Chapter 80

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Were jumping POVs this chapter so keep up lmao -edit we only jumped a couple povs

Spencer's POV:

"Okay so you're not in trouble? You just chose to be on desk duty for fun?" I ask because why would he rather be in here than out on the street catching bad guys? "Yes I chose to be on desk duty, it's not that hard to understand Spence! I just thought that you guys haven't been around in a while, so why not make a day of it, especially when my "desk duty" is extremely light." He says and I roll my eyes. "He's lying, he so did get in trouble." Maggie says walking out of her office into the lobby where we stood. "I fucking knew it!" I say. "Way to throw me under the bus Mags." Bellamy says sarcastically. "Love you too. Now let's get my favorite junior detectives and officers some badges." She says ushering us towards the kiddie area. "Maggie, we're almost 18, do we still seriously need "junior" badges? Plus you've known us forever, you don't need to give us name tags..." I sigh before trailing off, seeing Reid and Aaron already smiling for their pictures to go on the stupid badges. "If I remember correctly, you were always the one most excited about getting your badge mister "bestest Junior detective ever"". Maggie teases and my cheeks burn in embarrassment. "I'm hardly a junior detective now though." I whine. "Right, have you been to and or graduated from the police academy?" She asks me with her hands on her hips. "No but if I tour the academy can I get promoted to a senior detective?" I ask, and she laughs. "Of course, but for now, you get to stay my favorite junior detective." She says pinching my cheeks, which I swat away.

"You look more like a criminal than a detective." Alex says as I stand for my picture, and I punch him. "Ouch fuck off!" He yells at me and I snicker. "Knock it off you two, Spence go look at some mock cases with Seb, Alex go out to the field and bring Aaron and the puppies, you two can train them with the police dogs, and you, you're with me little man." Bellamy says bossing us all around already. At least he gave me something fun to do, I bet I can crack the hardest mock case they have here. (Mock cases probably aren't a real thing I'm making it up LOL but basically they're like cases that police and detectives use to train, know what to look for in a real case, how to solve them etc lol kinda like a murder mystery game 😂)

Sebastian's POV:

I wait impatiently for Spencer to get his junior detective badge, he didn't like his picture the first three times and made them retake it because it needs to perfect. I scoff because he was the one literally just saying that these are for kids. "So we just got a bunch of new mock cases, start with case 58324, it's a tricky one, based on a real but really old cold case investigation, so far no one's been able to crack it or the real case, so have fun with it, get creative." Bellamy says to me, seeing Spencer still taking pictures. "Thanks. Can you make him hurry up, he's taking a sixth picture now." I say and he laughs.

When we finally get to the room, I start looking for the case number Bellamy told me about, but Spencer has other plans. He slaps open a random case file and starts pretending he's in a movie. "There's been a murder!" He says in a terrible accent, grooming a fake moustache. "Oh come on! Just play along! We can solve this easily!" He says when I don't respond. I sigh and glance at the case. "There's been a murder." I say, without any accent. "Oh come on, do the accent, be the Watson to my Sherlock." He whines and I roll my eyes. "First of all, you're mixing up your detectives. Hercule Poirot is the one with the moustache, and Benoit Blanc is is the one with the accent, not Sherlock Holmes." I tell him. "They're all fucking detectives,  so whatever." He says annoyed. "There's been a murder." I say with the terrible accent. "That was literally the worst accent I've ever heard." He complains. "Will you just look at the evidence and crime scene already." I complain now. "Fine." He grumbles, finally leaving me in peace to look over the case file, but not for long. "Hey look at this!" He says 2 minutes later.

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