LMAO why was tempted to write Archers POV 😂😂😂
But no seriously, this is no one's POV:
Atlas went and got the boys from the backyard, and everyone was impatiently waiting for whatever surprise Hunter had for them. The last surprise was a last minute trip to the zoo, so the boys had no idea what todays surprise would be. "Do you think Hunter knows what the concept of grounding is? Because I'm pretty sure we're getting more surprises now than when we aren't grounded." Spencer says uninterestedly, though he was secretly kind of excited to see what the surprise is.
When someone finally walked in, the boys were disappointed to see Liam and not Hunter, what they didn't know, was that Hunter was in the kitchen, holding a sleepy Maddox. Noah was right beside him, holding Luna, who was accepting all the cuddles. "Hi Mr Adler." Aaron says waving at him, Reid gives a small smile and wave, and Alex, Spencer and Sebastian share a look, wondering why their principal was here, again. "I take it back, we've actually seen our principal more now that we're grounded and suspended, than when we're not." Spencer grumbles. "Is our surprise homework? Because if it is I'm out of here." Alex says, narrowing his eyes at the box Liam was holding. "It's not homework, don't worry. Im gonna just leave this right here for you guys to open." Liam says, setting the box down. All of the boys stare at the box, including Nick, Atlas and Bellamy.
"What do you think it is?" Reid asks no one in particular. Everyone mumbled an "I don't know" or shrugged their shoulders, looking up at the door and waiting for Hunter to join them. Reid and Aaron watch the box, shuffling back when the box moves. "Holy crap! Did you guys just see that!?" Aaron exclaimed, pointing to the box. "Huh? What are you talking about?" Atlas asked. "The-the box! It moved!" Reid said anxiously, not knowing what was in the box made him a little nervous, but the idea of a present outweighed the bad feelings. Now seeing the box move though, it scared him. "It's a box Reid. It can't just grow legs and start—" Sebastian started, pausing when the box did in fact move again. "Moving." He finishes , his mouth hanging open as the box shuffled towards them all again. "Hunter! HUNTER! Keep your surprise, we don't want it! it's moving!" Alex said loudly, backing up and pulling Reid and Spencer away from the box in alarm. Nick and Atlas were semi concerned at this point. They trusted Hunter with their lives, but a moving box was freaking everyone out. "Okay yeah Hunter! You can come out now!" Atlas nervously called out, only, Hunter wasn't the only one who heard the word "come".
As soon as Luna heard the command, her little ears perked up, and she leapt from Noah's arms. "L-Luna baby! Back now!" Noah said chasing after her. "Shit." Hunter whispered to himself, rushing after Noah and Luna, with Maddox still in his arms. Reaching the living room, Liam tried to stop her, but she thought he was playing with her and dodged him. She dove straight for the box, tipping it over, and Archer came tumbling out. "S'prise! P-puppies!" Noah said with jazz hands, as if presenting a magic trick, and everyone stared at them silently, with wide eyes, while Luna wagged her tail waiting to play with everyone.
Huge smiles broke out on the boys faces, as each of them sank to the floor to pet and play with the excited puppies. Even Sebastian knelt down and pet both Luna and Archer once. Archer went around and sniffed all of them, wagging his tail, before turning his head to Reid, who was trying to muffle his sniffles. He was overwhelmingly happy and just wanted to hug the puppies forever. Archer took this moment to leap onto Reid, and lick his face, and the slight tears running down his cheeks. "Bub please tell me those are happy tears?" Hunter asked, getting a nod in return. "I love him so much." He sniffled, laughing when Archer licked the tip of his nose. "Reid! No be sad! Archie g-give kissies til happy 'gain!" Noah said to Reid, before whispering to Archer to do so. "M'really really happy right now." Reid whispered to Noah and Archer. "M-me too! Love you." Noah said cuddling Reid and Archer. "A-and love you!" He continued, bopping Archer on the nose.

Our little brother
General FictionNoah is a 12 year old boy who was kidnapped from his family when he was only 1 and 1/2 years old. He had 7 older brothers and 2 loving parents, though he can't remember them after all these years. He's spent the last 10 years in a basement with coun...