Spencer's POV:
I don't mind the zoo. Reid's dragged me here countless times to see the same animals over and over again. What I do mind is waking up this early to go right when it opens. I'm a night person. Not a morning person. Bellamy calls us delinquents but I'm too tired to form actual words and I think I just make some kind of incoherent sound. Was he always invited? When did he even get here? We finally go outside to the cars, I opted to go with Sarah because she's the only one most likely to leave me alone the whole car ride, because she's too busy screaming song lyrics. So now my eyes are closed as I hear her attempt to sing some Taylor Swift song. Badly. I wonder if Atlas ever told her she can't sing for her life, I feel bad for his eardrums. Aaron comes with us too because he knows how loud Sarah likes her music, and he likes his just as loud. Fucking band geeks, I think to myself rolling my eyes.
I'm not even paying attention when we get there, just following when our group moves, when all of a sudden I'm handed a black rose. Why do I feel like I'm in a punk rock music videos? Why the fuck did Liam bring everyone roses? I go to stuff in my backpack but Bellamy tells me not to ruin it, so I hand it to him. If he wants to keep it safe, go ahead and hold it all day. I'm not trying to get stung by a bee over it. Sebastian gets us going and I unfortunately already know where we're starting, penguins. I feel like I know the layout of the zoo with my eyes closed, that's how often we come here, its the most logical route to take if you want to see every animal which knowing this family, we will see every single animal. We watch the zookeepers give their little speech and I scoff when Noah tells the zookeepers that I'm naughty. Does this kid have a filter? I turn to say something to Reid but whip my head around when he's not standing next to me. He loves penguins, why is he sitting over there? Everyone thinks they're so slick, but I see them all making a face at Hunter, all he does is shake his head and they're satisfied with that? Clearly something is wrong but fine whatever. I'll figure it out myself.
Noah starts walking like a penguin and I look to Alex with a smirk on my face. "That's how you walk, with a stick up your a—" I say to Alex before Sarah slap her hand over my mouth. She threatens us about swearing around children and I hold my hands up in surrender. Damn, she didn't have to slap me so hard. I go sit by Reid, crossing my arms, there aren't even many kids and one of them is Noah. The kid never listens to anything I say, and when he does, he scolds me like a mini Hunter when I swear. We're clearly not following Sebastian's schedule because I see him getting antsy and checking the time every two minutes, so when Atlas gathers everyone's attention, he's the first to rush off towards the polar bears.
"H-hold hand! No l-lost!" Noah says to Alex and I. Alex being nicer than I am, holds his hand out for Noah to hold, whereas I put my hands in my pocket. I hate holding hands, like what are you even supposed to do? Just let your arm hang there? When are you supposed to let go? I unfortunately share with Reid the stupid clammy and sweaty palms gene, so isn't that gross to hold? "No Spencer h-hand Lex!" He tells Alex, breaking my train of thought. "I can't hold his hand because he's being naughty." Alex says and I scoff, seriously we're back to this? Noah isn't happy with this answer and runs to tell on us to Hunter. Rude. When we get close to the polar bears, I shove Alex aside and run forward to get there before he does. He runs after me and beats me by like a second and deliberately stands right in front of me no matter where I move. Fucking asshole, he loves having that extra inch of height over me. I keep pushing him aside to see the stupid polar bears, until he gets me into a headlock. Fuck I can't get out of his hold, where's all the so called adults to stop this? "Give up?" He says but I'm not a little bitch, I don't give up, so I keep trying to pull away. We only stop when we hear Sophie. Why the fuck is she here right now? She pulls Reid into a hug and I swear everyone is frozen in shock. I'm not even processing what she said, but when Reid pulls away and runs, and Noah cries running too, I snap out of it. "What the fuck?" I say angrily narrowing my eyes at both her and Nick. "What the fucking hell did you say to him?" I say stalking over to her, I don't get far because Alex yanks me back and towards Hunter.

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...