Noah 1 ish year
Spencer and Reid 5 years
Alexander and Sebastian 6 years
Atlas 12 years
Nicholas 13 years
Hunter 14 years*I can't remember if I said when the boys had met their friends lmaooo so I'm gonna go with most of them are childhood friends, they all grew up together and this story is supposedly set in a small town that I never named LOL so everyone knows everyone ya know? Anyways yeah don't be alarmed if a friend turns up this chapter that I previously said they had met in like high school or something, I just have bad memory lol*
Christmas Eve:
Spencer's POV:
"Mom! Reid is eating alllll my icing! I won't have any left to build my gingerbread house!" I complain to her. She told me that I wasn't allowed to eat the icing or candy until after we've built the houses, so Reid shouldn't be allowed to either. "M'not eating it all mommy! Just a little little taste!" He says, but he's lying! "Baby, that little little taste is all over your little little face." Dad says plucking Reid from his chair and carrying him to the sink. "But daddddyyyyy my house! Have to 'tect (protect) it from Spencer or he'll break it!" He cries out reaching back for me to help him. I just smirk at him and eat one of his ginger boy heads. "No daddy! He's eating it!" He says. I cover my mouth to laugh so mom doesn't see the crumbs. "How about I taste some of your icing Spence?" Hunter says, and before I can tell him no he dips his finger into my icing and takes SO MUCH, and then he eats it! "MOM HUNTERS EATING MY ICING!" I yell out, that's not fair! "Hunt leave him be." Mom tells him but he just laughs! How can he laugh when she's scolding him! "Oh come on I just took a little dip, he decapitated Reid's cookie!" He says, he's making me mad! "I didn't dipacate his cookie!!! And your hands are bigger than Hulks! You took all of my icing! My house is gonna crash because of you! And all my ginger boys are gonna cry and it'll be all your fault!!!" I tell him making angry eyes at him, I even throw some of the ugly sprinkles at him, that'll show him how mad I am! "Spence baby remember, we talk nicely to each other, even when we're angry, and we don't throw food." Mom tells me, why is she scolding me now, I didn't even do anything! Atlas and Nick take a dip out my icing when mom turns around. "HEY!" I yell at them, this is my icing, not theirs! "Spence baby, inside voices." Dad tells me bringing back Reid. "Why is your hair all wet? Did you have a bath without me?" I ask him, we were going to play pirate duckies today! Sighing, I turn away from him, I can't believe he had a bath without me. "Never mind, Noah's my favorite brother now because he's not eating my icing!" I tell everyone, moving all my ginger boys over next to Noah. "But I thought I was your favormate?" Reid says, but I don't look at him, I'm angry at him too! "He said favorite Reid, not favormate, that's not a real word right dad?" Sebastian says. "Yes it is! It's a real word that me and Reid made!" I tell him, he can't be not nice to Reid, only I can because Reid knows I love him so so so SO much. He's my real favorite, he always is.
Sebastian's POV:
Spencer is so odd. First he's angry at Reid, and then he sticks up for him. The two of them so weird together, and they're nothing alike. Favormate is definitely not a word. I finished decorating my gingerbread boys and girls a long time ago, I don't like this part because it's too messy, so mom helps me with mine to finish fast. She also lets me wear gloves so I don't have to really touch anything. I'm waiting for all our friends to come over, Eva and I are going to learn to play chess today. Mom says it's harder than checkers but I don't believe her. The chess pieces also look wayyyy cooler than the checkers pieces. The doorbell rings and I slip off my chair and follow dad to the door. Eva and her big sister are here, and Eva starts talking as soon as she sees me. She talks sooooo much, but it's okay because I don't like to talk lots, so she talks for both of us. Her big sister Melissa is friends with Atlas, and Eva thinks they're gonna K-I-S-S. Gross, I hope not. Kissing a girl would be so yucky. Eva takes my hands and we run back to the kitchen to find mom, she's wiping icing off of Reid's hair again. "Mom can we play chess now?" I ask her wanting to learn fast so we can play all day. "How about you two play a few rounds of checkers until everyone else shows up?" She says, and Eva agrees, so I agree too. "Come on, the checker board is in the living room." I tell her and she follows me to go play.

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...