N I actually read this in grade 9 and it was so unfair cause I had English first semester, but the movie came out during second semester so the second semester students got to go on a class trip to see it) and writing some preliminary questions on the board. I try to make my classes interactive and fun to keep the kids interested which is why we're reading this. The first bell rings and students start coming in, when the second bell rings everyone is in their seat and ready. I take attendance and start explaining what we're going to do.
About 20 minutes into class, Reid knocks on the door hesitatingly looking into the classroom, I step into the hallway leaving the door open to ask if he's alright, he should be in class right now. "Sorry for interrupting your class, I just wanted to say bye, I'm going home with Hunter, but I got my notes and stuff for all my classes." He says and I nod waiting for him to continue. "Oh and did you know the new principal is Hunters old friend Liam? The one who moved away? I don't remember him but he remembers all of us." He says. "No way are you serious? Liam Adler! How did I not realize that before, he's literally my boss!?" I say with wide eyes. Reid just laughs slightly and shrugs, "anyways Noah and Hunter are waiting for me, so I'll see you at home later, love you" he says quietly, giving me a quick hug. I hug him back and tell him I love him too, and then he rushes down the hall. I'll have to text Hunter about what went on during his meeting, and maybe seek out Liam during lunch since I didn't recognize him either.
Sebastian's POV:
I get to my astronomy club meeting just in time, Ev is already there so I go sit beside her like always. "Hey you're finally here!" She says to me and I nod, "of course I'm here! Who do you think I am? Spencer?" She laughs and starts telling me about the rest of her Sunday. "When Mel finally finished work, we had to go run errands for my aunt, you know the stuck up one? Yeah her, she tripped and hurt her ankle, but guess what!? She got an X-ray done and her ankle is FINE! She's just soaking up the attention and making people do things for her now, can you believe her?" I roll my eyes at the thought of her aunt, I've met her multiple times throughout the years, and she still asks me who I am every time she sees me. "Im sorry but your aunt is actually crazy Ev." I tell her. Mr. Hudson, our science teacher, and Tommy get up to start the meeting and we start organizing a school stargazing night. Once we're done, Tommy, Ev and I start walking to first period. The three of us are taking advanced twelfth grade classes, having finished our eleventh grade classes online and fast tracking in summer school. When we get to class I start telling Tommy about Noah. He's shocked but extremely happy that he's home, Ev rubs it in his face that she knew before he did, but he just rolls his eyes. I remember that I was suppose to ask Hunter if they could come over after school today, I'll just call him after class or at lunch.
Alexander's POV:
As soon as Nick stops the car I'm gone. I rush off to meet Ben, he's waiting near the gym, it's our first class. When he sees me he comes over and we do our handshake and he starts telling me about how boring his weekend was. He was grounded so he couldn't do anything and he had his phone taken away. "You should've just came over I swear mom would've let you in to hangout with me—" "Noah's home" I blurt out mid rant and he pauses. "Holy shit you definitely should've come over! Moms gonna cry when she finds out, where is he? Where has he even been? What's he like? Is he okay?" He starts firing out question after question. "He's at home with Hunter, I don't think he's being enrolled in school this semester... he ugh he wasn't in a good place, those people who took him, they were into some sketchy shit, they hurt him. Hunter hasn't told us anything but I overheard him telling Nick. He's tiny. So freaking tiny compared to all us, even compared to Reid! He's only been home since Friday, but he's different, he was always laughing as a baby, and following everyone around when he learned to crawl and then walk, but now he's like silent I don't know, you'll see when you meet him. He's—" "Are you okay? I mean this is huge, how's everyone dealing with it?" Ben cuts me off of my own rant now and I think about it, everyone's dealing differently. "I'm pissed. So f*cking pissed, I hate that it's taken this long to find him and bring him home, and you know he thinks those assholes were his parents! He doesn't even remember mom and dad, and he's scared of everything! I don't like kids but how could they treat him like that? How could anyone hurt a kid how they did?" I say trying to not to let my anger take over.
Taking a breathe and unclenching my fist, Ben puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's a shitty situation no doubt, but just focus on the fact he's home yeah? Not to mention a certain photo that Nicholas had sent me this weekend, I only saw it this morning when mom gave me my phone back, but now it makes sense, you wearing a crown and holding a tea cup" Ben says as he burst out laughing. I'm gonna kill him I can't believe he actually sent that picture to anyone! I go on to tell him that I met with the other guys at the mall Saturday so they briefly know about Noah coming home, and he just scoffs. "You told them before me? I'm supposed to be your BFF, how could you do this to me!" He cries out dramatically grabbing my arm as I roll my eyes and shove him off of me. God he should've taken drama class he'd ace it.
Spencer's POV:
Leaving the car, I head around to the back of the school to meet James. When I reach him, he hands me a cigarette, and we smoke and catch up. I tell him about Noah, and all he says Is "damn that's crazy! I can't believe he's actually home, I can't even lie, all this time I really thought you just made up a younger brother." I scoff at the last part, "I don't have imaginary friends you asshole! And you saw him when he was a baby!" But I mean he's not wrong about the first part, it is crazy. We talk a bit more and he's completely in shock about Noah, though I'm not sure if it's because he's home or because he's a real boy(LMAO sorry all I can see is Pinocchio saying he's a real boy 😂). We've got a sub in french first period so we're gonna ditch. We wait about 20 minutes after the bell rings and head back to through the parking lot, but I freeze and pull James behind a car. "What the hell is Hunter still doing at school, and why is Reid leaving?" I say to myself, hoping they don't see us, he can't find out that I've been smoking, he'd kill me! I don't even know why he's letting Reid skip though, since he would never let me do that, but having a sub definitely counts as a good reason to skip, It's not my fault they don't teach us anything here. James and I get to the park and we just hang around and meet up with some other friends, and skip rocks, even though half the pond is still frozen. We accidentally lose track of time and end up missing all our morning classes. Hunter starts blowing up my phone since the school probably called him by now, I roll my eyes knowing I'll probably get in trouble for this again.
Sorry there's no Noah in this chapter 🥲 he'll be in the next one don't worry! This chapter was sorta blah but I think I'm also going to have some brother duos bonding in the next chapters, maybe Spencer and Reid, or Atlas and Nicholas. Maybe Alexander and Hunter, I'm not sure lol but we will see, hope you guys liked this one!
May xx

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...