Chapter 61-Sebastian

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Sebastian's POV

I'm ready to leave first, and waiting by the stairs for everyone. We're not running late, but I want to leave sooner rather than later because if we don't hustle, we will be late. And if we're late, I won't get to show Noah all the animals, you can't just skip animals, it's his first time going to the zoo, he needs to see everything. There are eight of us on a normal day, but today, we have Aaron and Sarah joining us. That's ten people trying to leave the house on time. Thankfully everyone gets to the door only for it to ring. Make that eleven people, since Bellamy has decided to join us. We finally get to the cars and Atlas let Alex drive, he's a good driver, but I personally think his parking sucks. So when we get to the zoo, and the parking lot is still pretty empty, I sigh in relief quietly to myself, he can do this. My sigh apparently was not quiet enough because he shoots me a small glare and tells me to fuck off. Thankfully he parks, as well as he can, at least the car is inside the parking lines right? Nick parks beside us and Sarah on the other side, probably to make sure no one goes to complain about how badly we're parked. The zoo is only about 30-40 minutes away from us, but we had to go in separate cars, or someone would lose it being crammed together for that long. Normally we'd take 2 cars for all of us to fit, but Hunter took Noah and Reid, Atlas took Alex and I, Sarah took Spencer, and Bellamy tagged along with Nick.

We stand around for a little while everyone exits the cars, and I start to feel antsy. I want to go get a paper map to figure out where we should go first, so that we don't miss anything. I would have done this last night, but Hunter told us extremely last minute that we were going today, it wasnt enough time to properly think this through, plus he had limited our internet use as part of our grounding. Finally we head in through the gates, and Liam is here with flowers. Why would he bring flowers here? Where is he going to keep them? Will he hold them all day? Did he bring them for Noah since it's first time at the zoo? Atlas hands me a home printed map, rather than the pamphlets they have here. "I know you'd rather not touch those ones so I printed this for you before we left." He says and I nod thanking him. While I'm planning out our day, Liam starts handing out flowers like he's Oprah, everyone gets one including me, mine is white(LMAO I know Alex had the same thought, but they're twins so of course they both thought the same). I like it, it's a clean colour, but I'm not too sure what to do with it, so I give mine to Sarah. She's more responsible than Atlas, the roses don't have thorns, but I'm sure Atlas would manage to somehow prick his finger, he's that clumsy. I go back to the map and decide we should head to the penguins first because that way we can make that full circle and then go in the other direction. I also make a mental note to make sure to allocate 2 hours at the giraffes, with lunch, since it's Noah's favorite and he'll probably want to stay there longest.

The flowers are nice and all, but we need to go now, or we'll miss the zookeeper lectures and not get a chance to see everything. Thankfully Atlas brings it up and I start moving. I tense when I feel Noah grab hold of my hand. Everything in me is screaming at me to rip it away and go wash my hands, but I keep walking. His hands don't feel dirty or sticky or anything. He starts rambling on about what animals he wants to see, asking me if they'll all be here. "S-see penguin? Reid f-fav-or-ite." He asks and I tell him that we're going there now. I guess he asked Reid what his favorite animal was, that's also partly why I chose it to be first. He seemed off today still, and I thought the penguins would cheer him up. "S-see hippo? And z-zebra? A-and lion? He asks and now I'm thinking he's probably asking about all of the Madagascar movie characters. I can't believe that's what they chose to show him a zoo, they should've put on discovery channel, it's much better than a cartoon to learn about animals. Plus, he probably now thinks the animals are trying to secretly break out of the zoo and that the penguins are spies. I bet it was Reid who showed him that movie, he loves it, all three of them and the tv show. He likes the the most annoying movies, but I would never tell him that. I don't think he realizes, but sometimes we secretly skip his turn to pick a movie for family movie nights. It's only because he always chooses Disney or animation, when everyone else wants action or sci-fi. They think I don't know that they secretly skip my turn as well but I know, my preference is documentaries.

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